Frozen Kingdom

The children  have been busy enjoying our Frozen Kingdom project.  They made some sugar cube igloos, concentrating hard to construct a stable, dome shaped structure.  Mrs Wild also painted the wonderful Narnia scene as a backdrop to the work the children have and will be producing.

After cooking Turkish delight (not very successfully) then sampling some shop bought pieces the children produced their best writing pieces to date by writing an advert for their product.


Reading The Game

Just a few shots for you from our Reading The Game lessons with Coach Neil.  We all enjoyed the experience and learnt new writing and football skills.

Rhino’s Forest School Time and PE

Dear all

Our forest school time has changed to a Tuesday afternoon.  Please can you continue to ensure the children have warm clothes, gloves, hats,wellies etc as the forecast suggests we may be in for a cold snap following the unseasonably warm weather we have enjoyed in the last couple of weeks.

PE will now be on a Friday afternoon, we are lucky to be having Johnny Hughes coaching again for this session.   This may be indoors or outside so if children could have everything they may need In school it will help the lesson start promptly.

Any questions please do ask.

Mrs Wenlock



Reading the Game

Dear Parents

I hope you have all enjoyed a lovely Christmas with your children and I wish you a very happy New Year.

In Rhino class this half term we are very privileged to be working with Neil Homer on a programme called “Reading the Game”.  This programme is being delivered in conjunction with the  Shrewsbury Town FC in the Community.  The programme captures the motivational power of football and sport to inspire children to read more and improve their English skills.  This is a six week programme that will start this Tuesday and be delivered in school each Tuesday afternoon for the six weeks.  This will form part of our PE lesson as the session is half classroom based and half practical outside playing sport.

Please can you ensure your child has their PE kit on Tuesdays from 8th January 2019.  It is really cold now so for some children shorts or leggings are not warm enough and I am happy for them to wear tracksuits bottoms and fleece tops over their PE kit (whatever is comfy but keeps them warm enough to enjoy the session, I know I will be wrapping up to join in too).

Please could children also have their indoor PE kit in school as we will be doing gymnastics when hall availabity allows.

Forest school will continue on a Thursday as usual and again please ensure your child has warm and waterproof clothes and wellies.  If the weather is dreadful, Forest School will move indoors but we do aim to get the children out into the environment as much as possible.

Our topic for this term is “Frozen Kingdom”, we hope the children will be inspired by all of the aspects this topic has to offer.  Look out for the homework jigsaw, this enables them to get creative and we welcome all of the things they have made into school.

Should you have any questions please do ask.

Kind regards

Mrs Wenlock








KS2 Production – 12/12/18

Reminder that this year’s KS2 Production (Rhino and Jaguar) will be taking place on Wednesday 12 December.  There will be one performance at 1.30pm and another at 5.30pm.  A letter with more information will be sent home with children soon.

Warm clothing

Dear all

The weather seems to have really changed this week to more wintery temperatures.  Please can we ensure all the children have warm clothes and coats to wear to school, we still like them to get fresh air at break and lunch times.  There does seem to be a lot of clothing going missing, I have asked the children to make sure their clothing is named so it is more easily returned if they misplace it.

Mrs Wenlock.


Evacuee Suitcases

In our topic lesson today we started to explore how it may have felt to be an evacuee.  We watched the first few minutes of “Goodnight Mr Tom” and discussed both how Willy and Mr Tom must have felt.  We are now in the process of making some evacuee size suitcases and I have asked the children to think about what they would have packed if they were an evacuee.  Next week I am hoping they will bring in their precious things to explore how they would have felt leaving their homes and families behind, not knowing if they would return or what they would return to.


Forest School

Just a quick reminder that the children from Rhino class have forest school on a Thursday morning.  Some of the other classes had to rearrange the times but we kept our original time of a Thursday morning.  The children do go to church before they go into the forest and so we ask that whilst they can come in their outdoor clothing that they wear their normal shoes for registration and the church service.  When they get back they can then pop on their wellies at the back door  and enjoy their lesson outside.

It is cold now and the children are outside for the whole morning.  Please can you ensure they have warm clothing, gloves, waterproof trousers (so they can sit down outside) and wellies. Wellies get muddy so a plastic bag to put them in afterwards is much appreciated to help keep the school clean.  Children can then get changed out of possibly wet, muddy outside gear into their uniform for the rest of the day.

Any questions, please drop me an email or pop in and see me, I will always try and make myself available for you.



The Rhino class were privileged to experience two workshops this week from our visitors who delivered the anti-bullying message.   The children enjoyed the drama and relaxation workshops that followed the whole school assembly.

The Lion and the Unicorn

Thank you to our fantastic PTA who bought a set of The Lion and the Unicorn books for us.  Shirley Hughes is a wonderful children’s writer and the class are enjoying the book so far.  The main character Lenny has just gone into the air raid shelter with his mum and we have started some descriptive writing about the scene outside the shelter.  Here are the children making exciting sentences using fronted adverbials, adjectives and brackets.  They were all really impressed how professional their sentences sounded.