Myddle Christmas Performances

At Myddle, as usual for this time of year, we have all been very busy learning and  practising performances to celebrate Christmas. However, it is unusual that we can’t invite you into school to share these with you.

To resolve this, each class has filmed a very special performance to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas so that it can be uploaded to your child’s class page. This way, you don’t get to miss the performance and you can watch it back as many times as you wish! We hope you enjoy them.

Thank you for your continued support and we all hope you have a lovely Christmas.

Best Wishes

Mr Glover

Please find the links below to this year’s Christmas Performances:

Snow Leopards: Our First Nativity

Panda Class: Our First Nativity

Tiger Class: Christmas Play

Rhino Class: Nativity Rap

Jaguar Class: The Jaguar Christmas Trilogy

Celebration Assembly – 11th December

Star of the Week :
Jaguar – Maisie & Izzy
Rhino – Eloise
Tiger – Olivia
Panda -Beau

Mathematician of the Week: Alfie R, Nia, Amber, Gwen

Reader of the Week: Sam, Josh F, Ewan & Owen

Writer of the Week: Alex, Nelly, Sorrel, Ruby P, William Pe

Hand writers of the Week: Alissa & Abi

Class DOJO Merits: Panda Class

Well Done Everyone

16th December – Christmas Lunch, Turkey or Parsnip & Cranberry Flan £2.20
17th December – Christmas Jumper Day, £1 donation for Save the Children


Christmas Dinner – Wednesday 16th December

Dear Parents/Carers

We are looking forward to holding our Christmas Dinner on Wednesday,16th December.

Your child can enjoy either a Turkey Roast or Parsnip and Cranberry Flan.

Payment should be made via School Gateway as normal. If your child doesn’t normally have school dinners and you only need to pay the £2.20, please feel free to send this amount in an envelope marker with your child’s name.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give school a ring on 01939 290834.





Reminder – Christmas Jumper Day – Thursday 17th December

Just a reminder that it is Christmas Jumper Day on Thursday, 17th December.

On this day children can come to school in their favourite Christmas jumpers. They do not need to be shop-bought –  you can just grab an old jumper and cover it with stickers, tinsel, tin foil or whatever sparkly stuff you can find!

Children should wear full school uniform with their Christmas jumper replacing their school sweatshirt/cardigan.

Sensational Report Writing

Year 4 have been working really hard exploring how to write a Newspaper report. Over the last 10 sessions, we have been planning and writing together all the different elements which the children have really enjoyed.

Today, they had to put all the elements together and produce their very own completed Newspaper report.  When we looked back at all the first attempts, the children were amazed at the progress they have made in their writing.

Well done everyone.

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