Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Good morning Y5&6. There’s a lot for you to view today from Monday’s ‘Review of the Day’. I hope that you enjoy what your classmates have been producing at school and at home.

Review of the day – Monday 1st February 2021

I am looking forward to seeing you all at today’s Zoom meeting. Here’s the link below…..

Meeting ID: 946 0958 7156
Passcode: X904YR


Here’s your learning from home today.

English – Today, you are going to be researching, planning and making notes about a polar explorer in preparation for your next independent writing task – a biography!

English Lesson – Tuesday 2nd February 2021


Maths – Y5 – Today, you are going to be putting fractions in size order. To be confident at this, you need to know ‘EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS’.

Y5 Maths – Tuesday 2.2.21

Y5 Ordering fractions Activity

Maths – Y6 – Today, you are going to consolidate your understanding of putting fractions, decimals and % in size order. To do this, can you turn them all into % to help you?

Y6 Maths – Tuesday 2.2.21

Y6 Ordering FDP Activity


Reading Now that you’ve finished your biography of Captain Tom Moore, why not take a look at these versions? Make sure that you read the correct pages and answer the correct questions. Use full sentences for your answers.

Captain Tom Biography – Esme, Sophie and Ollie – Pages 1,2,7 and 8
Captain Tom Biography – Other Y5s – Pages 3,4,11 and 12
Captain Tom Biography – Y6s – Pages 5,6,15 and 16


Science – Today, I would like you to plan an investigation. You won’t be able to complete your investigation today, but you can plan it and then start the practical side of it.
Science Lesson 5 – Investigating Melting points

Here are two links that you may enjoy watching to inspire you.


Have a good day.

Mr Hughes



Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Monday 1st February 2021

Good morning Y5&6,

Welcome to a new day, on a new week, on a new month of February.

Mrs Williams shall be hosting her usual Monday morning Zoom worship, with the link for this below.
Meeting ID: 836 0133 7035
Passcode: 9QXBCp


If you didn’t see the ‘Review of the Day’ on Friday, here it is again….
Review of the day – Friday 29th January 2021


Here’s today’s learning from home. Read it carefully.

English – today, you are going to be completing the final part of you biography of Captain Tom Moore. Look carefully at the example of Isobel’s so far on this powerpoint to compare hers with what you have produced so far. When you have finished, read your whole biography to check for any errors before you send it to me.

English Lesson – Monday 1st February 2021


Maths – Y5 – Today, you are going to be putting fractions in size order. To do this, you may need to use equivalent fractions to help you!

Y5 Maths – Monday 1.2.21
Y5 Maths Activity
Ollie, Esme, Sophie and Sam – D
Ariana, Alex and Maisie – Ex
Cass, Blake, Dylan, Alfie and Lilly – GD


Maths – Y6 – Today, you are going to continue to practise and consolidate your understanding of ‘increasing’ and ‘decreasing’ % of amounts.

Y6 Maths – Monday 1.2.21
Y6 Maths Activity


Reading – Y5&6 – Read this non-fiction text. It may be of use to your Topic work later.
Monday 1st February – Y5&6 Reading – Polar animals


Topic – Frozen Planet – The Arctic
Topic Lesson 4 – Arctic

I will see you in the morning at our Zoom meeting.

Mr Hughes

Yr 5&6 Jaguar class – Review of the Day – Friday 29th January

Friday’s ‘Review of the day’ is below. Maths / Reading homework are now on the Jaguar ‘Homework’ link, as are the spellings on the ‘Spellings’ link. Please notes that the reading homework is a 2-WEEK homework so only needs to be completed before the half term break.

Class Dojo Current Points

Review of the day – Friday 29th January 2021

Have an enjoyable, safe weekend.

Mr Hughes


Learning from Home – Friday 29th January 2021

Thank you to everybody who has sent me images of their work from yesterday. Unfortunately, the ‘Review of the Day’ isn’t as long as it should’ve been as I’ve accidentally deleted a lot of the slides, which is very frustrating for me, as it took a long time to put together. If your work from home is not part of the slideshow, please accept my apologies.

Here’s Thursday’s ‘Review of the Day’.
Spanish speaking Part 1
Spanish speaking Part 2


Here’s Friday’s link for our Zoom meeting. I’m looking forward to presenting the next round of The Masked Finger. Only 5 animal fingers remain in the competition.
The Masked Finger


Meeting ID: 985 5136 1586
Passcode: XSh0vG

Here’s Friday’s learning from home schedule

English – Continuation of ‘Captain Tom Moore’s biography
English Lesson 4 – Friday 29th January 2021


Y5 Friday 29th January Maths – Improper fractions to mixed numbers
Y5 Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers – Part 1


Maths Y6 – Ordering Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Y6 Friday 29th January Maths – Ordering FDP
Y6 Maths – Friday 29th January – Ordering FDP – Part 1


Sophie, Alfie, Esme and Ollie


Y5 Alex, Ariana, Blake, Cass, Sam, Maisie, Dylan and Lilly


Y6 Reading – Telephone Box
Questions – Telephone Box
Computing Lesson 2 – SMART

Mr Hughes



Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Thursday 28th January 2021

Good morning everybody. You’ve got a lot to read through on the ‘Review of the Day’ from yesterday. Well done to all of the research that you gathered about Captain Tom Moore. Take a look at everybody’s notes to see if there is anything that you didn’t find which others did. In Maths, well done to the Y6s in particular who had many tricky % calculations to solve yesterday.

