Threadworm (Pinworms)

We have been made aware of a case of threadworm in Nursery.

Whilst there is no exclusion period for this infection, it does require treatment.

Please find attached the NHS guidance on this condition and please ensure you check your child accordingly.


Tiger Class

Dear Parents/Carers

It appears that the a few of the School photo’s belonging to Tiger Class are still in school.

We will endeavour to send them home on Monday.

Mrs Smith

School Photo’s & Christmas Order Update

Dear Parent/Carers

For those who have ordered Christmas cards, Christmas tags or School pictures, these have now arrived and will be sent home with your child today (Friday 4th Dec).

If you have ordered Tea-Towels, Mugs or Bags, these have not arrived, but I am assured these will be with us early next week.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school on 01939 290834.

Mrs Smith


Celebration Assembly – 4th December

Star of the Week :
Jaguar – Dylan & Rhys
Rhino – Jamie
Tiger – Ruby D
Panda – Steven

Mathematician of the Week: Amy, Cass, Amber, Sarah & Harry-Jai

Reader of the Week: Heidi, Cass, Amelia W, Freddie & Aria

Writer of the Week: Lucy, Ariana, Megan, Ben & Charlie C

Hand writers of the Week: Alfie R, Harry, Fraser & William Pa

Class DOJO Merits: Jaguar Class

Well Done Everyone

Christmas Productions

We are excited to let you  know that we have been busy recording songs and plays in each class to bring you some online Christmas and nativity cheer!

There will be a whole school traditional carol service, a Tigers Christmas play and some nativity offerings from Snow Leopards and Pandas. We will also film our end of term Celebration worship where some children from across the school will be presented with a trophy or cup for their efforts during the autumn term.

The dates for the release of these online productions will follow.

Current COVID Stay at Home Guidance

We would just like to remind you of the current guidelines we are following regarding illness –

If your child is displaying any of the three main COVID symptoms (a high temperature, a new continuous cough or loss of sense of smell/taste) they must self-isolate for 10 days.  The rest of the household must self-isolate for 14 days.

Please do not bring your child or any siblings to school under these circumstances. 

We advise you to get your child (or household member) tested as soon as possible and if the test comes back negative your child may return to school immediately, assuming they are well enough in general.  You can book a test by calling 119 or by visiting

With the annual Flu vaccinations taking place on Thursday, 3rd December, some children may feel unwell as a result. We are still required to follow the same guidance, so children should not come to school if they (or a member of their household) have a temperature, new continuous cough or a loss of sense of smell/taste.

If you have any questions, please contact the school office.

Thank you for your continued support.

Pre-School Age Toys

Reverend and Mrs Clayton are collecting good condition toys for the shoe box appeal.

They need to be in good condition, suitable for Pre-school age children and fit in a shoe box.

If you have anything at home that may be suitable please drop them off at The Rectory.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Celebration Assembly – 27th November

Star of the Week :
Jaguar – Cass & Isobel (Chosen by Mr Steed)
Rhino – Isabella
Tiger – Rose
Panda – Felix

Mathematician of the Week: Katie, Olivia, Josh & Indi

Reader of the Week: Arianna, Ben, Jessica & Luke

Writer of the Week: Holly H, Mia, Isabelle & Oliver

Hand writers of the Week: Amy, Caspar, Jack & Imogen B


Well Done Everyone


Vote for the Eco-Champions badge

Well done to the eco-champions for working hard on a badge logo. Please could you comment below as to which badge design you think we should use for our new eco-champions to wear? Choose a number, or tell us a couple if you can’t decide! Thanks.

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