Working From Home (and school) Y5&6 – Friday 26th June 2020

Good morning Y5&6. Welcome to the final day of what has been a fantastic week for many reasons. Many of the Y6s have returned to school, the standards of work from home has continued to be as great as ever and the weather has been superb too. However, the week has been soured by the fact that Liverpool FC have edged ever closer to winning the Premier League! ?

Here’s the Spellings for the Spelling Test today…………….

Y6 Spellings
Commonly misspelt words
cousin       clothes      believe      people      friends      received      surprise      caught
beautiful     pretty


Words with suffix ‘ful’
tuneful      tearful      playful      harmful     hopeful      playful      helpful      careful
handful     fearful      skilful        doubtful   powerful    graceful    peaceful   dreadful
thankful    dreadful   stressful   beautiful   frightful

The weather forecast for today is a bit mixed – still warm but with a strong % chance of some rain during the day.

If you missed yesterday’s Newsround, here’s a chance to catch up…..

Here’s the timetable for today…..
Daily Timetable Friday 26.6.20


English (History) Lesson 5 – Friday 26th June 2020
Y5&6 Ancient Greek Theatre task – Friday 26th June 2020


Y5 Maths – Friday 26th June 2020
Y5 Maths Activity – Friday 26th June 2020
Y6 Maths – Friday 26th June 2020




Have an enjoyable Friday and an excellent weekend.
Mr Hughes

Highlights From Home (and school) Y5&6 – Thursday 25th June 2020

After another day in the blistering heat, many of the children have continued to focus hard on their school work. We’ve had some excellent diary entries from the perspective of an ancient Athenian/Spartan child, as well as some great thinking in maths (co-ordinates – Y6 and converting measurements – Y5).

The children in school have also been enjoying their games of cricket, art work, practising their spellings on Spelling Shed and Silversphere.

Here’s the Highlights From Home for today.
Thursday’s 25.6.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6


Have a good evening.
Mr Hughes

Working From Home (and school) Y5&6 – Thursday 25th June 2020

Good morning. Here’s today’s timetable. Like yesterday, it’s going to be really warm again today so put in a good effort in the morning and then you can enjoy some outdoor time in the afternoon.

Daily Timetable Thursday 25.6.20

English (History) Lesson 4 – Thursday 25th June 2020


Y5 Maths – Thursday 25th June 2020
Y5 Maths Activity – Thursday 25th June
Y6 Maths Thursday 25th June
Y6 Thursday 25th June – Find the missing coordinates


Art (How to draw a Spartan soldier)
Art (How to draw a Greek soldier)
Computing – Typing skills & Silversphere


Have a good day.
Mr Hughes

Highlights From Home Y5&6 – Wednesday 24th June 2020

On this incredibly hot day, you could excuse the fact that many children would feel like taking a day away from their school work, so even more credit goes to the children who have been working hard at home today.

Here’s what they’ve been producing…..
Wednesday’s 24.6.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

It looks like it may be the same again tomorrow…..

If you missed Newsround today, here it is….

Have a good evening in the sunshine.
Mr Hughes


Working From Home Y5&6 Wednesday 24th June

Good morning Y5&6. Here’s your timetable for home learning today.
Daily Timetable Wednesday 24.6.20

It’s going to be a scorcher this afternoon so try to get everything finished in the morning.

9:00 Exercise & Spelling Shed

9:25 English
English (History) Lesson 3 – Wednesday 24th June 2020


10:30 Maths
Y5 Maths – Wednesday 24th June 2020
Y5 Maths Activity Kg & g and Km & m
Y6 Maths 24th June (Hopefully, everybody who has been working at home has been given their activity for today by one of the children who have been working at school).


11:30 Crossword

Have a good day.
Mr Hughes

Highlights From Home – Y5&6 22/6/20 & 23/6/20

Here are the Highlights From Home for yesterday and today.
Tuesday’s 23.6.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

Thank you for your patience during the last 48 hours when awaiting responses or answers to questions that you may have asked.

If you missed Newsround today, here it is……

It was another gorgeous day today and it looks like it may be even hotter tomorrow, so get your work finished early in the day and then enjoy the afternoon in the sun!

Mr Hughes

Working From Home (And school too!) Y5&6 Tuesday 23rd June 2020

Good morning Y5&6. If you are struggling to access Spelling Shed, it is because I had to change your passwords yesterday. I’ve sent you your new passwords on Class Dojo.

If you missed Newsround yesterday, here it is…..

It looks like it’s going to be another beautiful day today……

Here’s today’s timetable of learning from home (and school)
Daily Timetable Tuesday 23.6.20


English (History – Ancient Greece)
English (History) Lesson 2 – Tuesday 23rd June 2020


Y5 Maths – Tuesday 23rd June 2020
Y5 Maths Activity Tuesday 23rd June 2020
Y6 Maths – Tuesday 23rd June 2020
Y6 Maths Activity – Co-ordinates

For those of you who are at home and would like the link for the afternoon art work, here it is. You can also click on the word ‘Art’ on the daily timetable to access it (hopefully).

Have a good day.

Mr Hughes


Highlights From Home – Y5&6 – Monday 22nd June 2020

It’s been a great day at school today, seeing the majority of the Y6s back again. They’ve worked hard but also we’ve had the added bonus of some nicer weather to allow us to spend time outdoors playing cricket and also just seeing each other again. It was also great to finally meet the new member of our class, Zac, who has shown what a fine, pleasant young man he is.

Despite not being able to respond to those of you who have been working from home as quickly as usual, thank for sending me all of your hard work from today. It’s great for the children in the classroom to see the efforts that you are putting in, even though you may not be with us.

Here’s today’s Highlights From Home……
Daily Timetable Monday 22.6.20

Working From Home (And now school again) Y5&6 – Monday 22nd June 2020

Good morning Y5&6 and welcome back to school to the 10 children who have returned this morning. For the remaining Y6s and the Y5s who are currently still working from home, please keep sending me any of the home learning that the children have been producing as I will continue to show the ‘Highlights At Home’ page each evening. During the school day, I will respond to any questions you may have as soon as I can.

Here’s the weather forecast for today….

Here’s today’s timetable…..
Daily Timetable Monday 22.6.20


English (History) Lesson 1 – Monday 22nd June 2020


Y5 Maths – Monday 22nd June 2020
Y5 Maths Activity – Kg and g / Km and m – Monday 22nd June
Y6 Maths – Monday 22nd June 2020
Y6 Maths Activity – Monday 22nd June – Reflection and co-ordinates


Have a good day.
Mr Hughes