KS2 Tag Rugby

Congratulations to the 11 children in KS2 who were chosen to represent the school in a Tag Rugby tournament this morning at Corbet School. They performed with great skill, speed and positional awareness during all of the 7 matches that they played. Overall, Myddle finished in joint fifth place but on another day could easily have won the event as they were one of the strongest teams in the event. That’s how close the matches were.

If your child is interested in playing in more tag rugby (or tackle) events in the future, contact Shrewsbury Rugby Club or Oswestry Club for more details.

Well done to:

Reuben, Rhys, Jacob, Henry, Toby, Harvey, Cass, Elizabeth, Zoe, Holly and Sophie

Y5 Maths Event

A huge well done to the 5 children who represented Myddle CE Primary School in a Maths competition at Oswestry School today. Out of the 17 schools who took part, Heidi, Amy, Nelly, Cameron and Alissa finished in 3rd place overall. Great mathematical puzzle solving everybody!

School Sports Games Award 2018-2019

We are delighted to announce that we, Myddle CE Primary School, have achieved the School Games Mark GOLD Award for the 2018/19 academic year.

The School Games Mark is a Government led award scheme launched in
2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.

With all of our KS2 young people competing in local inter-school
competitions this year, we are extremely proud of our pupils for their dedication to all aspects of school sport. As part of our application, we were asked to achieve criteria in the areas of participation, competition, workforce and clubs, and we are pleased that
the hard work of everyone at our school has been rewarded this year.

We look forward to applying once again in 2020 to aim towards Gold once more!


Shrewsbury Visit

An enjoyable day was had by all today when the KS2 pupils visited Shrewsbury to learn more about their locality as well as the life and accomplishments of Charles Darwin.

Photographs of the day are below:-

Rock Star Maths Day

The children have been using a variety of resources to design and create 3D shape models. Here are some of their creations.

Rock Star Maths Day

The children also took part in an ‘intra-house’ skipping competition, with the children calculating the total amount of skips of each year group in their house. Congratulations to Pimhill who won the event with 758 skips.


Congratulations to the Myddle archers who this evening performed in the competition at the Corbet School. 12 schools took part and the standard was very high. The Myddle ‘2’ team (Lily K, Lily T, Lucy, Bethany, Bethany and Alfie R) performed very well on the target board in particular) to finish in 5th place overall, whilst the Myddle ‘1’ team (Harry, Alfie S, Cass, Jacob, Reuben and Harvey) were outstanding at the distance event but also achieved some excellent scores on the target board also, which meant that they finished in 1st position overall and qualified through to the next stage in a month’s time.

It’s good to see that the investment in archery boards at school is paying off!!


The Myddle Archery Squad 2019

Half Marathon Challenge

Well done to the 37 children who took part in the final mile of the half marathon challenge on Saturday morning at the Shrewsbury Showground. Here are some photographs of the runners.

Y5 Parents consultation

Here are the confirmed times of the Y5 parents’ consultation meetings during the first week back after the half term holidays.

Tuesday 26th February – Mrs Lansdale 3:30

Tuesday 26th February – Mrs Tanulak 3:50

Tuesday 26th February – Mrs Boland 5:40

Tuesday 26th February – Mrs Smith 6:00

Wednesday 27th February – Mrs Darlow 4:00

Wednesday 27th February – Mrs Thomas 4:10

Wednesday 27th February – Miss Simmons 4:30

Wednesday 27th February – Mrs Williams 5:40

Wednesday 27th February – Mrs Donoghue 6:00

Kind regards

Mr G Hughes

Myddle CE Primary School Sports Teams

Well done to all of our KS2 sports teams so far this academic year. We’ve been represented in:

  • football
  • indoor athletics
  • cross-country
  • hockey
  • netball
  • gymnastics
  • swimming
  • basketball
  • tag rugby
  • sportsability


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