School Updates

Number day – PE

As part of ‘Number day’ today, the pupils took part in a tough but great fitness ‘accumulator’ which they thrived in, then produced their own gymnastics sequence using 90, 180, 270 and 360 degree turns. It was excellent having mixed aged groups together for a change to share abilities with ...

Y5&6 Jaguar class – Mrs Flynn ‘careers’ talk

It was great to have Mrs Flynn visiting Y5&6 on Thursday afternoon to inform the pupils about her career in the Environment Agency. They learned about how her role helps with the flood defences and how her career path developed from primary school, through to the role that she has ...

Reminder – Number Day – Friday 7th February 2025

On Friday 7th February we will be taking part in the NSPCC Number Day 2025 where we will ‘Dress up for Digits’ and have a fun-filled day of maths activities and games, while raising money to support very important NSPCC services such as Speak out Stay safe and Childline. Children ...

Mrs Wild Y5&6 ‘Careers’ talk

A huge thank you to all of the parents so far who have given up their vaulable time to come in to Jaguar class to talk to the children about the jobs that they do. Today it was Mrs Wild who we need to thank. The children learned all about ...

Y5&6 PSHE – Mrs Millward ‘careers’ talk

A big thank you to Mrs Millward (and Kieran) who gave up their time to talk to the pupils in Y5&6 this afternoon about the work that they do for the rail company. It was really interesting to listen to and the pupils were very engaged with the images and ...
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