Working From Home (and school) Y5&6 – Friday 3rd July 2020

Well done to all of the Y6s this week who have completed / will have completed their Corbet School (English&Science) transition tasks. The Time Capsule activity is to be taken with them when they start there in September, however, I shall collect in all of the Science tasks tomorrow and take them to the Corbet School myself to hand to the Science teachers. If you have been working from home, please find a way of dropping them into school so that I’ve got all 15 to take together.

Other news: Reading Books

If your child has got any school reading books at home, please can you return them to school by the end of next week. There will be a box in the reception area for you to drop them into.

Other news: End of year reports

You shall receive a copy of your child’s end of year report tomorrow via the Class Dojo page.

Other news: School books

All the children’s books from the beginning of this year can now go home with the pupils. They can be collected from the reception area of school. We shall be keeping the most current book of the Y5 pupils (and some Y6 pupils) though for evidence for the next teacher to view and for any future inspections. If your Y5 child has been working in their books at home, please make sure that the children bring their most current book back with them in September. The Y6s who have been working at home can keep all of their books at home.

Other news: Kahoot Family Fun Quiz

There shall be 1 final Kahoot Family Fun Quiz this weekend so, if you would like to take part, let me know whether you would prefer the Friday or the Saturday and I shall send you the link.

Here’s tomorrow’s timetable:

Daily Timetable Friday 3.7.20

Y5 English (SPaG) Lesson 5 – Friday 3rd July 2020
Y5 Punctuating end of sentences activity Friday 3rd July 2020
Y6 English – Monday 29th June – Friday 3rd July 2020 – Corbet School Task


Y5 Maths – Friday 3rd July 2020
Y5 Maths Activity – Friday 3rd July 2020
Y6 Maths Friday 3rd July 2020
Y6 Maths Activity – Friday 3rd July – Calculating-Angles-1


Have a good day and an enjoyable weekend.
Mr Hughes

Highlights From Home (and school) Y5&6 – Thursday 2nd July 2020

Congratulations to the following children who have now passed certain landmarks in Class Dojo points….

500+      Amy, Henry and Reuben
450+     Cameron
400+      Bethany, Nelly, Harvey, Jack and Zoe
250+     Chloe, Dante, Katie, Lucy, Megan and Ruby
200+     Heidi and Nia
150+     Cassie, Isla, Isobel and Sophie
100+     Elizabeth, Lily and Rhys
50+       Alissa, Holly H, Izzy, Jacob and Zac

Here are today’s Highlights From Home…..

Thursday’s 2.7.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

Have a pleasant evening,
Mr Hughes


Following the recent post regarding the cancellation of the Bike-ability for the Year 6 pupils, we have been advised that the course is being ran during the summer holidays at several locations in the area.

I have attached the link below for you to have a look at and to register if you would like your child to take part.

Mrs Smith


Working From Home (and school) Y5&6 – Thursday 2nd July 2020

Good morning Y5&6.

Here’s today’s timetable for working from home (and school).
Daily Timetable Thursday 2.7.20


Y5 English (SPaG) Lesson 4 – Thursday 2nd July 2020
Y5 Capital Letters activity – Thursday 2nd July 2020
Y6 English – Monday 29th June – Friday 3rd July 2020 – Corbet School Task


Y5 Maths – Thursday 2nd July 2020
Y5 Maths Activity – Thursday 2nd July 2020
Y6 Maths Thursday 2nd July
Missing angles inside triangles Y6


Science (Y6s)
Get_Ready_For_Science Transition


Art (Y6s in school)
2:00 Art – Ancient Greek
(How to draw and compare modern day and an Ancient Greek toilet)
Art – Modern day


Have a good day,
Mr Hughes

Highlights From Home Y5&6 – Wednesday 1st July 2020

Well done to all of you who have maintained focus and concentration this morning to produce the English, Maths and Science (Y6s) to the best of your ability. Zoe, Lucy, Katie and Cameron, as usual, have been working to a high, consistent standard in Y5s, and the same can be said of Reuben, Jack, Cassie, Henry and Harvey in Y6.

