Working From Home Y5&6 – Monday 11th May 2020

Welcome back to a brand new week after your bank holiday weekend and VE Day celebrations. If anybody would like to share any photographs of their festivities on Friday, we’d love to see them.

Congratulations to Bethany, who came first in the general knowledge quiz that was given to you on Friday with 23/30 correct answers, earning herself an extra 10 dojos.

Keep staying safe, being busy and maintaining that excellent attitude that you’ve had for the last 7 weeks.

Here’s Monday’s timetable:
Daily Timetable Monday 11.5.20

9:00 Morning exercise & Spellings practise

9:45 English
English Lesson 1 Monday 11.5.20
Odysseus and the Cyclops script


11:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Monday 11.5.20
Maths Monday Y5 Pages 1-4 Activity
Maths Activity 1 – Isla, Rhys, Nia and Holly H.pdf
Maths Activity 2 – Isla, Rhys, Nia and Holly H
Y6 Maths Monday 11.5.20

1:00 Reading

1:30 Science
Science – Lesson 4 – Gestation Periods
Y5&6 Science Activity – Gestation Periods Information Booklet

Have a good day!

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