Rhino Spelling Hypothesis – week beginning 6.9.21

Hypothesis: The most common ending for “shun” words is -tion

This week the children will be investigating words ending in the ‘shun’ sound to see if the Hypothesis is correct or not.

Rhino Spellings – 2.7.21

Spelling tests next week, 9.7.21, will be composed of words taken at random from lists that the children have preciously learnt.

Please spend time between now and then looking back through your previous spelling lists/tests. All lists are all still on the school website in previous posts in the Rhino Spelling section.

Rhino Homework 18.6.21

For homework this week, the children are to carry out a spelling investigation related to the use of the apostrophe in contacted words.

For example: you are – you’re, They are – they’re, do not – don’t etc

How many different examples can you find?

Top Tip: You may want to have a look in your reading book or some reading books from home to help you find different examples.

Good luck

Rhino Homework – 11.6.21

This week, Rhino class have finished their unit on time where their learning concentrated on converting between 12 and 24 hour time. Below is short activity to consolidate their learning in this area. Please ensure the children draw the hands on the analogue clock correctly, with the hour and minute hands appropriate length and with the hour hand in the correct position in relation to the number of minutes.

Time Converting

Rhino Homework – 21.5.21

This week in maths, we have started looking at time. For homework this week, the children are to complete some activities linked to telling the time via an analogue clock face. These involve the children labelling a clock face, reading some times as well as drawing hands correctly on some empty faces.

Time – Clocks

Below is a helpful song from Numberock with help some of the concepts

Rhino Homework – 14.5.21

This week we have concluded our work on money. However, I feel many of the children could do with some additional practise in calculating change by either counting on or counting back on a number line. The children have been given three calculations to work through and need to work their answer for each on two number lines.

Here is an example to demonstrate the two methods: