
Wednesday 11th March, 2020

Sickness and/or Diarrhoea Bug – Guidance for Parents

Please can we remind parents that if your child becomes unwell with sickness and/or diarrhoea, they should not return to school for 48 hours following their last episode of sickness and/or diarrhoea.

If you have any questions regarding this please do not hesitate to contact school on 01939 290834

Wednesday 11th March, 2020

Sports Relief Update

We have had a busy week so far. The Children have taken part in Relay races, Basket Ball and Archery during their break and lunchtimes. We have also had children running their miles towards the Shropshire Half Marathon.

Just a reminder that on Friday 13th, your child is invited to dress in any sports gear for a contribution of £1 each. The Children’s Sports Council are running the Sports Relief competition “What’s behind the locker door”, which costs £2.00 a guess. If you would like your child to have a go please send them in with the correct money.

Image result for sports relief

Wednesday 11th March, 2020

Usborne Book Fayre – Friday 13th March

As part of the World Book Day experience and the sponsored read which has been very popular, Kath Saunders, Usborne Books will be coming into school on Thursday with a selection of books for different age ranges.

Each class will have the opportunity during the day on Thursday to view these fantastic books. If your child decides they are keen on a book, Kath will give them a post it note with the price of the book written on it and this will be brought home by your child.

If you would like your child to purchase this book please come into school at the end of the school day on Friday 13th March, with your child, see Kath and she will do the rest!. If you are unable to come into school please send your child with the correct money and we will assist them.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with school.

Mrs Smith
School Administrator


Wednesday 11th March, 2020

Guitar Lessons – Wednesday 11th March

Unfortunately Mr Rickards is unwell and unable to do his lessons at Myddle today.

We have tentatively moved these lessons to Friday morning instead. Guitars are OK to be left in school until then if necessary.

I will update the website if Friday’s lessons have to be cancelled.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Wednesday 11th March, 2020

Coronavirus Precautions – on line learning

As a country we remain in limbo at the moment, but we are taking some precautionary measures at school.

We would like to reassure you that we are receiving daily updates from the Department of Education and our own local authority and acting on these as instructed.

We don’t anticipate that the school will have to close but we would like to be prepared just in case we are required to set learning activities for the children to complete on line at home.

Please can we ask that ALL families take the time to visit the links below and check that they are able to access these sites this week. It will be much easier to sort out any issues when we are in school, rather than if we have been asked to close.

If we were asked to close, your teachers would put a link to daily maths and English activities on the class page of the school website.

All classes will be given a log in to Class Dojo so that you would be able to communicate with the teacher during usual school hours if you needed help with the task. Some classes are already up and running with this, and some will be given a letter this week with details.

The website ‘Twinkl‘ will provide free access to all of its resources to parents/carers in the event of a school closure. Your teachers may use this site as part of their on-line activities.

Every child has a log in to Times Table Rockstars which should also be used at home in the event of school closure.

Make sure you are subscribed to our school website and are able to get notifications for your child’s class.

Our cleaning team have had their own briefing from Shire Services about coronavirus procedures and we have asked them to target key areas of school such as handles, doors and tables.

In collective worship, we have spoken to children about handwashing and they have seen an easy to understand video clip, which you can watch here.

Thank you for your support with this. We would like to reassure you that there would be no consequences for children unable to complete any on-line work, as we appreciate that for some families this would be a very stressful and difficult time.



Tuesday 10th March, 2020

Panda and Tiger Verandah work

We are very pleased to say that work is commencing next week to improve the verandah across the back of panda and tiger classrooms.  The heating system has already been installed and there are now units which can heat or cool. The ceiling is being completely replaced to prevent it from over heating and there is work being done on the windows and floor. This is such a valuable space in our school with our growing numbers so we are very excited to have these improvements.

During this period from 23rd March, Pandas will need to come in through the same door as the rest of the children until it is complete.

Tuesday 10th March, 2020


We are sorry but there will be NO pork available tomorrow.

Your child will be able to choose from either Beef or Chicken with their roast dinner.

Please accept our apologises for this late change which is beyond our control.

Monday 9th March, 2020

World Book Day – Sponsorship forms & Money

Please can all sponsorship forms and money be handed in to the school office by Wednesday, 9th March.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give school a ring on 01939 290834


Friday 6th March, 2020

School Lunch Payments

Please can we ask that all arrears are paid to school asap.

If you have any questions please speak to Mrs Russell

Friday 6th March, 2020

Celebration Assembly – 6th March 2020

Star Pupils

Snow Leopards: Olly M

Panda: Amelia G

Tiger: Dylan W

Rhino: The whole class for making such a great effort with World Book Day

Jaguar:  Yr 5 & 6 Librarians 

Mathematician of the week:  Jack P

Writer of the week:  Bethany W, Rose H & Owen F

Reader of the week:  Lucy P

Handwriter of the week:
Rhino Class -Brooke G
Jaguar Class –Holly T

Winners of Scruffy:  Tigers

Well done to the squad of Reuben, Cameron, Daniel, Heidi, Isobel and Dante who represented the school in a dodge ball event this week. Fantastic Effort everyone!!