Snow Leopards Weekly Overview Week 1

This term in Snow Leopards we are continuing our topic of ‘Growing.’

This week our theme is fruit and we will be investigating different varies of fruit using all of our senses.

Weekly overview Summer 2 week 1

Snow Leopard – Lunch Money

Dear Parent/Carer

Lunches are no longer going to be added to your invoices. These will need to be paid in advance each week via the School Gateway. Cost for a school lunch is now £2.20 per day.

If you have any questions please come and see me.

Many Thanks

Mrs Russell


Visit to Farm – Wednesday 22nd May

Dear Parent/Carer

Please can you send your child to nursery on Wednesday 22nd with their wellies and coat for the farm visit.

Many Thanks

Mrs Davies


Park Hall Trip – Tuesday 21st May – Outstanding Payments

Dear Parent/Carer

Please can we ask that any outstanding payments for the trip tomorrow be made ASAP.

You can make the payment via the School Gateway. If you any problems doing this please give the school office a ring on 01939 290834.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Parent Helpers Required – 14th May

Dear Parent/Carer

Would you be available on Tuesday 14th May 2019 during the school day to assist pre-school with a proposed trip????

Please contact the school office if you can help.


Mrs Davies