Home learning Y5&6 Jaguar class – Monday 11th January 2021

Good morning. I hope that you had a lovely weekend. Tomorrow morning, Mrs Williams shall be delivering a Zoom assembly for all of the children at Myddle and Baschurch at 9:00am. The code for this meeting is below……

Meeting ID: 836 0133 7035

Passcode: 9QXBCp

I expect this assembly shall be going on until 9:30 so rather than having a separate class Zoom meeting tomorrow, just look below for your learning at home and I shall see you on Tuesday morning for our regular Y5&6 Zoom catch up. Remember to keep practising your spellings on Spelling Shed. (You should have your spellings for this week in your Homework books).

Morning exercise dance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjkYHr94wnc

English – Today, you are going to be continuing the story ‘Two Trees / Rooted’. It is the 3rd out of 4 parts. Today’s section is from 1 min 50 seconds to 3 min 28 seconds. Use the Thinking side as usual to help to guide you with your writing. I’ve given you some examples but try to use your own ideas!

English Lesson 1 – Monday 11th January 2021

Maths – For Y5s, you shall be learning how to use a short, written method to help you to divide larger numbers. Watch these 2 links below to help you to understand the method.



Y5 Monday 11th January 2021 Maths

Cass, Alfie, Lilly, Dylan and Blake –

Y5 Monday Division – Dylan, Cass, Lilly, Alfie and Blake – Qu 7,8,9

Y5 Monday Division – Dylan, Cass, Lilly, Alfie and Blake – Qu 9,10,11,12

Maths – For Y6s, you shall be multiplying decimals by an integer (whole number).

Watch the video link below up to 1 minute 40 seconds.


Y6 Monday 11th January 2021 Maths

Y6 Monday 11th January 2021 Activity 1

Challenge – Y6 Monday 11th January 2021 Activity 2

*Remember, you don’t have to print out the worksheet if you can just answer the questions in your books but mark your answers when you have finished.

Reading –

Northern Lights Poem – Esme, Alfie, Ollie and Sophie 5 (Write the date / title in your books before answering the questions)

Y5s – This week, try to complete the rest of the text ‘Jazz Harper’. It’s up to you how many pages you read each day.

Y5 Guided Reading – Jazz Harper – Monday to Thursday

Reading –

Y6s – Read pages 13, 14 and 15 of the text ‘Ernest Shackleton’ (DON’T ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW!)

Ernest Shackleton – Read Pages 13-15

Topic *(Frozen Planet) – Today, you are going to be thinking more about our topic of the Polar regions and creating a mind map of what you already know. It’s not a test so be honest! Show your understanding as a mind map BUT DON’T DO ANY RESEARCH!

Topic – Frozen Planet Lesson 1 – What Do I Know

When you have finished, you can then watch the video link below……



Have a good day, work hard, keep focused and enjoy your learning.

Mr Hughes



Home Learning Y5&6 Jaguar Class – Friday 8th January 2021 review

Well done everybody this week. You should be proud of your efforts! Keep thinking about showing quality and focus, whilst producing the best you can in all the tasks you are given. I know you will!

Here’s a review of what the children have produced in their learning at home and at school today. Have a great weekend everybody.

Review of the day – Friday 8th January 2021

Mr Hughes


Y5&6 Jaguar Home Learning – Friday 8th January 2021

Well done to everybody focused really hard yesterday on their home learning yesterday to complete their English, Maths, RE and Music. Remember, it’s not just about completing the tasks provided, you need to do it to the best of your ability whoich means taking your time and thinking carefully. I’m sure that you will see in the review of the day below that these children have……

Review of the day – Thursday 7th January 2021

Here’s the code for tomorrow’s final Zoom meeting of the week……
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 980 0823 7310
Passcode: JyH84p

Today, we are going to take a break from our story ‘Rooted / Two Trees’ and continue with it on Monday. Instead, today, our English today is a reading comprehension task (like it usually is on a Friday). Here are the texts / questions that I’d like you to read and complete….

