Y3&4 netball at Shrewsbury School

Well done to the 10 children in Y3&4 (Rhino class) who were selected to go to Shrewbsury School to take part in some netball activities that were organised and delivered by the PE staff there. The children all had an excellent time – despite the cold weather – and showed great skill and movement within each of the activities. Thank you to Coach Neil and Mrs Hulme for taking the pupils to this event.

Y3&4 dodgeball

Our Y3&4 dodgeball team took part in a tournament at Corbet School yesterday and finished in 3rd place out of the 8 teams that played. Well done everybody!

Arthog 2024

A residential trip to Arthog has been booked for 2024 for the current year 5 (not year 4) class currently in Rhinos.

The dates are 10th – 12th July 2024. More details to follow in the next accademic year.

Many Thanks


Rhino class update

Dear Rhino parents,

We just wanted to let you know that Miss Beauchamp is going to continue teaching Rhino class up until half term. Thank-you for your ongoing understanding.

If you have any questions for myself or Miss B, please don’t hesitate to email admin@myddle.shropshire.sch.uk and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Mrs Williams

Swimming Sessions Start – 26th April

Dear Parent/Carer

Just a quick reminder that the swimming sessions start tomorrow, Wednesday, 26th April.

Please ensure you send your child’s swimming kit with them, school do NOT have any spare kit which they can lend. Please can we also ask that the girls don’t wear tights on this day as it is a “challenge” for them to get dressed again following their session. Can we also ask that the girls have their hair tied up and that no one brings any aerosols.

If your child has any goggles they can bring them,  although it is not a necessity.

If you have any questions please give school a bell on 01939 290834


Mrs Smith

After School Tennis Club

Unfortunately due to lack of numbers, after school tennis club on a Tuesday will not go ahead after todays session.

You will receive a full refund if you have signed up for this club and paid on ParentPay.

Todays session will still go ahead with Mr Hughes and pick up time is 4pm.

Many Thanks


Rhino Class – important update

We just wanted to let Rhino class and families know that Miss Beauchamp is going to be teaching the class for 2 weeks from 20th April. The class are very familiar with Miss Beauchamp as she already has them two days a week, so this will keep the learning and routines very consistent for them. Mr Glover needs to take some time at home to support his wife who is having a major operation for this period of time. I know you will join me to wish him and his wife all the best with the operation and her on-going treatment for breast cancer.

Using Turtle Academy

Today Rhino class have been learning to code using a programme called Turtle Academy. The children had to follow a series of lessons in order to learn how to draw simple and complex shapes. The further they go through the lessons, the more complex the shapes they can draw. They can even learn how to programme the computer to draw shapes with just one command. They really enjoyed doing this and worked really hard during the lesson.

Design Technology and Maths

Today, children in Rhino class have been very busy!

They have been using the laptops to help practise their x tables. The children love computer games, so using games and challenges is a great way to help them practise and they also like competing against each other, sharing their improvements and achievements.

The class have also been busy in the kitchen, making Pesto as part of their Design Technology work with Mrs Harris. The children worked in small groups to select and mix the ingredients and filled the corridor with most amazing aroma!

Here a few photos from today: