Highlights from Home Y5&6 – Thursday 30th April 2020

As I’ve been in school today with the children of key workers, I’ve mostly only been able to view everybody’s fantastic efforts at home today once I returned home. Not only has everybody been busy with the maths and English, but spending time in the kitchen has certainly proved popular today.

Here’s the highlights from home today.
Thursday’s 30.4.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

Nelly and Jack have had a great battle to be top of the Spelling Shed league today. It’s the first time that two children have reached over 100 points. Well done to Heidi too who was only narrowly behind.

See you tomorrow. It’s that Friday feeling!

Working from Home Y5&6 – Thursday 30th April 2020

Good morning Y5&6.

It looks like it’s going to be a similar day today with the weather.

I shall be at Myddle School today, therefore, please be aware that I may not be able to get back to you as quick as usual, if you have any questions or queries about any of your learning from home today.

Here’s today’s timetable:-
Daily Timetable Thursday 30.4.20

9:00 Morning exercise

9:25 Spelling Shed (Well done to Jack yesterday – amazing score!)

9:45 English
English Lesson 4 Thursday 30.4.20


11:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Thursday 30th April 2020
Y5 Maths – Name My Angle – Thursday 30th April
Y6 Maths Thursday 30th April 2020
Y6 Maths Thursday 30th April Activity 1
Y6 Maths Thursday 30th April Activity 2
Y6 Maths Thursday 30th April Activity 3


1:00 Reading (Ancient Greek Myth – Odysseus and the Trojan Horse)


1:30 Art OR D&T (Depending on what you chose last week – if you completed last week’s ART AND D&T, there is a second Art challenge available to you.
Art Lesson 2
D&T Lesson 2

Have a good day!

Highlights from Home Y5&6 – Wednesday 29th April 2020

Hi everybody. Well done for all of your hard work today in English, Maths and Computing. Hopefully you’ve been enjoying and listening to the Ancient Greek Myths that have been given to you in the afternoons. Our English next week shall be focused on them.

Here’s the highlights from home today.
Wednesday’s 29.4.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

Can you answer these questions?

Here’s the answer to the first question…….

Can you solve what word Cameron is trying to program the bee-bot to write? (Start on ‘k’ and ignore the move to letter ‘p’).

Did you solve them correctly?

Working from Home Y5&6 – Wednesday 29th April 2020

Good morning Y5&6. Here’s your daily timetable of learning from home for today.
Daily Timetable Wednesday 29.4.20

9:00 Morning exercise

9:25 Spelling Shed – Well done to all of those who practised their spellings yesterday. Great start Zac. Keep it up!

9:45 English (Completing the writing / typing part of your sports person’s biography)
English Lesson 3 Wednesday 29.4.20


11:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Wednesday 29th April 2020
Y6 Maths Wednesday 29th April 2020
Y6 Maths Wednesday 29th April Analogue-To-Digital-24-Hour (ALL)
Y6 Maths – Henry, Harvey, Bethany, Lily, Jack, Megan – Wednesday 29th April Time
Y6 Maths – Reuben, Malachai, Elizabeth, Cassie, Ruby – Wednesday 29th April Time
Y6 Maths – Zac, Toby, Chloe, Dante – Wednesday 29th April Time


1:00 Whole class story (Ancient Greek Myth – King Midas) *You could listen to the story whilst on Spelling Shed in the morning if you would like to.


1:30 Computing
Lesson 2


Have a good day. Let me know if you have any questions or problems.
Mr Hughes

Highlights from Home Y5&6 – Tuesday 28th April 2020

Unfortunately, the weather has been miserable today and it looks like it’s going to continue tomorrow. Take a look……

Today, I’ve been ‘snowed under’ with the amount of photographs of your learning at home, which is fantastic.

I know that a lot of you look forward to seeing these ‘Highlights from Home’ so if anybody wants to be original with what you send, eg, ‘Storytime with Nelly’, then it would be good fun. If you choose to send a video, it can’t be too long though (2 minutes long probably) or else the file might be too large to upload. It could be a PE warm up routine, some reading, a music or drama performance, etc…..

Here’s ‘Storytime with Nelly’ Day Five – Listen carefully to try to answer her question at the end.

Here’s the Highlights from Home page for today. Well done to everybody who has contributed, and if you aren’t on here today, it would be lovely to hear from you tomorrow.
Tuesday’s 28.4.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

Working from Home Y5&6 – Tuesday 28th April 2020

Good morning everybody,
Here’s today’s timetable of learning from home.

