Year 6 Virtual Leavers Service

Just a note to let you know that the leavers service will be a 12pm on Wednesday 15th July on Zoom. This will also be recorded so that if you can’t watch it live, we can share it with you. You will also be able to give the log in details to any relatives that may want to watch.

A program and login details will follow shortly.



Working From Home (and school) Y5&6 – Thursday 9th July 2020

Good morning Y5&6

I’m afraid today’s weather is going to be very similar to yesterday so spending quality time outdoors may be difficult today with the light rain that is forecast. At least the weekend looks more promising. Here’s today’s weather forecast:

If you missed yesterday’s Newsround, here it is:

Here’s today’s timetable from home:
Daily Timetable Thursday 9.7.20


Y5 English (Reading) Thursday 9th July 2020
Y5 Comprehension – World’s Largest Marsupial
Y6 English – Thursday 9th July – Y6 Crucial Crew


Y5 Maths – Thursday 9th July 2020
Y6 Maths Thursday 9th July 2020
Y6 Maths Activity Thursday – The mean


Topic (History – Ancient Greece)
Ancient Greek Homes


Have a good day,
Mr Hughes

Working From Home (Y5&6) -Wednesday 8th July 2020

Good morning Y5&6,
There’s a high % chance of rain this afternoon. Take a look.

If you missed yesterday’s Newsround, here’s a chance to catch up…..

If you enjoy films, here’s the top 10 most anticipated films from 2020.
Which of these have you already seen?


Here’s today’s timetable for learning from home…..
Daily Timetable Wednesday 8.7.20


Y5 English (Reading) Wednesday 8th July 2020
Y5 Comprehension – Spitting To Survive
Y6 English – Wednesday 8th July – Y6 Crucial Crew


Y5 Maths – Wednesday 8th July 2020
Y5 Wednesday Maths Timetables Homework Activity
Y6 Maths Wednesday 8th July
Y6 Wednesday Maths activity – The mean

Have a good day

Mr Hughes

Highlights From Home Y5&6 – Tuesday 7th July 2020

Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t kind today but that hasn’t dampened the enthusiasm of many children who have been working at home.

Here’s today’s Highlights From Home….
Tuesday’s 7.7.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

Here’s some practise mosaic making too………

Have a good evening.

Working From Home (and school) Y5&6 – Tuesday 7th July 2020

Good morning,

Well, here was a disappointing game to watch last night.

Hopefully some quality efforts from the children in their learning at school and at home will help to cheer me up today. Here’s today’s timetable….

Daily Timetable Tuesday 7.7.20

Y5 English (Reading) Tuesday 7th July 2020
Y5 Comprehension – World’s Largest Seal
Y6 English – Tuesday 7th July – Y6 Leaver’s Zoom Preparation


Y5 Maths – Tuesday 7th July 2020
Y5 Tuesday Timetables Activity
Y6 Maths Tuesday 7th July
Y6 Maths – Volume of cuboids – Tuesday 7th July


Art Mosaic Project
Ancient Greek Mosaic Art challenge


Have a good day.
Mr Hughes

Highlights From Home Y5&6 – Monday 6th July 2020

Today, the Y6 children were planning and preparing a short video for their ‘Zoom’ leavers service, whilst the Y5s were focusing their English on reading. In maths, the Y6s were revising their understanding of solving the ‘volume’ or cubes or cuboids, and the Y5s were demonstrating an understanding of ‘timetables’. This afternoon, the children have been working towards producing an ancient Greek mosaic of their choice.

Here’s what some of the children have been producing at home today……
Monday’s 6.7.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

Have a pleasant evening in this sunny (but windy) weather.

Mr Hughes

Working From Home (and school) Y5&6 – Monday 6th July 2020

Good morning Y5&6. Welcome to the penultimate week of term before the Summer holidays. Here’s the weather forecast for today…..

Also, if you missed Newsround yesterday, here’s a chance to catch up….


Here’s today’s timetable for today..
Daily Timetable Monday 6.7.20


Y5 English (Reading) Monday 6th July 2020
Y5 Comprehension – Hitchhikers in the Bathroom
Y6 English – Monday 6th July – Y6 Leaver’s Zoom Preparation


Y5 Maths – Monday 6th July 2020
Y5 Monday Timetables Activity
Y6 Maths Monday 6th July
Y6 Volume of cuboids – Monday 6th July


Art project
Ancient Greek Mosaic Art challenge


Have a good day,
Mr Hughes

Highlights From Home Y5&6 – Friday 3rd July 2020

The Friday night family fun quiz is available to play now for the first 10 families that access the link. If you don’t manage to get on, don’t worry, let me know and I will send you a brand new link to play it.


Here’s today’s ‘Highlights From Home’ page……
Friday’s 3.7.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6


Have a good weekend everybody.
Mr Hughes