Working from home Y5&6 Thursday 2nd April

Here’s the timetable for tomorrow.

Daily Timetable Thursday 2.4.20

9:00 Morning physical activity
9:30 Spelling Shed
9:45 English

English Lesson 4 Thursday 2.4.20

11:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Lesson 4 Thursday 2nd April
Y5 Maths Lesson 4 Activity Thursday 2nd April
Y6 Maths Lesson 4 Thursday 2nd April
1:00 Reading
1:30 Music
Music Thursday 2.4.20
2:30 PE
PE Fitness session

Working from home Y5&6 Wednesday 1st April

Hi all,
Thank you for sending all of the wonderful examples of stories, art work, maths, science, etc…. this week so far. If you/your child would like to take a look at what many of the children in the class have been producing at home, you can find this on the school website under the link ‘Highlights from home Week 2’.
Again, we are continuing to perform strongly on Spelling Shed, currently holding 17th place in the world. The current table can also be found on the ‘Highlights from home’ link as can our top 10 spellers from today!


Here is the timetable for Wednesday 1st April.
Daily Timetable Wednesday 1.4.20
9:45 English
English Lesson 3 Wednesday 1.4.20
11:00 Maths
Y5s – Adding and subtracting decimals
Y5 Maths Lesson 3 Wednesday 1st April
Y5 Maths Lesson 3 Activity Wednesday 1st April
Y6s – 3D Shapes
Y6 Maths Lesson 3 Wednesday 1st April
Y6 Maths Activity 1 Lesson 3 Wednesday 1st April
Y6 Maths Activity 2 Lesson 3 Wednesday 1st April

1:00 Reading

1:30 Aviation Art competition
2020 LAA Aviation Art Competition poster
Aviation Art competition information

Working from home Y5&6 Tuesday 31st March

It’s the final day of March tomorrow and what an eventful month it has been!
Thank you to all of you who have sent me the work/activities that the children have been doing today. You can access these photographs on the ‘Highlights from home’ link on the school website.


Here’s a timetable of learning for tomorrow.
Daily Timetable Tuesday 31.3.20
9:00 Morning physical activity:
9:30 Spelling Shed: Can we make it into the Top 10? We are currently 17th in the world!
9:45 English:
Beginning to write a balanced argument text – Bats
English Lesson 2 Tuesday 31.3.20
11:00 Maths:
Y5s Complements (Number bonds to 1)
Y5 Maths Lesson 2 Tuesday 31.3.20
Y5 Maths Activity Tuesday 31.3.20
Y6s Polygons
Y6 Maths Lesson 2 Tuesday 31st March
Y6 Maths Activity 1 Tuesday 31st March
Y6 Maths Activity 2 Tuesday 31st March
1:00 Reading: Explain your reading in your reading record
1:30 Topic / Art: Crime & Punishment
Topic – Crime and Punishment Lesson 7 – Prisons of the past



Working from home Y5&6 Monday 30th March

Welcome to week 2 of working from home. Hopefully you’ve been safe and well over the weekend and are managing to keep busy whilst at home.

Here’s a timetable for the children to access for Monday’s learning from home.

Daily Timetable Monday 30.3.20

9:00 Morning exercise – Joe Wicks

9:30 Spelling ShedY5&6 at Myddle are currently 42nd in the WORLD! Can you make it into the top 35 during the next 15 minutes?

9:45 English

English Lesson 1 Monday 30.3.20

10:45 Break

11:00 Maths

Y5 Maths Monday 30th March

Y5-Maths Monday 30th March activity

Y6 Maths Lesson 1 Monday 30th March

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Reading – Log your reading in your reading records

1:30 Science

Science Lesson 5 Irreversible and Reversible changes

Identifying Changes Activity Sheet 1

Irreversible Changes Activity Sheet 2

Happy Monday’s learning!

I’m here if you need me for anything.

Y5&6 Homework Week 1

Here’s homework for Y5 for this week for those that wish to access it.  I shall attach the answers to the comprehension homework next week so that you/your child can mark it yourself/themselves at home.

Comprehension Fiction

Y5 Fiction Reading Homework

Comprehension Non-Fiction

Y5 Non Fiction Reading Homework

Maths – Adding and Subtracting decimals

Y5 Adding decimals homework

Y5 Subtracting decimals


Working from home Y5&6 Friday 27th March

Well you’ve made it – learning independently from home has ended………..well, week 1 has! Only ?????? to go!

It’s been great to see all of the activities (school work and ‘down time’ activities) that you’ve been doing this week, so thank you for sending me the photographs and copies of what you’ve produced. You’ve got 1 week to go until your Spring Term Easter holidays, so remember, try to stick to the timetable that you are given and treat it as a normal school week. Everything that you are being sent is what you would be focusing on in the classroom so try to be as independent as possible. It’s all there for you!

Here’s a copy of Friday’s timetable.

Daily Timetable Friday 27.3.20

9:00 Joe Wicks ‘The Body Coach’ (As exhausting and tough as it may seem at the time, you feel better when it’s over!)

