Working From Home Y5&6 – Monday 15th June 2020

Good morning Y5&6. Welcome to another week of working from home. This week’s English work (like two weeks ago) is going to be linked with your Science topic of ‘Living Things – Life Cycles (Plants), which will involve reading, writing and some practical activities.

Mrs Smith and I shall be calling around to the homes of the Y6s at some point today to drop off a few things so it will be nice to see you then.

Here’s today’s weather forecast. Hopefully it’s not as unpredictable as yesterday.

I’ve prepared another Family Fun quiz for anybody who wishes to take part this Friday or Saturday. Let me know if you want me to add you to the list and which evening you would prefer. I’ve already got 8 families down on my list. (6 Friday / 2 Saturday)

Here’s today’s timetable…..
Daily Timetable Monday 15.6.20

9:00 Exercise & Spelling Shed

9:25 English (Science)
English through Science – Lesson 1 – Living Things – Plants – Monday 15th June 2020
Pollination Activity


1:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Lesson 1 Wednesday 15th June
Y6 Maths Lesson 1 Monday 15th June
Year 6 Calculation paper
Y6 Calcuation answer paper


Have a good day.
Mr Hughes


Highlights From Home Y5&6 – Friday 12th June 2020

At the end of a another week, it’s again a pleasure to share with you the Highlights From Home from today.
Friday’s 12.6.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

Here’s the weather forecast for the weekend……

If you missed Newsround today, here it is……

Congratulations to all of the pupils who have reached specific landmarks in their Class Dojo points for the efforts they have put in during the last 11 weeks.


350+        Amy, Cameron, Nelly, Henry, Reuben,
300+        Bethany, Harvey, Jack,
250+        Zoe
200+        Chloe, Dante, Ruby,
150+        Heidi, Isobel, Katie, Lucy, Megan,
100+        Cassie, Isla, Nia, Sophie,
50+          Alissa, Elizabeth, Holly H, Jacob, Lily, Rhys and Toby


Have a good weekend everybody!
Mr Hughes

Working From Home Y5&6 – Friday 12th June 2020

Good morning Y5&6. Welcome to another Friday morning.

Here’s your timetable for today.

Daily Timetable Friday 12.6.20

9:00 Exercise & Spelling Shed (Next week’s spellings are now available)

9:25 Spelling Test (Ask somebody to test you when it is suitable for them)

9:35 English (SPaG) and D&T – Making Laurel Wreath
English Lesson 5 Friday 12.6.20


1:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Friday 12th June
Crazy Caterpillar Game – Powerpoint
Y6 Maths Lesson 5 Friday 12th June


Have a good day.
Mr Hughes

Highlights From Home Y5&6 – Thursday 11th June 2020

Good evening Y5&6,

It was good to see you all on the Zoom chat earlier today. You were all looking so well despite everything that you’ve had to cope with during the past 11 weeks. It’s not ideal that your Y6-7 transition has had to happen that way, but I hope it has helped you to understand what life will be like when you start (fingers crossed) at the Corbet School in September. If you have any further questions that you have thought about since the meeting, send them to me and I shall forward them to Mrs Millward.

The plan now is that the Y6s can come back to school starting on the week beginning 22.6.20 so if you/your parents are wanting you to return, please let me know so that we can see how many Y6s there will be. If the numbers are low, you will be able to return for 4 days of the week (Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri), but if they are high, then it will be either Monday & Tuesday OR Thursday & Friday.

Here’s today’s Highlights From Home. Well done to all of you who have completed your instruction text ‘How To Make A Laurel Wreath’.

Thursday’s 11.6.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

Have a good evening.
Mr Hughes

Working From Home – Y5&6 Thursday 11th June 2020

Good morning Y5&6.

Y6s – Don’t forget your Zoom chat at 11:30am with Mrs Millward and myself. Don’t get on too early as it will only start at 11:30 to allow for the full 40 minutes available.

Here’s today’s weather forecast. It doesn’t look a particularly good outlook for the day.

Here’s your timetable for today…..

9:00 Exercise & Spelling Shed

9:25 English (Completion of your Instruction Text – How to make a laurel wreath) Make sure that you re-read and make any improvements / changes before submitting your final draft.
English Lesson 4 Thursday 11.6.20

11:30 Y6s – Zoom Chat

1:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Thursday 11th June
Y5 Maths Thursday 11th June activity
Y6 Maths Lesson 4 Thursday 11th June

Have a good day.

Mr Hughes


Highlights From Home – Y5&6 Wednesday 10th June 2020

Good evening,

Unfortunately, I’ve not been able to respond as quick as I’d like to any questions or work that has been sent to me today, due to being with a larger group of key worker children in school. As many of them are a younger age group, they’ve needed quite a lot of support and guidance during the day.

Anyway, I’ve finally caught up now and so here’s the Highlights From Home today.

Wednesday’s 10.6.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

If anybody missed out on Newsround today, here it is….

Tomorrow, you shall hopefully all be taking part in a Zoom chat with Mrs Millward at Corbet School at 11:30am. I shall send you all the link later tonight on the Class Dojo page.

Working From Home Y5&6 – Wednesday 10th June 2020

Good morning Y5&6. If you missed Newsround yesterday, here it is……

Here’s today’s weather forecast……

Today’s timetable is……Daily Timetable Wednesday 10.6.20

9:00 Morning exercise & Spelling Shed

9:25 English
English Lesson 3 Wednesday 10.6.20
How To Make An Ancient Greek Laurel Wreath Layout


11:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Wednesday 10th June
Y5 Maths Wednesday 10th June
Y6 Maths Lesson 3 Wednesday 10th June

I shall be at school today if you need anything.

Have a good day.

Mr Hughes

Working From Home Y5&6 – Tuesday 9th June 2020

Good morning Y5&6,

Here’s yesterday’s Newsround if you missed it…..

Here’s your timetable for working from home today. In English, you shall be planning an instructional text with an ancient Greek twist. (Click on the websites provided on the powerpoint to gain some ideas)
Daily Timetable Tuesday 9.6.20

9:00 Morning exercise and Spellings Shed

9:25 English (Planning an instructional text)
English Lesson 2 Tuesday 9.6.20


1:00 Reading

1:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Tuesday 9th June
Y5 Maths Tuesday 9th June
Y6 Maths Lesson 2 Tuesday 9th June

Have a good day. I shall be at school if your need anything provided or copying that you are able to collect.

Mr Hughes