Daily Timetable Tuesday 28.4.20

9:00 Morning exercise
9:30 Spelling Shed


9:45 English (Biography writing)
English Lesson 2 Tuesday 28.4.20


11:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Tuesday 28th April 2020
Y5 Maths Tuesday 28th April – Decimal sequences
Y6 Maths Tuesday 28th April 2020
Y6 Maths Tuesday 28th April – The Mean


1:00 Reading (Perseus and Medusa)


1:30 History – Topic (Ancient Greece)
Lesson 2 Ancient Greek Democracy
Activity Sheets Comparing Ancient Greek Democracy


Have a good day! I’m looking forward to seeing your efforts today.

Highlights from Home Y5&6 – Monday 27th April 2020

Hi everybody,
It may be the start of a new week, but as usual, the children didn’t disappoint with their focus today. Welcome to a new addition in Y6, Zac, and hopefully you will all get the chance to meet him soon and make him feel really welcome at his new school.
Well done for maintaining your position at the top of the world league for a third day!

World Groups League

Pos Group Group Score
1. Year 5 & 6 Myddle, Harris Gough Federation, England 669,766,043
2. 5BC, East Hunsbury Primary School, England 659,267,778
3. Ruby, Loose Primary School, England 632,960,785
Nelly has been busy again but this time she’s going to test you on your listening skills by asking you a question at the end of her reading.
Here’s the ‘Highlights from Home’ for today. Enjoy!
Monday’s 27.4.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6


Working from Home Y5&6 – Monday 27th April 2020

Welcome back Year 5&6 to a new week of learning from home. I hope that you refreshed yourselves during the weekend and are ready to focus again at the start of a new week. Myddle CE Primary School shall be open today with a few ‘key workers’ supporting a small group of children. Therefore, the books of the school children are still available to collect in the reception area if you still haven’t done so. Well done to all of those children who have helped to get the Y5&6 class to Number 1 in the world on Spelling Shed, however, since Sunday, we have now dropped back to number 6! Can we get back to the top again? Yes we can!

Here’s our timetable for today.
Daily Timetable Monday 27.4.20

9:00 Morning exercise

9:30 Spelling Shed

9:45 English (Continue with ‘Biography’ writing)
English Lesson 1 Monday 27.4.20


11:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Monday 27th April 2020
Y5 Maths Activity Monday 27th April 2020
Y6 Maths Monday 27th April 2020
Y6 Maths Activity Monday 27th April 2020


1:00 Whole class story (Ancient Greek Myth – Pandora’s Box)


1:30 Science (New Topic – Humans)
Science Lesson 1 Monday 27th April – Babies and human life cycle
Activity Sheet Stages of Human Growth and Development


Have a good day. I’m looking forward to seeing how your progress today.

Highlights from Home Y5&6 Friday 24th April 2020

Well it’s finally the end of what has been a long week. Despite the gorgeous weather and the fantastic efforts by the children, it’s clear that they are wanting to get back to school and see their friends again. Once again, thank you to everybody who has been contributing to their learning and progress of the children at home. Having you there to keep them focused, checking their answers, and offering ideas and areas of improvement is so important. We couldn’t do it without you!

Would you believe, Y5&6 are now 4th in the world on Spelling Shed and we are closing in on 1st place. If it doesn’t get used, schools lose their points, so if each child can spend 5-10 minutes on Saturday and Sunday to practise their new spellings for next week, then hopefully we will maintain our position until Monday.

Pos Group Group Score
1. Class 4F, St Helen’s Catholic Primary School, England 600,486,275
2. 3FE, Pennine Way Primary School, England 584,468,968
3. Year 2 Mrs Styles Phonics, Paget Primary School, England 572,236,756
4. Year 5 & 6 Myddle, Harris Gough Federation, England 562,467,888

Here’s day two of ‘Storytime with Nelly’.

Here’s our Highlights from Home today.
Friday’s 24.4.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

Have a good weekend everybody!

Working from Home Y5&6 – Friday 24th April 2020

After the Easter two-week break, it has probably been a hard week for the children, having to get back into a routine of working from home. However, from what I’ve seen, they’ve shown great focus and resilience throughout the week. It must be difficult for both the children and yourselves, so a huge thank you for keeping up their concentration levels and high expectations. Hopefully you’ve been enjoying the ‘Highlights from Home’ pages that I’ve been uploading each evening.

Here’s Friday’s timetable of learning from home.
Daily Timetable Friday 24.4.20


9:00 Morning exercise
9:25 Spelling Shed: (Having now got back into the Top 10 in the world this week, can we maintain it?)


9:45 English (Biography writing)
English Lesson 5 Friday 24.4.20


11:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Friday 24th April
Y5 Maths Activity Friday 24th April
Y6 Maths Friday 24th April
Y6 Maths Activity – Friday 24th April Pie Charts


1:00 Whole class story (Ancient Greek Myth) Demeter and her daughter Persephone


1:20 RE (Hinduism – Lesson 1)
Lesson 1 RE – Hinduism


2:20 PE – Athletics – Long Jump  &  Tennis

Enjoy your weekend!