Here’s Wednesday’s ‘Review of the Day’.
Review of the day – Wednesday 27th January 2021

Today’s learning from home is as follows…..

English – Writing / Typing the opening to a biography of Tom Moore.
English Lesson 3 – Biography of Captain Tom Moore – Thursday 28th January 2021


Y5 Thursday 28th January Maths – Improper to Mixed


Y5 Maths Activity – Improper fractions to Mixed Numbers – Esme, Sam, Sophie and Ollie – QUESTION 2 ONLY 
Y5 Maths Activity – Improper fractions to Mixed Numbers – Ariana, Alex, Alfie, Dylan, Lilly and Maisie – QUESTIONS 1 & 2
Y5 Maths Activity – Improper fractions to Mixed Numbers – Cass & Blake – QUESTIONS 1,2 AND 3


Maths – Y6 – Increase and Decrease by %
Y6 Thursday 28th January Maths – Increase and Decrease by specific %
Y6 Maths Activity – Part 1


For today’s reading, you can read your own book at home. Try and read aloud if there is somebody to read to. You could even set up your own camera and record yourself reading (like Nelly has done in the past) so that we can show it to the rest of the class.


Spanish – Learn the phrases ‘I like’ and ‘I don’t like’
Spanish – I like foods I don’t like foods


Links to Spanish videos


Music with PE – Mrs Kessel-fell has given you this link to enjoy and join in with (if you have a ball to bounce)…..


PE – Here’s the link to Mr Wright’s latest fitness session.

Enjoy the day. If you want to be brave, you could try and send a video of yourself doing your Spanish or Music at home. We will enjoy performing in class!

Mr Hughes


Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Wednesday 27th January 2021

Welcome back to a new week (even though we are one day short this week). It was great to see everybody get back into the swing of things and I’ve received some wonderful pieces of learning today, including reading, maths and topic work.

Here’s Tuesday’s ‘Review of the Day’.
Review of the day – Tuesday 26th January 2021

Here’s the link for today’s Zoom introduction to the day.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 956 0143 1774
Passcode: P9cmA7

Here’s today’s learning from home:

English – Biography note taking
English Lesson 2 – Wednesday 27th January 2021


Y5 Wednesday 27th January – Converting Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions
Y5 Activity 1 – Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions
Y5 Activity 2 – Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions


Y6 Wednesday 27th January – Find the missing %
Y6 Maths – Wednesday – Find the missing %


Esme, Sophie, Ollie and Alfie – What Happened To Captain Scott?
Alex, Ariana, Blake, Cass, Sam, Maisie, Dylan and Lilly   – Terra Nova Expedition
Y6 Reading – Telephone Box – READ THE TEXT ONLY


PE – I shall forward you Mr Wright’s fitness link tomorrow on Class Dojo when it becomes available.

Science: Science Lesson 4 – Boiling and Melting points







Have a good day and I look forward to seeing what you produce and how your learning has gone at home today.

Mr Hughes

Learning From Home Y5&6 Jaguar Class – Tuesday 26th January 2021


I hope that you enjoyed your snow day yesterday but also caught up on all of your learning from home from last week, including your homework, so that you are now up to date.  This morning, we shall be having our usual Zoom meeting catch up and discussion about the day ahead.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 962 5782 6874
Passcode: cvR4cA


Here’s today’s learning from home:

English – New genre – NON-FICTION – Biography writing
English Lesson 1 – Tuesday 26th January 2021


Joe Biden biography – Esme, Alfie, Sophie and Ollie
Joe Biden biography – Other Y5&6 pupils
Joe Biden biography – Heidi and Amy


Y5 Tuesday 26th January – Converting Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions
Y5 Maths – Sophie, Esme and Ollie – Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions – Tuesday 26th January
Y5 Maths – Sam, Maisie, Alex and Ariana – Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions – Tuesday 26th January
Y5 Maths – Cass, Blake, Lilly, Dylan and Alfie – Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions – Tuesday 26th January


Y6 Tuesday 26th January – Calculating % of amounts


Y5 Reading
Esme, Sophie, Alfie and Ollie – Read the text and complete the 4 questions in FULL SENTENCES
Y5 – Making A Mountain – Alex, Dylan, Blake, Cass, Ariana, Lilly, Maisie and Sam
Read the text and answer the questions (1,2,3,4 and 5)
Y6 Reading
Antarctic Adventures – Read the whole text


Topic (Frozen Planet – Antarctica)
Topic Lesson 3 – Antarctic Explorers
Link from slide 17 of the Powerpoint
Your activity is on the final slide of the Powerpoint.


