Thank You

To all Parents and Careers,

From all of us at Myddle, we just wanted to say a huge thank you for all the support you have given us in helping to teach your children over the past 8 weeks. We know it hasn’t been easy, with many of you juggling work and caring for siblings while managing home schooling tasks.

We can’t begin to tell you how rewarding it has been to be regularly receiving feedback and photos of the children’s work. We know how hard this has been to keep on top of and we really have appreciated it.

We are all so excited to welcome your children back to school on Monday where we can take back the reins and give you all a very well deserved break.

We hope you all have a relaxing weekend.

Many thanks

Mr Glover

Learning From Home Y5&6 Jaguar class – Friday 5th March 2021


Here’s the review of the day from World Book Day yesterday. We had some lovely stories written by the children in the classroom, which have been given to Panda class to be read / shown to them.

Review of the day – Thursday 4th March 2021

Here’s the link for this morning’s Zoom meeting where we will have one final game of…….‘SOCKS OR NO SOCKS’. Everybody please have socks next Monday morning though!
Meeting ID: 921 1377 0648
Passcode: Xaca9m


Today’s learning from home:

Reading: Catch up on the stories ‘Arctic Hero Y5’ or ‘Race to the Frozen North Y6’ from eariler this week as we shall be continuing with this on Monday. If you are up to date, then you can read your own books / magazines / newspapers, etc….

English: Continue / complete the story from World Book day to make sure that it is completed. Please send them to me or bring them in on Monday so that they can be given to Panda class.

Y5 Maths: Multiplying fractions, including mixed numbers
Y5 Maths Friday 5.3.21


Y6s Maths Kahoot Measurement Quiz – Here’s the link! Good luck!


Then, click on this BBC link to watch the video and to read / complete the activities / quizzes provided


*Please make sure that you bring EVERYTHING back with you on Monday, including ALL of your books and other resources. Make sure that you’ve brought back your homework books also, despite there being no homework this week. I’d like to collect them all in to take a look through them.

Mr Hughes


Learning from home Y5&6 Jaguar class – Thursday 4th March 2021

Here is yesterday’s ‘Review of the Day’. There’s lots to view….
Review of the day – Wednesday 3rd March 2021

I shall see you for our Zoom meeting this morning at 9:15am. If you wish to dress as a book character for World Book Day and you would like us to guess who you are, you could read a short extract from the book that your character is in. Or, we could just guess who we think you are. Here’s the Zoom link.
Meeting ID: 945 0915 9576
Passcode: 4Hd6tX


Today at home / school:

As today is World Book Day 2021, most of the activities today in school are based on this. The children in class are going to be creating their own short story books for Panda class. Their stories are based on their ‘Climate Change’ hero characters, such as Global Girl, Climate Kid, etc….. I shall talk more about this in the morning.

World Book Day

Find time during the day to continue with your reading please.

Reading Y5s – Arctic Hero
Arctic Hero Y5 – Follow up – Pages 43-48
Reading Y6s – Race To The Frozen North
Race To The Frozen North Y6 – Pages 58-63


Music: Mrs Kessel-fell has sent this music activity which you can enjoy and join in with. It’s called ‘GROOVE PIZZA’ and is great fun creating music.

Groove Pizza


Have a good day.

Mr Hughes

Learning From Home Y5&6 Jaguar class – Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Good morning everybody. I hope that you managed to complete all of your learning from home yesterday and that many of you also tuned in to watch David Walliams being interviewed.

Here’s yesterday’s Review of the day….
Review of the day – Tuesday 2nd March 2021


Here’s the Zoom meeting link for today….
Meeting ID: 917 4365 3339
Passcode: q99Mq6


Here’s Wednesday’s schedule….

Reading Y5s – Arctic Hero
Arctic Hero Y5 – Pages 34-42
Reading Y6s – Race To The Frozen North
Race To The Frozen North Y6 – Pages 49 – 57


English Lesson – Wednesday 3rd March 2021


Maths Y6s
Y6 Maths Wednesday 3.3.21


Maths Y5s
Y5 Maths Wednesday 3.3.21
Y5 Multiplying mixed numbers activity


RE (Salvation)
RE Lesson 1 – Salvation
Adam and Eve Narrative
Adam and Eve Comprehension Activity


PE (The Wright Way fitness – see below)
In school, we are playing tennis / cricket at the moment in PE so if you have the equipment / facilities, then practise your skills.

Have a good day!