9:30 Spelling Test – Ask somebody in your house to test you on your spellings

(Next week’s spellings will be on Spelling Shed tomorrow morning)


9:45 EnglishComplete the ending to the story of the Famous Five and the Case of the ..

(If you would like to read other children’s stories, you will find them on the ‘Highlights From Home’ report on the school website.

English Lesson 5 Friday 27.3.20

11:00 Maths

Y5s Adding Decimals   

Maths Y5 Friday 27.3.20

Y5 Maths Activity Friday 27.3.20

Y6s Properties of shapes (Angles)

Y6 Maths Friday 27.3.20

Y6 Maths Friday 27.3.20 Opposite Angles

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Reading (Complete your reading record)

1:30 Music (See timetable)

2:15 PE (See timetable)

Good luck and keep focused. If you have any problems, let me know.

Y5&6 Highlights from home! (Week 1)

It’s been great to see so many of the Y5&6s keen to continue their learning at home this week, working independently through their timetable of activities. Many children are practising hard on their spellings and we our class is currently in 39th place in the WHOLE WORLD on Spelling Shed! Can we make the top 35 by practising every day from 9:30 – 9:45am? If you all do your bit, you will zoom up the leaderboard!

Here’s a few highlights from this week’s pupil’s activities at home………..

Amy has been busy with separating her mixtures in Science.and also finding time for some forest school and painting activities in her garden.

Science at home

Amy enjoying forest school time

Amy’s outdoor painting

Henry and Bethany have been busy on Spelling Shed after a bit of ‘Joe Wicks’ morning exercise, which Harvey and Nelly are also demonstrating. Harvey has also enjoyed finding time to do some quality digging in the garden. Chloe and Bethany have been catching up on their ‘angles’ maths work whilst Nia and Nelly have been doing the same with fractions, decimals and percentages.

Working at home

Bethany, Nia, Nelly and Chloe hard at work on their maths

Harvey and his workout

Nelly’s morning exercise

Harvey on the digger

Reuben, Zoe, Ruby and Jack have worked really hard on their Famous Five stories.

Reuben’s Famous Five and the Case of the Pathetic Policeman

Zoe – Famous Five story

Ruby’s continuation of her story

Jack Munn – Famous Five and the Case of the Funfair Frenzy

Dante, Henry, Nelly and Amy have been working hard on their Crime and Punishment topic.

Dante hard at work

Amy – Crime and Punishment

Henry – Crime and Punishment

Nelly’s topic work

Isla has been busy cooking in the kitchen as well as keeping an ecosystem diary. Also being creative in the kitchen are Chloe, Bethany, Nelly and Cameron.

Isla’s ecosystem

Isla cooking


Jack, Harvey, Chloe, Zoe, Bethany, Nelly and Dante have been producing some pieces of art work.

Art Work

Reuben has produced a design for a message from Jesus about the Coronavirus pandemic in RE, whilst Amy has created a wonderful prayer from the perspective of Jesus. Nelly and Zoe have also been thinking hard with their messages from Jesus.


Cameron has been following written instructions to construct a new punch bag in his garage and then continuing his physical activity by using it!

Cameron’s new punch bag

Many of the children have been keeping on top of their spellings by asking somebody in their home to give them their weekly spelling test.

Spellings Week 1

Keep it going! You’re doing great!

Working from home Y5&6 Jaguar class – Thursday 26th March

With the weather being so lovely today, hopefully all of the children managed to get some ‘down time’ in the garden or on a carefully chosen walk somewhere. Knowing our weather, it will probably snow on Friday!

School shall be open tomorrow as we are hosting the children whose parents are key workers. Therefore, if you have not already done so, please feel free to collect your child’s books (Sketch, RE, Topic, Science) from the reception area at any point during the day. I shall also leave out some paper for you to share as well as many of you will have been doing lots of printing at home.

Well done to Harvey who was awarded the 5 Dojos for his fantastic art work this afternoon. All of the other children who sent me their attempts were given 1 Dojo each!

Tomorrow’s timetable.

Daily Timetable Thursday 26.3.20

9:00 Joe Wicks ‘The Body Coach’

9:30 Spelling Shed –

WELL DONE EVERYBODY! YOU’VE NOW STORMED INTO THE LEAD! (Lucy, Nelly and Cameron were the highest scorers today – 2 DOJOS EACH)

1. Year 5 & 6 Myddle 119,537,020
2. Year 5 Baschurch 85,072,744

9:45 EnglishContinuation of the Famous Five and the Case of the ……… story (Solving the problem in the story)

English Lesson 4 Thursday 26.3.20

11:00 Maths

Y5s Adding Decimals   

Maths Y5 Thursday 26.3.20  

Maths Y5 Thursday 26.3.20 Adding Decimals

Y6s Properties of shapes (Angles)

Y6 Maths Lesson 4 Angles 26.3.20

Y6 Maths Lesson 4 Angles Activity 26.3.20

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Reading (Complete your reading record)

1:30 RE – Christianity (Salvation)

RE Salvation Lesson 1

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