Myddle Multi Terrain Virtual Run 10k/5k and 1mile Fun Run

Myddle Multi Terrain VIRTUAL 10K/5K and 1 Mile Fun Run 27 Sep-27 Oct 2020

This is a huge PTA fundraiser for our school, last year we raised in excess of £2500, and so far we have 62 entries – we have space for so many more because it is virtual we have no limit! Most of the staff have already entered and we have had lots of support from local running clubs.  We would love to see a good uptake from our pupils and parents and whilst running may not be for everyone it is a great way of promoting fitness and participation.  We live in a beautiful part of the world and we would like to encourage you to enjoy it and support our school at the same time.  Our Design a Medal Competition winner, Ethan D, has trail blazed the way with a mind-blowing 5K on Stiperstones in awful weather conditions – and he loved every minute of it!

Enter the race (10K/5K/1Mile) – Choose your Route – Run it – Submit your evidence – Receive your medal and certificate!
Enter here:
Myddle VIRTUAL Multi-Terrain 10K 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run

Mirror, mirror….

This week in science the children in Rhino Class investigated the reflections.

They were set a number of challenges to complete, each using a mirror to create reflections.

They had to write a secret mirror message, complete a mirror maze and generate multiple reflections using a hinged mirror. The children were really surprised when what seemed to be so simple at first, turned out to be really difficult. The children great fun and certainly improved their level of concentration.


Confirmed case of Coronavirus

We were notified on Sunday 4th October that one of our pupils in Jaguar class has tested positive for Covid-19. We want to reassure you that the pupil has not been in school since Friday 25th September as they were isolating due to a family member being positive.  The pupil displayed no symptoms while in school, so following government guidance, we do not need to close the Jaguar bubble.


Celebration Assembly – 2nd October

Star of the Week : Jaguar -Sophie Co
Rhino – Jessica
Tiger – Fraser
Panda – Rhys

Mathematician of the Week: Ryan, Ewan, Aria, Zoe & Jacob

Reader of the Week: Jamie, Mia, Evelyn & Cass

Writer of the Week: Imogen, Isaac, Luke & Ariana

Hand writers of the Week: Sorrel, Charlotte, Amelia G, Izzy R

Class DOJO Merits: Panda Class

Special Mentions: Well done to Ethan who won the Design a Medal competition for this years Fun Run, a copy of the design is attached for you all to have a look at. Fantastic effort Ethan.    ED Design

Well Done Everyone

Late Arrivals to school

Dear Parents/Carers

Please can we ask that all pupils arrive at school between 8:40am and 9am.

The school gate will be closed at 9am, anyone arriving after this time will have to bring their child to reception. Mrs Smith will sign the child into school separately and reopen the school gate to allow them in to school.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give school a ring 01939 290834

Mrs Smith





Rhino Homework 2.10.20

Homework this week is is on Roman numerals. Please click on the link below to access the activity.

Roman Numerals

To help learn what each Roman symbol means, click on the link below to view a conversion table.

Roman Numeral Conversion Chart


Update – Forest School Facility

We wanted to share with you the exciting progress which we are making with the forest school area. Mr Glover has been working really hard to clear the area which had become very overgrown. Mr and Mrs Price, parents of Freya, Grace and Jack very kindly donated a delivery of wood chippings so we could define the areas with clear paths and make it a little less muddy. I am sure you will all agree it looks so much better.

We are now in the next stage of planning and a thorough risk assessment is being completed, we will then know that we can use this area safely and allow it to form part of the curriculum learning of our pupils.

We will keep you updated and will give you plenty of advance notice when your child will need to come to school in their forest school clothes.

We are very excited and looking forward to being able to use this facility again in the near future.

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