Mr Hughes

Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Good morning Y5&6

Here’s yesterday’s ‘Review of the Day’.

Review of the day – Monday 1st March 2021

I hope to see many of you at the Zoom meeting this morning. Here’s the link….

Meeting ID: 932 3916 2835
Passcode: J38bXQ

Here’s today’s learning from home:

Y5 Reading – Arctic Hero
Arctic Hero Y5 – Pages 27-33
Y6 Reading – Race To The Frozen North
Race To The Frozen North Y6 – Pages 42-48


English: (Instruction writing genre)

Today, your task will be to create 1 instruction for each of the titles given. Read the powerpoint and it will all become clear.

English Lesson – Tuesday 2nd March 2021


Maths: Y5s – Multiplying fractions
Y5 Maths – Tuesday 2.3.21
Y5 Maths – Activity 1
Y5 Maths – Activity 2 (Top 2 questions only in your ability group set of questions)


Maths Y6s – Measurements
Y6 Maths – Tuesday 2.3.21
Y6 Maths Activity 1 (Alissa, Izzy, Heidi, Amy, Nelly and Cameron – Expected)
(Other Y6s – Developing)
Y6 Maths Activity 2 (Alissa, Izzy, Heidi, Amy, Nelly and Cameron – Expected – Questions 4a,5a and 6a)
(Other Y6s – Developing – Questions 1a, 2a and 3a)


Science: Today you are learning about ‘Formulations’. If you want to join in with the practical, you will need some cordial, a spoon and glasses of water)

Science Lesson 8 – Formulation

Click on the link below to watch and join in with the lesson.


Don’t forget the David Walliams asssembly at 10:30am. Here’s the details…..


Have a good day.

Mr Hughes

Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Monday 1st March 2021

Welcome to a brand new week, and the final week of home learning (hopefully forever this time). As it is Monday, Mrs Williams’ live Zoom worship can be found on the link below.

Meeting ID: 836 0133 7035
Passcode: 9QXBCp


Here’s the Review of the Day from Friday for anybody who hasn’t already seen it.
Review of the day – Friday 26th February 2021


English – For the next two weeks, we are going to be studying ‘INSTRUCTION TEXTS’ in English. Today, you are going to learn / recap on the features of an instruction text and then complete a comprehension task based on this.

English Lesson – Monday 1st March 2021

Video links to watch:


English instruction texts for activity:
Sophie, Ollie, Esme and Alfie Instruction text – page 1
Y5 Instruction text pages 1 and 2
Y6 Instruction text pages 1 and 2

Maths Y5s – This week, you are going to focus on multiplying fractions by a whole number (an integer).

Y5 Maths Monday 1.3.21
Y5 Monday Maths 1.3.21 Activity 1
Y5 Monday Maths 1.3.21 Activity 2


Maths Y6s – This week, you are going to be focusing on measurements, including understanding different units of measurement.

Y6 Maths Monday 1.3.21
Y6 Monday Maths 1.3.21 Activity 1
Y6 Monday Maths 1.3.21 Activity 2


Reading Y5s – Arctic Hero
Arctic Hero Y5 – Follow up – Pages 21-26


Reading Y6s – Race to the Frozen North
Race To The Frozen North Y6 – Follow up Pages 35-41


Topic (Frozen Planet): Today, we are going to be learning about Climate Change, and the impact that we are currently having on the polar regions. This will be an important session in preparation for World Book Day on Thursday.

Topic – Lesson 7 – Climate Change

Video links to watch first:

Have a hard working, focused day. You had an easy day last Friday but there’s lots of effort and high quality thinking required for today.

Mr Hughes


Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Friday 26th February 2021

Welcome to Friday morning.

Here’s the link below for this morning’s Zoom meeting. If you would like to play the game of ‘Socks or No Socks’, then you decide at home whether you are going to have socks on or be bare footed. I will explain the rules when we are at the meeting.
Meeting ID: 915 8168 3721
Passcode: D6zjPv


Here’s yesterday’s Review of the Day….Well done to everybkody who worked hard at home yesterday.
Review of the day – Thursday 25th February 2021


Maths: Y5s: Recapping Fractions – Work through the practise questions first before then having a go on your own, starting with question 1.
Maths 26.2.21 Y5


Y6s – Kahoot algebra 20 question quiz. You may need a white board available to make any jottings.
Heidi, Alissa, Lucy, Katie, Izzy, Nelly, Amy, Cameron


Y6s – Kahoot algebra 20 question quiz. You will need a white board available to make any jottings.
Zoe, Nia, Isla, Isobel, Rhys, Jacob, Daniel, Sophie, Holly H and Holly T


The rest of the day is……FREE FRIDAY!

