
Wednesday 22nd January, 2020

HELP needed – Myddle Multi Terrain Fun Run

Myddle Multi Terrain 10K, 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run
Sunday 29th March 2020

This is a HUGE fundraiser for our school and nursery, last year we raised £2230.75 and had 237 runners!

This event has steadily grown in popularity over the years and is well regarded as a ‘good one’ amongst local running groups.

We need over 30-40 volunteers to make this event work, ranging from medical cover (First Aid at Work or higher!), marshalling, set up, registration and helping out with the teas. We also ask for homemade cake donations as this is popular with spectators and the runners love it after their run!  If you are interested in helping us please speak to the organisers Cathy Cooke, Becky Sparks or Helen Price, Rachel on reception or a member of the PTA.

We also have some sponsorship opportunities for local businesses, so if you are able to support us in any way please get in touch with Cathy, Becky or Helen! Sponsorship money goes towards medals, prizes, marketing and additional race-related equipment that we can use year on year.  Sponsorship also means that EVERY PENNY raised goes directly to our children for vital teaching and development resources.

Tuesday 21st January, 2020

Monday Afterschool Club – Monday 27th CANCELLED

Yr 4,5 & 6 Football/Archery Club on Monday 27th January is cancelled.

Please accept our apologises for any inconvenience this may cause.

Mrs Smith


Monday 20th January, 2020

Worship Council

Today, the Worship Council delivered their first assembly to the rest of the school.

In line with the value of this half term, truth, the children shared experiences from their training day, demonstrated some of the practical activities they took part in and shared the newly created Federation Prayer.

The assembly was a real success and we were all really proud of the pupils and how hard they have worked together. It isn’t easy to stand in front of the whole school, but all members of the worship council spoke with confidence. Well done.

Friday 17th January, 2020

Toddler Session start time

The toddler session every Friday morning in the Nursery starts at 9:10am.

Please can we ask that parents and children attending this session arrive for this time and not before.

Many Thanks

Miss Smith

Friday 17th January, 2020


Please can we ask that you thoroughly check your child’s hair this weekend and treat any cases appropriately.


Friday 17th January, 2020

Celebration Assembly – 17th January

Star Pupils

Snow Leopards: Beau L

Panda: Panda Class for being brilliant in Forest School last week

Tiger: Fraser R

Rhino: Lily L

Jaguar:  Chloe W

Mathematician of the week:  Jacob K

Writer of the week: Jayden B

Reader of the week:  Luca L

Handwriter of the week:
Tiger Class – Charlie H
Jaguar Class – Isla C

Winners of Scruffy:  Tigers

Well Done to the pupils who took part in the Basketball competition this week, brilliant effort from everyone!

You are all amazing and we are so proud of you and your hard work.

Have a great weekend 🙂

Thursday 16th January, 2020

Design a Medal Competition – CLOSING DATE FRIDAY 17TH

Dont forget your designs need to be in school tomorrow to be entered into this competition! 🙂


Tuesday 14th January, 2020


It has come to our attention that we may have some unwelcome visitors in school. Please can we ask that long hair is placed in a ponytail. We would be grateful for your support in eradicating the lice. For more information, please follow the link: http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/head-lice/Pages/introduction.aspx

Friday 10th January, 2020

Colour Mixing

Today, pupils in Rhino class learnt about primary colours and how they can be mixed to make other colours. The pupils generated a colour wheel to show the different gradients of colour they created.

Friday 10th January, 2020

Worship Council

Yesterday, a group of pupils completed their training to become members of the Worship Council. After applying by letter to Mrs Williams for the position of a Worship Councillor back in December, seven pupils were selected to represent the school.

Along with pupils from Baschurch, they all took part in a training session with Alex Wolvers (Christian Distinctiveness Advisor) and Rev. Clayton. As part of the Worship Council, pupils will both plan and deliver worship at each school. During the training, they learnt how to create practical activities by taking part in active praying. The children really enjoyed these activities and were able to think deeply about local and world issues.

The pupils also worked together to create a Federation Prayer, which now can be used by the councillors and pupils at both schools.

The day was a real success and all pupils now can’t wait to get started with the planning and preparations for their first worship in school. The day ended with the pupils receiving a certificate to commemorate their achievements of being selected and successfully completing their training as a member of the Worship Council.

Well done to Isla C, Amy C, Cassius M, Sophie C, Alex F, Charley M and Leo M.