Dear Tigers,
as you will all know by now, we will publish our links to daily lessons and activities in our Class’ home-learning tab and in our Class Dojo. The list will also be emailed to parents daily as part of the Class news bulletin, usually sent out late in the afternoon (it will contain links for the following day, so you will always be able to prepare in advance).
Most of our lessons and activities are taken from the same programmes of study we use at School or very closely adapted activities to suit following our curriculum in the home-learning environment. This is mostly from White Rose Maths, the Oak National Academy, EdShed, and ‘Read Write Inc Phonics’, all officially recommended by the DfE.
In addition to the daily lessons, I have also prepared a list of other resources (all free during lockdown) you can use with the children to keep them engaged and learning:
Space Projects – to link with this term’s topic:
Phonics Play – great variety of fun and engaging online games to support practising phonics skills (blending, grapheme recognition, etc). Use the lockdown login details (username: jan21; password: home) to access all resources.
Twinkl Parents – a vast array of resources (worksheets, ebooks, presentations, ideas for practical activities, news reports, guides for parents, etc) for all subjects, organised by year groups.
BBC Bitesize – there will be daily bitesize shows on CBBC available from Monday 11th January. In addition to that, the BBC bitesize website has many presentations, videos, games and activities in all subjects.
PE with Joe – Live fitness sessions on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, lead by Joe Wicks, will be available from 11th January. There’s also a large archive of videos suitable for children recorded during the previous lockdown.
Teach your Monster to Read – a favourite with Tigers during the first lockdown, children’s logins would still work, so they’d can just continue the game from where they left in the Summer.
I will continue to update this list when I come across any FREE resources I believe the Tigers might enjoy and benefit from using.
Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions or require any assistance or further information.
Mrs Crowe