Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Wednesday 20th January 2021

Welcome to Wednesday Y5&6. Did you enjoy practising some of those ‘circus’ hand co-ordination skills on the video yesterday? Why not try some balancing skills? I shall try to show you the video on our Zoom meeting in the morning. I’m hoping you can hear the video as well as see the video.

Here’s the link for the Zoom meeting in the morning.
Meeting ID: 931 5586 9209
Passcode: vp4fh7

Here’s Tuesday’s ‘Review of the Day’. Some of the starts to your independent story writing have been amazing! Amy in Y6 and Blake in Y5 in particular – WOW!

Review of the day – Tuesday 19th January 2021

Here’s Wednesday’s learning from home….

English Lesson 3 – Wednesday 20th January 2021
Y5 Esme, Sophie, Ollie and Alfie – Antarctic Gazette (Text and Questions)
Y5 Reading – Female Mountaineers – Cass, Blake, Maisie, Alex, Sam, Lilly, Ariana and Dylan (READ THE TEXT ONLY)
Y6 Reading – Wednesday 20th January Endangered
Y6 Reading – Questions 1-8 (ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-8 ONLY)


Y5 Maths – Wednesday 20th January 2021
Y5 Simplifying Fractions
Page 1 = Ollie, Esme, Sam and Sophie
Page 3 = Ariana, Maisie, Dylan and Alex
Page 5 = Cass, Alfie, Lilly and Blake


Y6 Wednesday Maths Powerpoint
Year 6 percentages of amounts – Heidi, Alissa, Cameron, Izzy, Amy and Nelly
Year 6 percentages of amounts – Daniel, Lucy, Katie, Holly T, Holly H, Zoe, Rhys, Jacob and Sophie
Year 6 percentages of amounts – Nia, Isla and Isobel


As we have PE on a Wednesday, here’s some activities that you can do to build up your fitness and physical wellbeing.

Have a good day

Mr Hughes

Learning from Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Tuesday 19th January 2021

Thank you and well done to all of the children who have focused hard on their learning today. Please make sure that you read carefully any instructions/tasks that are given, especially in your English work.

On Monday, these were the instructions on Slide 6 in your English lesson.

‘Today, you are going to be planning / organising the ‘Thinking side’ of your writing. An example has been given to help you but make sure that you use your own ideas because it is YOUR writing!’

Here’s Monday’s ‘Review of the Day’.
Review of the day – Monday 18th January 2021

Did you find time to watch the ‘circus video’? Did you manage to achieve the hand co-ordination tasks? Here’s the video again for you to practise.

Hopefully we will have some children demonstrating in the ‘Zoom meeting at 9:15’.

Here’s the link for the Zoom meeting….

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 994 7364 4404
Passcode: R42eS6


Here’s tomorrow’s activities / lessons at home. Read them carefully.

English Lesson 2 – Tuesday 19th January 2021


Questions – Y5 Reading – Three Peaks Challenge – Lilly, Maisie, Cass, Blake, Alex, Sam, Ariana and Dylan
Questions – Y5 Reading from yesterday’s text – Sophie, Esme, Ollie and Alfie
Y6 Reading – Tuesday 19th January Endangered


Y6 Tuesday 19.1.21 Maths
Y6 Tuesday Activity 1
Y6 Tuesday Activity 2


Y5 Maths
Y5 Tuesday Maths


Science Lesson 3 – Changes of the 3 states – Contract and Expand


Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4


I shall see you at 9:15 for the Zoom meeting.

Mr Hughes

Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Monday 18th January 2021

Good morning. I hope that you had a lovely weekend. This morning, Mrs Williams shall be delivering another Zoom assembly for all of the children at Myddle and Baschurch at 9:00am. The code for this meeting is below……

Meeting ID: 836 0133 7035

Passcode: 9QXBCp

I expect this assembly shall be going on until 9:30 so rather than having a separate class Zoom meeting afterwards, just look below for your learning at home and I shall see you on Tuesday morning for our regular Y5&6 Zoom catch up. Remember to keep practising your spellings on Spelling Shed.

Before tomorrow’s Zoom meeting, why not try some of these hand ‘co-ordination’ activities and we can watch you perform them on the screen tomorrow…..

Introduction of Peter & Circus


Here’s your learning from home for today.


English Lesson 1 – Monday 18th January 2021




Y5 Monday Maths – learning from home

Y5 Activity 1 Equivalent fractions

Y5 Activity 2 Equivalent fractions


Y6 Monday Maths – learning from home

Fractions to Percentages 1 Y6

Fractions to Percentages 2 Y6


Reading at home

Y5 Reading – Three Peaks Challenge – Lilly, Maisie, Cass, Blake, Alex, Sam, Ariana and Dylan


Ollie, Sophie, Esme and Alfie – Reading


Y6 Reading – Monday – polar animals (READ THE TEXT ONLY)


Topic – Geography (Frozen Planet) – Antarctica

Topic Lesson 2 – Antarctic




I will see you in the morning for our ‘Zoom’ catch up.

