
Thursday 12th December, 2019


Dear Parents/Carers

West Midlands Police has been made aware of an an App called ?UNICO LIVE?.  The app is publicised as age restricted 12+ and designed for young people to upload videos of them performing, singing and dancing etc.; it has come to our attention that there is inappropriate content on the platform involving young people which is being investigated. 

The content does not appear to be monitored and we urge you to raise awareness widely to increase vigilance and reduce the likelihood of any child being sexually exploited.

Wednesday 11th December, 2019

Sports News: Indoor Athletics

A fantastic performance from the Myddle CE Primary School Indoor Athletics squads this evening at the Corbet School. The pupils took part in a selection of running, throwing and jumping events and each pupil’s score was vital towards the overall result. Out of the 8 schools that took part, both the Girls’ and Boys’ team finished in 1st place overall. They will now go through to the next stage of the event in February. Well done everybody who took part. You did yourselves proud! ???‍♂️?‍♀️ Thank you to the parents who helped to transport the children to and from the event. ?

The squads for this event were:

Girls Squad:

Maisie, Holly, Zoe, Cassie, Isobel, Nia, Megan, Amy and Chloe

Boys Squad:

Ryan, Jacob, Rhys, Reuben, Henry, Cameron, Toby and Harvey

Wednesday 11th December, 2019

Toddler Sessions 13th & 20th December

There will be no sessions on the above dates due to other activities taking place.

Tuesday 10th December, 2019

Road Closure 11th December

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We have received the following information from Shropshire Council regarding a road closure tomorrow on Station Road.

I have been contacted by Severn Trent Water who have got to repair a serious water main leak at the above location, unfortunately due to the location being in close proximity to the Railway Level Crossing will necessitate the closure of the carriageway to all through traffic.

Severn Trent will be carrying out the works tomorrow with the works and closure commencing from 08:30 hrs and the site and works being resourced to being completed by 22:00hrs allowing sufficient time for the tarmac to cure. Traffic management gatemen will be on site to advise should the need arise

Many Thanks

Myddle School

Tuesday 10th December, 2019

Sunrise/Sunset Club – Update

We are still in the lengthy process of getting the new provider in place to take over the running of Sunset and Sunrise clubs.

We are finalising the paperwork but anticipate that this may now take until February half-term.

Myddle staff will continue to run both clubs until the new provider is in place so there will be no change for you at the moment.


Tuesday 10th December, 2019

Christingle Service – Thursday 12th December 9:30am

We will be attending church this Thursday for the Christingle Service at 9:30am.

Parents are welcome to attend if they are available.

Monday 9th December, 2019

Mrs Wenlock

As you will be aware Mrs Wenlock is due to leave Myddle Primary school on Friday 20th December.

If any parents would like to make a donation towards her leaving gift please forward this to Mrs Smith, School Office.


Monday 9th December, 2019

Celebration Assembly – 6th December

Star Pupils

Snow Leopards: Marley Q

Panda: William P

Tiger: Dylan W

Rhino: Jessica S

Jaguar:  Amy C

Mathematician of the week:  Dante H

Writer of the week: Evelyn P

Reader of the week:  Jayden B

Handwriter of the week: Dylan T

Winners of Scruffy:  Rhino’s

Congratulations to Jacob, Rhys, Cameron, Amy, Sophie Co, Daniel, Megan, Cassie, Toby, Harvey, Henry and Reuben who took part in the Quiksticks Hockey at The Corbet, Fantastic effort from everyone.

Well Done Everyone


Monday 9th December, 2019

Christmas Fayre

A massive “Thank You” to the PTA who did an amazing job on Saturday at the Christmas Fayre. Elaine and her team had put in so much hard work preparing for this event and it raised in excess of £1500.

Thank you from everyone at school, We really do appreciate it 🙂


Saturday 7th December, 2019

Christmas Fayre Success

Thank you to all those that attended today’s Christmas Fayre. It was lovely to see so many children and their families, as well as members of the community having a great time, getting into the festive spirit and supporting the school.

I would also like to thank all members of our PTA, for all their hard work in planning and organising such a successful event.

Thank you from all at Myddle CE Primary School.