
Tuesday 17th March, 2020

Parents/Toddler Session Friday

We are sadly cancelling the parent/toddler session on Fridays for the foreseeable future

Apologises for the inconvenience this may cause


Mrs Smith

Tuesday 17th March, 2020

Coronavirus Update – March 17th

17th March 2020

Dear parents and carers,

I have received several emails today from worried families, some with symptoms and some choosing to self-isolate due for their own reasons.
If you are worried – keep your child at home. Parents should make their own decision and many of you have; our numbers are very low today and we have also had to send several children home during the day. Whatever decision you make will have my full support. Under these exceptional circumstances it will not affect their register mark. I would rather a child miss school for a short period of time than lose a relative for life. I have a duty of care to protect children and in a wider sense their families.

I also have a duty of care to protect the staff workforce. Many of these have their own children, older parents or underlying health conditions themselves.

Although the government are advising the working population to work from home and against mass gatherings, I feel that the education workforce has been overlooked and placed in a vulnerable and unacceptable position where they too could be being exposed to transmission of the virus on a daily basis, coming into contact with children and families. Again I would rather staff miss school for a short period than take the virus home and infect vulnerable family members.

The staff have been working hard on preparing work to be provided on the school website and the school is prepared for closure. This work is optional and of course it will depend on your family circumstances. If your child is ill, they should not try to complete school work. Our teachers will be available to you via Class Dojo during school hours to answer questions about the work, but please appreciate that if we close, many will have their own children to look after and could potentially be ill themselves. In these cases, I would not expect them to be able to correspond with parents.

Current Government advice is that if one person in any household has a persistent cough or fever, everyone living there must stay at home for 14 days. Please follow this advice.

With kind regards,

Mrs C. Williams
Executive Headteacher

Tuesday 17th March, 2020

******Menu Change********

As the amount of coronavirus cases continues to increase, we need to make plans in the case of kitchen staff absence. I would re-assure you that all the staff are well at the moment and the standards of hygiene are always very high.

So that we can continue to provide hot meals for everyone, we have decided to change the menu so that we are serving the same meals at both Myddle and Baschurch, this helps the staff tremendously as I’m sure you will understand.

Next week the menu will be Week 3 and the week commencing 30 March will be Week 1 with one minor change – on Wednesday 1st April it will be roast turkey with stuffing rather than pork.

We will not be able to provide the grab and go bags but everything else will be available.

Thank you for your support

Lorraine Knight
Business Manager

Week 1 Week 3

Monday 16th March, 2020


Please check your child’s bag for this important letter from Mrs Williams, headteacher. out.

I have attached a copy of this letter for any parent/carers whose children may not be in school at the moment.

If you have any questions PLEASE do not hesitate to get in touch 01939 290834


Mrs Smith



Sunday 15th March, 2020

School Tidy today

Thank you so very much to everyone who volunteered their time today to tidy around the school grounds, it looks fantastic.

Special Thank you to Mr Savage for organising the troops.

You are all amazing and we appreciate your efforts so much.



Friday 13th March, 2020

PTA News

If you are available to help on Sunday 15th March, there is a school tidy event starting at 10am. Any time you can spare would be greatly appreciated. Mr Savage has a list of jobs to started. Hopefully the weather will be with us!

PTA Meeting is to be held on Monday 16th March in the Red Lion, Myddle at 7pm

Does anyone have any spare sand???
In the bad weather one of the basketball posts has fallen over, and the base, which contains the water, has cracked. Does anyone have any sand they no longer need that we could use in this to weigh it down. Please speak to Mrs Smith in the school office



Friday 13th March, 2020

Sport Relief 2020

We have had a great week in school trying new sporting activities during the day and the children look fantastic in their favourite sports gear today.

Your children have helped raise an amazing £172.01 for Sports Relief and we are waiting for the announcement at 3pm of which item of sports equipment/clothing is behind the locker door.

Thank you for your support.

Friday 13th March, 2020

NHS Handwashing Song for little hands!

Wednesday 11th March, 2020

*****Pencil Sharpener’s ******

Please can we ask that NO pencil sharpeners are brought into school from home.

School will supply these for the pupils as and when they are required.

Class Teachers will be checking pupils pencil cases tomorrow (Thursday 12/03/2020 and any sharpeners found will be returned to parents by Mrs Smith at the end of the school day.

We appreciate your full support with this.