Mr Hughes




Review of the day – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Friday 15th January 2021

Have a great weekend everybody. You should be proud of your achievements and hard work this week. Refresh yourself ready again for Monday (remember, your reading homework only needs to be completed over the next 2 WEEKS). Congratulations to all those in Y5 who achieved a 90% + score in their maths Kahoot quiz, in particular Cass and Dylan who scored a perfect 100%!

Here’s today’s review of the day…..

Review of the day – Friday 15th January 2021

Mr Hughes

Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Thursday 14th January 20201

It’s been yet again, wonderful to see all of the hard work that has been going on at home today. Well done to all of the children who have now completed the final draft of your story ‘Two Trees’ / ‘Rooted’. You should be proud of your achievements. Because you’ve used a Thinking side to plan each different part of the story, the quality of your writing is excellent and so much better than the ‘cold’ write that you attempted two weeks ago.

I will attach this week’s homework and spellings on the link below the Jaguar class on the school website. You have got two weeks (rather than one) to complete the Reading homework this week though. Still only one week on the maths and spellings I’m afraid!

Here’s today’s ‘Review of the day’.
Review of the day – Thursday 14th January 2021


Here’s the link for tomorrow’s Zoom meeting and for Episode 1 of ‘The Masked Finger’.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 963 6144 9301
Passcode: 4LddCF


Here’s Friday’s lessons from home

English – Reading comprehension
Reading – Esme, Sophie, Alfie and Ollie – Friday 15th January (PAGES 7, 8 AND 9)
Y5 Reading Comprehension Friday – Lilly, Ariana, Blake, Alex, Maisie, Sam, Cass and Dylan
Y6 Friday English comprehension – George Taylor Expedition diary


Y5 – Esme , Ollie, Sam and Sophie – Kahoot Multiplication and Division Quiz


Y5 – Lilly, Maisie, Ariana, Blake, Sam, Dylan, Cass, Alfie and Alex


Y6 – My Mini Maths – Paper 1
Questions 27, 28, 31, 35, 37, 38 and 39.
All of these questions you should be able to solve MENTALLY by thinking carefully,
eg, Question 27 – 15 x 4.6
What is 10 x 4.6? Then halve it to solve 5 x 4.6.     Then add your two answers together
eg, Question 35 – 4% of 100
What is 1% of 100? (Divide 100 by 100) Then x your answer by 4

USE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF x10 and 100, divide by 10 and 100 to help you mentally.

Check your answers when you have finished.




Enjoy Friday and the weekend. I shall see you again next week.

Mr Hughes

Home Learning – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Thursday 14th January 2021

It was good to see that, with the weather being a bit warmer yesterday, you took the opportunity to go for some lovely walks as well as your classwork. Lilly, Daniel and Sophie Collins sent me some lovely photographs showing me what they’ve been doing in the time when they are not working hard at home. I hope you enjoy seeing the photographs like I did. Here’s the review of the day from Wednesday.

Review of the day – Wednesday 13th January 2021

Here’s the Zoom link for tomorrow morning. I look forward to seeing you all.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 940 0555 4595
Passcode: 6UhkbX


English Lesson 4 – Thursday 14th January 2021
Today, in  English, if you completed the editing of your story, I’d like you to type out your completed story in full, making sure there are no errors and it’s your final draft. If you can print it out and stick it into your English book, that will be great.


Y5 Thursday Maths
Y5 Maths – Using inverse – Esme, Sophie and Ollie
Y5 Maths – Using inverse – Ariana, Maisie, Alex and Sam
Y5 Maths – Using inverse – Lilly and Dylan
Y5 Maths – Using inverse – Blake, Cass and Alfie


Y5 Reading – Esme and Ollie – Thursday 14th January – Pages 7,8 and 9
Y5 Reading – Alfie – Thursday 14th January – Pages 4 and 5
Other children in Y5, please complete the Jazz Harper Space Explorer story or read your own books. if you have already finished it,

Y5 Guided Reading – Jazz Harper – Monday to Thursday

In Y6, please can you read your own books at home for at least 15 minutes. If anybody wishes to video themselves reading and then sharing it with us, then we’d love to see it!


Last week in RE, we learned about how the Ten Commandments were given to help to show the people on Earth how we should be living our lives. Today, you are going to be learning about how and why the commandments of the Christian and Jewish religions are the same.
Here’s your RE for today…….

RE Lesson 2 – People of God



Have a good day.

Mr Hughes



Learning from Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Wednesday 12th January 2021

Yesterday, it was fantastic to see some great learning happening at home, in Maths, Writing, Reading and Science. Here’s the review of the day from yesterday. Enjoy!

Review of the day – Tuesday 12th January 2021

Here’s your home learning for today, Wednesday 12th January.
English Lesson 3


Y5 Wednesday 13.1.21 Maths
Y5 Mult & Div word problems – Esme, Ollie and Sophie
Y5 Mult & Div word problems – Maisie, Sam, Ariana and Alex
Y5 Mult & Div word problems – Cass, Dylan, Alfie, Lilly and Blake


Y6 Wednesday 13.1.21 Maths
Y6 Decimals and Fractions – Wednesday 13.1.21


Lesson 1
Use the video link below to learn more about Internet Safety – Today, focus on ‘S’. https://www.childnet.com/resources/video-lessons/the-s-rule


PE – Challenge yourself with some yoga, juggling and a fitness session from Mr Wright.