Please catch up on any of the English / Maths / RE / Science / Topic / Spanish / Computing / PE that you’ve not already completed this week.

I’ve attached your maths / reading / spelling homework for this week on the school website underneath the Jaguar class page. The reading shall be a two-week homework so it should be completed by the time the children return to class on the 8th March.

Take the opportunity today to be practical by doing some gardening, cooking, building, helping out with jobs around the house/farm, etc….

We’d love to see some photographs of you fo the children who are in the classroom so please send them when you can.

Have a good day and rest of the weekend.

Mr Hughes



Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Thursday 25th February 2021

Thank you to everybody who sent me what they had produced at home yesterday. It’s lovely to receive photographs and comments which allow me to find out how your learning from home has progressed and whether or not you’ve needed any support on your work.

Take a look at what was produced at home and at school yesterday.
Review of the day – Wednesday 24th February 2021


Here’s today’s Zoom meeting link. I’m looking forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.
Meeting ID: 913 5041 6292
Passcode: WfNC6r


Today’s learning:

English: Today, you are going to be using all of the different types of clauses in your sentences from this week as part of a longer, extended piece of writing. Take a look….
English Lesson – Thursday 25th February 2021


Maths Y5s: Subtracting fractions
Thursday Maths Y5
Y5 Ollie, Sophie, Sam and Esme – Subtracting fractions
Y5 Alex, Maisie, Lilly and Ariana – Subtracting fractions
Y5 Cass, Dylan, Alfie and Blake – Subtracting fractions


Maths Y6s: Algebra
Thursday Maths Y6
Thursday Y6 Algebra Questions

(I will send you the answers at lunchtime)

Reading Y5s
Arctic Hero Y5 – Follow up – Pages 17-20
Reading Y6s
Race To The Frozen North Y6 – Follow up Pages 27-32


Spanish: Continue to use the Spanish phrases ‘Me gusta / No me gusta’ and apply it into hobbies
I like / I dislike hobbies


Computing: Coding:
Try this coding activity and let me know how you find it. If you have a coding ‘APP’ at home which you’d like to share with us that I can pass onto other children/parents, then please provide me with this information.


Have a good day.

Mr Hughes



Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Wednesday 24th February 2021

Good morning Y5&6.

Well done on all of your hard work yesterday. Hopefully, Y5s are becoming fraction experts and the Y6s are starting to become more confident with algebra in maths. I hope that you all managed to join in with the practical part of the Science yesterday. There’s lots to show you on the Review of the day……..

Review of the day – Tuesday 23rd February 2021


Here’s the link for this morning’s Zoom meeting at 9:15am.
Meeting ID: 956 1054 5281
Passcode: fG4AKm


Today’s learning from home:-

English – Complex sentences – Today you will be using preposition phrases to add an extra clause into a sentence.
English Lesson – Wednesday 24th February 2021
(Activity slide 8)


Maths Y5s – Fractions
Maths Wednesday 24.2.21 Y5


Sophie, Esme, Sam and Ollie – Questions 2a, 2b, 3a and 3b
Y5 Wednesday Maths
Ariana, Alex, Lilly and Maisie – Questions 2a, 3a, 5a, 5b, 6a and 6b
Y5 Wednesday Maths
Dylan, Alfie, Cass and Blake – Questions 5a, 6a, 8a, 8b, 9a and 9b
Y5 Wednesday Maths


Maths Y6s – Algebra
Maths Wednesday 24.2.21 Y6
Heidi, Cameron, Alissa, Izzy, Amy and Nelly – Questions 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a and 8b
Y6 Wednesday Maths
Other Y6s – Questions 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4a and 4b
Y6 Wednesday Maths



Guided Reading Y5s – Arctic Hero
Arctic Hero Y5 – Follow up – Pages 12-16


Guided Reading Y6s – Race To The Frozen North
Race To The Frozen North Y6 –  Pages 18-26


RE Lesson 3 – People of God – Ten Commandments
(Activity – Slide 5)


PE – Mr Wright has uploaaded the next fitness session to follow today.




Science – Shrewsbury School
If your child is interested in watching a series of KS2 Science Enrichment Workshops at 2pm until 3pm, the workshops will be live and interactive. To join the first workshop, you just need to register by following the link below…..