
Thursday 2nd April, 2020

Working from home Y5&6 Friday 3rd April

It’s the final day of the term, but it’s a strange way for it to end. Hopefully, you’ve all been safe and well at home, and the children have been able to maintain some form of normality and routine during the past two weeks. Thank you for supporting your child/children throughout these days at home whenever they’ve needed it.

I’ve tried to keep everything as normal as possible and in a way in which the children are capable of accessing their learning as independently as possible. It’s a huge help though that you are there to guide and encourage a high expectation and standard in the way that they learn. I’m always a quick message away if and when you need anything!

Here’s a timetable for the final day’s learning from home this term.
Daily Timetable Friday 3.4.20

9:00 Morning exerciseJoe Wicks (Or if you are all Joe Wicks’d out, you could try a dance class with Oti Mabuse on her Youtube page)

9:30 Spelling Test – The spellings to be tested on are on Slide 2 of the daily timetable! Good luck and be honest! If you can send me your scores from this week (and last week if you didn’t) that would be great.

9:40 Spelling Shed – The new spellings to learn over the Easter holidays shall appear on Spelling Shed on Saturday morning. However, the Expected Y3&4 / Expected Y5&6 spellings should be available for you to practise tomorrow (Let me know if they don’t appear).

10:00 RE through English (all morning)
Lesson 2 Friday 3rd April – RE Salvation – Easter
Newspaper report layout

1:00 Reading

1:30 Maths
Y5s (Subtracting decimals)
Y5 Friday Maths 3.4.20
Y5 Friday Maths activity 3.4.20
Y6s (Calculation practise)
Y6 Maths Lesson 5 April 3rd


2:30 Take a break! Enjoy doing one of your hobbies or help out with some gardening, cooking, housework, etc………




Thursday 2nd April, 2020

Rhino Class Daily Challenge – Superveg

My son absolutely loves this story…

Challenge:  Choose a different vegetable to turn into a superhero

What veg will you choose?
What will they be called?
Can you write a short story about them?
Can you design a comic strip about them?
Can you make a super veg model?

93 Best Supertato Eyfs images | Supertato, Eyfs, Eyfs activities

Hope you have fun. I have told my son about the challenge and we would love to see your ideas.

Mr Glover

Wednesday 1st April, 2020

Working from home Y5&6 Thursday 2nd April

Here’s the timetable for tomorrow.

Daily Timetable Thursday 2.4.20

9:00 Morning physical activity
9:30 Spelling Shed
9:45 English

English Lesson 4 Thursday 2.4.20

11:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Lesson 4 Thursday 2nd April
Y5 Maths Lesson 4 Activity Thursday 2nd April
Y6 Maths Lesson 4 Thursday 2nd April
1:00 Reading
1:30 Music
Music Thursday 2.4.20
2:30 PE
PE Fitness session
Wednesday 1st April, 2020

Free Audible books to stream from today!

Amazon today canceled the subscription of books and audio stories for children and students of all ages as long as schools are closed, kids everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids.

All stories are free to stream on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet using the following link https://stories.audible.com/start-listen

Spread the good news.

Wednesday 1st April, 2020

?Children’s rainbow pictures wanted for Nightingale Hospital


Update!! If you saw the previous version of this post, unfortunately it was a fake address, but the real nightingale hospital do want to see your rainbows digitally.

Calling all little artists ?‍??‍?

@rainbowsfornightingale need your help! NHS Nightingale would like to decorate it’s new wards with bright & beautiful drawings by children.

How about taking some time today with your kiddies and drawing some colourful, cheerful pictures! Please note drawings need to be A4 so that they can be laminated for infection control purposes.

Please share your creations digitally on social media using the hashtag #rainbowsfornightingale

What a lovely way to give something back! We’d also love to see your colourful creations so put your photos on our Facebook page under the post ‘Nightingale Rainbows’.

Thank you!! ?

Wednesday 1st April, 2020

Donations of PPE

We have been asked to share this letter with our families:

Coronavirus COVID19 and Personal Protection Equipment

The Chief Medical Officer has raised the risk of catching coronavirus to high. To reduce the spread of infection, protect those most vulnerable and keep critical services going, we are asking you if you can help us.

This is a call to all businesses and organisations in the county, please help us to help your community. Shropshire Council provides support to a range of people and to do this safely we desperately need more personal protective equipment (PPE). If you own a nail bar, beauty salon, veterinary surgery or any other type of business that uses PPE and do have any spare unopened boxes, particularly gloves, aprons or goggles, we would be really grateful if you can let us have it, as a matter of urgency.

Please contact our PPE coordinator Mike Parry Mike.Parry@Shropshire.gov.uk if you are able to help us with this, they will provide further information on how we will collect it from you.

A big thank you in advance for your support.

Yours sincerely

Public Health,

Shropshire Council,


Abbey Foregate,



Wednesday 1st April, 2020

Keeping Children Safe on line – new guidance for parents

Guidance for parents and carers: keeping children safe online
We have updated our information for parents and carers to include a section on keeping children safe online. It provides links to online resources that will help support parents and carers in keeping their children safe online.

Full details can be found in section 6.3 of the guidance for parents and carers on the closure of educational settings:


Tuesday 31st March, 2020

Working from home Y5&6 Wednesday 1st April

Hi all,
Thank you for sending all of the wonderful examples of stories, art work, maths, science, etc…. this week so far. If you/your child would like to take a look at what many of the children in the class have been producing at home, you can find this on the school website under the link ‘Highlights from home Week 2’.
Again, we are continuing to perform strongly on Spelling Shed, currently holding 17th place in the world. The current table can also be found on the ‘Highlights from home’ link as can our top 10 spellers from today!


Here is the timetable for Wednesday 1st April.
Daily Timetable Wednesday 1.4.20
9:45 English
English Lesson 3 Wednesday 1.4.20
11:00 Maths
Y5s – Adding and subtracting decimals
Y5 Maths Lesson 3 Wednesday 1st April
Y5 Maths Lesson 3 Activity Wednesday 1st April
Y6s – 3D Shapes
Y6 Maths Lesson 3 Wednesday 1st April
Y6 Maths Activity 1 Lesson 3 Wednesday 1st April
Y6 Maths Activity 2 Lesson 3 Wednesday 1st April

1:00 Reading

1:30 Aviation Art competition
2020 LAA Aviation Art Competition poster
Aviation Art competition information
Tuesday 31st March, 2020

Rhino Daily Challenge – Maths Investigation

Fifteen Cards

This challenge will involve some concentration and perseverance. Remember, if you don’t solve it first time, try a different approach. make sure you read the information really carefully to make sure your selection meets all the criteria. Good luck!

I have fifteen cards numbered 1 15.I put down seven of them on the table in a row.

7 cards

The numbers on the first two cards add to 15.
The numbers on the second and third cards add to 20.
The numbers on the third and fourth cards add to 23.
The numbers on the fourth and fifth cards add to 16.
The numbers on the fifth and sixth cards add to 18.
The numbers on the sixth and seventh cards add to 21.

What are my cards?

Can you find any other solutions?

How do you know you’ve found all the different solutions?