Have a good day,

Mr Hughes

Home Learning Y5&6 Jaguar class – Tuesday 12th January 2021

Well done to all of the children who are continuing to keep up to date with their daily learning. It’s really important that you read the ‘Review of the day’ powerpoint so that you can learn from the work that your classmates have produced. Here’s a review of today…..

Review of the day – Monday 11th January 2021

For those of you who have them, your SNIP spellings are on the ‘Spellings’ part of the Jaguar class page. We shall be having a Zoom catch up meeting in the morning. Here’s the link to the meeting below…..

Join Mr Hughes’ Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 944 8044 2848
Passcode: L2Dsin


Ernest Shackleton – Read Pages 13-15 – Tuesday 12th January – Questions 1-6
Reading – Esme, Sophie, Alfie and Ollie – Tuesday 12th January
Y5 Guided Reading – Jazz Harper – Tuesday 12th January
English Lesson 2 – Tuesday 12th January 2021


Y5 Tuesday 12.1.12 Maths (Division)
Y5 Maths 12.1.21 Esme, Ollie and Sophie – Questions 1, 2 and 4
Y5 Maths 12.1.21 Ariana, Sam, Maisie and Alex – Questions 5, 6 and 8
Y5 Maths 12.1.21 Cass, Dylan, Alfie, Lilly and Blake – Questions 9, 10 and 12
Y6 Tuesday 12.1.21 Maths (Dividing decimals)
Y6 Division problems including decimals
Y6 Division problems including decimals.pdf Part 2
Science Lesson 2 – Three States of Matter
Have a good day.
Mr Hughes


Home learning Y5&6 Jaguar class – Monday 11th January 2021

Good morning. I hope that you had a lovely weekend. Tomorrow morning, Mrs Williams shall be delivering a Zoom assembly for all of the children at Myddle and Baschurch at 9:00am. The code for this meeting is below……

Meeting ID: 836 0133 7035

Passcode: 9QXBCp

I expect this assembly shall be going on until 9:30 so rather than having a separate class Zoom meeting tomorrow, just look below for your learning at home and I shall see you on Tuesday morning for our regular Y5&6 Zoom catch up. Remember to keep practising your spellings on Spelling Shed. (You should have your spellings for this week in your Homework books).

Morning exercise dance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjkYHr94wnc

English – Today, you are going to be continuing the story ‘Two Trees / Rooted’. It is the 3rd out of 4 parts. Today’s section is from 1 min 50 seconds to 3 min 28 seconds. Use the Thinking side as usual to help to guide you with your writing. I’ve given you some examples but try to use your own ideas!

English Lesson 1 – Monday 11th January 2021

Maths – For Y5s, you shall be learning how to use a short, written method to help you to divide larger numbers. Watch these 2 links below to help you to understand the method.



Y5 Monday 11th January 2021 Maths

Cass, Alfie, Lilly, Dylan and Blake –

Y5 Monday Division – Dylan, Cass, Lilly, Alfie and Blake – Qu 7,8,9

Y5 Monday Division – Dylan, Cass, Lilly, Alfie and Blake – Qu 9,10,11,12

Maths – For Y6s, you shall be multiplying decimals by an integer (whole number).

Watch the video link below up to 1 minute 40 seconds.


Y6 Monday 11th January 2021 Maths

Y6 Monday 11th January 2021 Activity 1

Challenge – Y6 Monday 11th January 2021 Activity 2

*Remember, you don’t have to print out the worksheet if you can just answer the questions in your books but mark your answers when you have finished.

Reading –

Northern Lights Poem – Esme, Alfie, Ollie and Sophie 5 (Write the date / title in your books before answering the questions)

Y5s – This week, try to complete the rest of the text ‘Jazz Harper’. It’s up to you how many pages you read each day.

Y5 Guided Reading – Jazz Harper – Monday to Thursday

Reading –

Y6s – Read pages 13, 14 and 15 of the text ‘Ernest Shackleton’ (DON’T ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW!)

Ernest Shackleton – Read Pages 13-15

Topic *(Frozen Planet) – Today, you are going to be thinking more about our topic of the Polar regions and creating a mind map of what you already know. It’s not a test so be honest! Show your understanding as a mind map BUT DON’T DO ANY RESEARCH!

Topic – Frozen Planet Lesson 1 – What Do I Know

When you have finished, you can then watch the video link below……



Have a good day, work hard, keep focused and enjoy your learning.

Mr Hughes



Home Learning Y5&6 Jaguar Class – Friday 8th January 2021 review

Well done everybody this week. You should be proud of your efforts! Keep thinking about showing quality and focus, whilst producing the best you can in all the tasks you are given. I know you will!

Here’s a review of what the children have produced in their learning at home and at school today. Have a great weekend everybody.

Review of the day – Friday 8th January 2021

Mr Hughes