Esme, Alfie, Ollie and Sophie – Living in the Arctic
Y5 1 Mount Everest
Y6 Reading Comprehension My Pet Polar Bear
Maths – Y5s – Today, you won’t need to recorfd anything in your maths books. Just practise your division calculations by using these online games…..


Y6s – You’ve got 9 questions from these My Mini Maths Tests 1, 2 and 3 based on multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1,000. Can you get 9 out of 9? Record your questions and answers in your books and then check them with the answer papers.
(Questions 1, 19, 20 and 28)
(Questions 1, 19 and 20)
(Questions 19 and 20)


Topic / Art – As we are starting a new topic (Frozen Planet / Frozen World / Polar Regions) this term, in your TOPIC book, can you create a front cover for our new topic? Here’s two video links that you MAY wish to use for your front cover.


PE – Here’s some strengthening exercises you may wish to try.


Have a good day!

PS. Ask somebody to test you on your weekly spellings. Don’t disturb your parents or siblings though if they are busy with their own work.

Mr Hughes

Y5&6 Jaguar Home Learning – Thursday 7th January 2021

I’ve been inundated with photographs and examples of the children’s maths, reading and writing from home today which is great to see. I hope that the ‘Thinking side’ in your English books has helped you to think about your choices of grammar and sentence structure when writing an improved attempt at your ‘Rooted’ story.

We enjoyed taking part in our Dance PE session this afternoon, however, I think I accidentally sent you the wrong link (SESSION 3 instead of SESSION 1). Here’s the link the first session. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p05cj4jf

We did record the session in the classroom but the children are too embarrassed for me to show it to everybody!

Here’s a review of what the children at home and at school have produced today. Enjoy. Click here .Review of the day – Wednesday 6th January 2021#

Here’s tomorrow’s link for our morning Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 947 7714 5215
Passcode: Z5hw3c

Here’s our timetable for today.

Morning exercise – dance to a bit of Elvis Presley – Rock Around The Clock

English – Lesson 3


Maths – Y5 Maths – Thursday 7th January 2021
Y6 Maths – Thursday 7th January 2021
Y6 Activity – Part 1 Division by 10, 100 and 1000
Y6 Activity Part 2 – Division by 10, 100 and 1000


Guided Reading – Esme, Alfie, Ollie and Sophie 3
Guided Reading – Other Y5s – Y5 Guided Reading – Jazz Harper – Tuesday to Thursday
Guided Reading Y6s – Guided Reading Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Y6 – Remaining questions


Music – Mrs Kessel-fell has kindly sent this link to replace her music sessions so that you can practise at home.https://www.youtube.com/watHE tch?v=Pr3-tt6sllQ&feature=youtu.be

RE – The People of God – The Ten Commandments
Lesson 1 Ten Commandments
Ten Commandments (Pages 1 and 2)


Mr Hughes

Y5&6 Jaguar class home learning – Wednesday 6th January 2021

It was lovely to see everybody again yesterday morning. As usual, I’m so impressed with the effforts that you have already started to put in in your home learning. It was lovely to see some of the short stories and maths work that you produced yesterday and many of these are shared with the children who are still learning in the normal school environment. I have shared some these below. In particular, well done to Amy for the fantastic description and detail that she is included in her story ‘Rooted’.

Review of the day – Tuesday 5th January 2021

Tomorrow morning, we shall gather again at 9:15 via a Zoom link which is shown below.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 927 7704 7361
Passcode: 7Jw8Lk

Here’s the timetable that the children in school shall be following tomorrow….
Morning exercise
Morning exercise 2


Reading / Spelling Shed
Esme, Alfie, Ollie and Sophie 2 – Click here
Y5 Guided Reading – Jazz Harper – Tuesday to Thursday – Click here
Guided Reading Tuesday and Wednesday Y6 – Click here (Questions 6-9)


English – In class, we are going to be using the same short story as yesterday but break to down into different parts to re-write a more detailed, descriptive story, using both a thinking side and a writing side. Today’s part of the story shall be from 4 seconds to 32 seconds on the video. Use the same ‘Thinking Side’ as mine in your English book but try to create your own ideas before producing your writing side.
Y5&6 English – Wednesday 6th January 2021


Y5 Maths Wednesday 6th January 2021
Y6 Maths Wednesday 6th January 2021
Y6 Maths Activity 1 – Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000.pdf
Y6 Maths Activity 2 – Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000


PE – Dance – Winter Sports workshop – Click here
Star Jumps Challenge PE


I hope to see you in the morning for any questions / queries you may have.