Here’s what they’ve produced at home today…..
Wednesday 1.7.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6


Have a good evening.
Mr Hughes



Working From Home Y5&6 – Wednesday 1st July 2020

Good morning Y5&6 and welcome to the 1st day of a new month – July. It’s the final month of your time in Y6 or Y5 so let’s continue for the final 3 weeks with the same effort, work ethic and focus that you have done for the rest of the year.

Here’s the forecast for today…..

Some of you working from home may have missed yesterday’s Newsround so here it is……

Today’s timetable is very similar to the rest of the week with the Y6s focusing on their transition tasks that teachers at the Corbet School have asked them to do. The Y5s are continuing to edit and amend sentences which contain errors in them.

Here’s today’s timetable…..
Daily Timetable Wednesday 1.7.20


Y5 English (SPaG) Lesson 3 – Wednesday 3rd July 2020


Why not try this Y5s as an extension?


Y6 English – Monday 29th June – Friday 3rd July 2020 – Corbet School Task


Y5 Maths – Wednesday 1st July 2020
Y5 Activity – Wednesday 1.7.20
Y6 Maths Wednesday 1st July
Y6 Activity – Calculate the angle inside the quadrilateral


Science Y6
Get_Ready_For_Science Transition


Have a good day.
Mr Hughes


Working From Home (and school) Y5&6 – Tuesday 30th June 2020

Good morning Y5&6. It was Jack’s 11th birthday yesterday. Happy birthday Jack. It was nice to score a rounder on your birthday!

If those of you at home missed Newsround yesterday, here’s a chance to catch up with what you missed…

Here’s today’s timetable for learning, whether you are working at school or at home. For the Y6s who have been given a Science (Biology) transition task this afternoon, it can be completed during the week, just complete the parts today that you can do today.

Daily timetable:
Daily Timetable Tuesday 30.6.20
Y5 English (SPaG) Lesson 2 – Tuesday 30th June 2020
Y6 English – Monday 29th June – Friday 3rd July 2020 – Corbet School Task


Y5 Maths – Tuesday 30th June 2020
Y5 Maths Activity – Tuesday 30th June 2020
Y6 Maths Tuesday 30th June


Y6 Science (Corbet Transition Task – Get Ready For Biology)
Get_Ready_For_Science Transition (Pages 2&3)


Have a good day,
Mr Hughes

Highlights From Home Y5&6 – Monday 29th June 2020

Today, the Y6s have been focusing on a Corbet School English task which will last throughout the whole week. Therefore, on the Highlights From Home page, only the Y5s sentence editing and amending shall be shown this week in English.

In maths, the Y6s learned how to solve the missing NUMERATOR in a fraction when calculating a fraction of a number, whilst the Y5s were focusing on converting m, cm and mm.

Here’s the Highlights From Home page for today……
Monday’s 29.6.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

Have a good evening!


Working From Home (and school) Y5&6 – Monday 29th June 2020

Good morning Y5&6. I wonder what the weather forecast is for this week. Let’s take a look shall we?

If you missed Sunday’s Newsround, here’s a chance to catch up…..

Congratulations to the children for reaching these Class Dojo landmarks during the 100 days of working from home (and now school)…….
500+ Henry
450+ Reuben and Amy
400+ Nelly, Cameron and Bethany
350+ Zoe, Jack and Harvey
250+ Ruby, Lucy, Katie, Dante and Chloe
200+ Nia, Megan and Heidi
150+ Sophie, Isobel and Cassie
100+ Rhys, Lily, Isla and Elizabeth
50+ Zac, Toby, Jacob, Izzy, Holly H and Alissa
Here’s today’s timetable.
Daily Timetable Monday 29.6.20


Y5 English (SPaG) Lesson 1 – Monday 29th June 2020
Y6 English – Monday 29th June – Friday 3rd July 2020 – Corbet School Task


Y5 Maths – Monday 29th June 2020
Y5 Maths Activity – Monday 29th June 2020
Y6 Maths Monday 29th June


I look forward to seeing your hard work from today during the day.
Mr Hughes