Have a good day, work hard and I shall see you on Wednesday morning.

Mr Hughes

Y5&6 Review of the Day – Friday 22nd January 2021

Thank you to everybody who has sent me their final typed draft of their stories today from home. If you are yet to send them in, please do so before the end of the weekend so that I can print them off in school on Monday to assess them. Thank you.

You can read the examples that I’ve been sent so far on your review of the day.

Review of the day – Friday 22nd January 2021

See you on Monday.

Mr Hughes

Learning From Home – Friday 22nd January 2021

Well done for all of your hard work this week. You’ve produced your own independent story extract, which I’m looking forward to assessing; developed your understanding of fractions, percentages and decimals; identified more about the location and what life is like on Antarctica, and understood how the three states can change when they are heated and cooled.

Here’s Thursday’s Review of the Day.
Review of the day – Thursday 21st January 2021


Our Zoom meeting tomorrow morning shall go through Friday’s learning from home as well as playing the next round of The Masked Finger. Whose finger do they belong to? This week, you must choose the finger that you want to ELIMINATE from the competition.

Here’s our Zoom meeting code.
Meeting ID: 910 6638 9285
Passcode: 3dVn6a


English – Today, I’d like you to type up the completed, final draft of your story ’23 Degrees 5 Minutes’. Please send it to my email addres – hughes.g@myddle.shropshire.sch.uk

I shall be assessing your writing as an independent piece of writing so make sure that you’ve checked through it carefully.

Maths –

Y6 Kahoot Quiz – Heidi, Amy, Nelly, Daniel, Katie, Izzy, Alissa, Holly T and Cameron        (Fractions, Decimals and %)


Y6 Kahoot Quiz – Zoe, Lucy, Rhys, Jacob, Sophie, Holly H, Isla, Nia and Isobel


Y5 Kahoot Quiz – Cass, Blake, Alfie, Lilly, Ariana, Maisie, Alex and Dylan         (Equivalent Fractions, Factors and Simplifying Fractions)


Y5 Kahoot Quiz – Sam, Sophie, Esme and Ollie                                                     (Equivalent Fractions, Times Tables, Factor and Simplifying Fractions)


Reading – Everybody – Learn about ‘Latitude’ and ‘Longitude’ by reading this link and then watch the video link below to learn more about Antarctica http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/time/latitude.html


I shall send you the link for Mr Wright’s Friday fitness session when I have it.
Why not try some Winter sports – we had fun doing this in school!


Have an enjoyable weekend. I shall attach this week’s Maths homework / Spellings in the link underneath the Jaguar page on the school website. Remember, last week’s reading has still got one week to be completed.

Mr Hughes

Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Thursday 21st January 2021

I’m exhausted! And the reason is I’ve spent a loooooong time uploading all of the work that you’ve produced at home and school today. You certainly have been busy! Maybe the miserable weather outdoors has helped you to make sure that you are up to date with your learning. Long may the rain continue!!

Here’s Wednesday’s Review of the Day. Enjoy!

Review of the day – Wednesday 20th January 2021

I’m really enjoying seeing you all in the morning at our Zoom meetings. It’s great to see so many of you joining us. The children in class really like seeing your faces too!

Here’s the link for tomorrow’s meeting.

Meeting ID: 925 9469 7608
Passcode: Yw8fy3

Here’s an overview of Thursday’s learning from home.

English – today will be the final day of writing your story extract ’23 Degrees 5 Minutes’. Bring your extract to a close today by leaving it open for the reader so they want to continue. So, your explorer looks up and sees someone/something but don’t give it away to the reader what it is!

English Lesson 4 – Thursday 21st January 2021


Thursday 21.1.21 Y6 – Fractions of amounts
Y6 Percentages Activity Part 1
Y6 Percentages Activity Part 2


Thursday 21.1.21 Y5 – Simplifying fractions




Y6 Reading – Thursday 21st January Endangered
Y6 Reading – Questions 9-14


Y5s – Ariana, Dylan, Blake, Sam, Alex, Maisie, Lilly and Cass – read your own reading books today please if you completed your follow up questions from yesterday ‘Female Mountaineers’.
Y5 Reading – Female Mountaineers – Cass, Blake, Maisie, Alex, Sam, Lilly, Ariana and Dylan
Y5s – Ollie, Esme, Sophie and Alfie – research and read the text from this link.



Here’s some songs that Mrs Kessel-fell has passed onto your to enjoy, learn and sing at home.

Bring in the Sunshine
Co-ordination Funk
Drumkit vocal
Drumkit Vocal Warm Up – Music and Minds – YouTube


Have a good Thursday!

Mr Hughes