Mr Hughes


Learning from home and Zoom meeting 5.1.21

Here we are again…. I’m really sorry that we can’t all be together again in class. We will hopefully (technology permitted) be able to see/hear each other in a daily Zoom meeting each morning at 9:15am. Here’s the code for Tuesday 5th January 2021.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 953 8576 5710
Passcode: 8Q4U63

We will talk about our learning each day as part of these Zoom meetings. I will also provide links to any activities you may need each day on this page. Here’s tomorrow’s schedule and the links for each of the lessons.

Spelling practise (Spelling Shed) Your weekly spellings are available to practise.

Maths Y5 Maths Tuesday 5.1.21
Maths Y6 Maths Tuesday 5.1.21
Y6 Decimals 1 Activity
Y6 Decimals 2 Activity


English – English Lesson 1 – Tuesday 5th January 2021
Here’s the link for the video ‘Rooted’ (Two Trees) https://www.literacyshed.com/rooted.html


Y6 Guided Reading – Guided Reading Tuesday and Wednesday Y6
Y5 Guided Reading – Y5 Guided Reading – Jazz Harper – Tuesday to Thursday
Y5 Guided Reading (Esme, Sophie, Ollie and Alfie) Esme, Alfie, Ollie and Sophie Guided Reading


Science – Science Lesson 1 – Properties of Materials
Science task 1 – Word meaning Pages 1 and 2
Science task 2 – Properties of materials


Hopefully I shall see you in the morning.

Mr Hughes


Happy new year!

Welcome back and happy new year to you all from Mr Hughes and Mr Lewin. We are looking forward to seeing you again and continuing our learning.

This term, our topic shall be ‘Frozen Planet’ and we shall be basing our English, D&T and Geography lessons around this theme.

You may wish to view this link to help to slide your way into the topic.

Mr Hughes

Y5&6 Jaguar class



Displays Autumn Half Term – Jaguar Y5&6

Here’s an update of what the Y5&6 classroom looks like, to support and display the learning of the children during the last 3 weeks…..


For all weekly Jaguar spellings, they can be accessed on Spelling Shed, which the children all have usernames and passwords for. The children can also be practising their understanding of the Y3&4 and Y5&6 expected spellings lists, which they have a copy of in the back of their homework books.

Here are the spellings for this week:

Y5 – exercise, experience, experiment, extreme, famous, favourite, February, forwards, fruit, grammar

Y6 – (Homophones) aisle / isle, aloud / allowed, alter / altar, bridle / bridal, cereal / serial

SNIP Spellings Y6 – change, jumped, leave, often, opened, started, today, tries, turned


SNIP Spellings – Esme, Sophie and Alfie – brother, house, many, night, that, took, were, what, with


SNIP Spellings – Dylan and Ollie – almost, asked, began, does, found, I’m, know, stopped and walk

Kind regards

Mr G Hughes

Spring Half Term 1 Week 1 Homework

The children should all have copies of their Reading and Maths homework in their homework books, however, here’s a copy of them for anybody who needs it.

Reading text – George The Giant Tortoise – Esme, Alfie, Sophie and Ollie
Reading booklet – George The Giant Tortoise – Esme, Alfie, Sophie and Ollie Answers
Y5 Reading – The Sun
Maths – Multiplication and Division


Reading Text – Running
Reading Answer booklet – Running
Multiply and Divide by 10, 100 and 1000


Kind regards
Mr G Hughes
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