Number day – PE

As part of ‘Number day’ today, the pupils took part in a tough but great fitness ‘accumulator’ which they thrived in, then produced their own gymnastics sequence using 90, 180, 270 and 360 degree turns. It was excellent having mixed aged groups together for a change to share abilities with each other.

Y5&6 Jaguar class – Mrs Flynn ‘careers’ talk

It was great to have Mrs Flynn visiting Y5&6 on Thursday afternoon to inform the pupils about her career in the Environment Agency. They learned about how her role helps with the flood defences and how her career path developed from primary school, through to the role that she has now. Thank you Mrs Flynn. It was wonderful that you gave up your time to do this.

Mrs Wild Y5&6 ‘Careers’ talk

A huge thank you to all of the parents so far who have given up their vaulable time to come in to Jaguar class to talk to the children about the jobs that they do. Today it was Mrs Wild who we need to thank. The children learned all about hypnotherapy, what it involves and the skills that are required to follow this career route. Yet again, the pupils showed great interest and are really enjoying these sessions. They are now looking forward to Mrs Flynn next week!

Y5&6 PSHE – Mrs Millward ‘careers’ talk

A big thank you to Mrs Millward (and Kieran) who gave up their time to talk to the pupils in Y5&6 this afternoon about the work that they do for the rail company. It was really interesting to listen to and the pupils were very engaged with the images and videos that were shown.

Y5&6 Indoor Athletics

Well done to the 18 pupils in Y5&6 who were selected for the indoor athletics event this morning at The Corbet School. They took part in several sprint relay events as well as field events which consisted of long jump, triple jump, vertical jump, speed bounce, javelin and chest push. The children encouraged and supported each other and displayed a sensible approach throughout the morning. Results will follow in due course……


Y5&6 Parents ‘Careers’ talk

A huge thank you to Mrs Good who organised a ‘careers’ talk with the pupils in Jaguar class on Friday afternoon. The children learned about the different opportunities for a career in the NHS, what skills and qualifications they would need, and took part in different practical ‘life saving’ based activities, which Mrs Good had planned and organised. The pupils learned a lot and had a great afternoon.


Y5&6 Dodgeball

Well done to Eve, Mia, Ruby, William, Archie, Caspar and Bertie in Y6 who were chosen to represent the school in a dodgeball competition at Corbet School. They played really well and developed tactically as the competition progressed. Having played 6 games, they won 4 of them, which meant that they finished 2nd behind the winners, Bomere Heath. Well done everybody. Even after the tournament finished, they wanted to carry on playing!

Y5&6 Boys football

Well done to the eight pupils in Y5&6 who were selected to represent the school in a boys’ football tournament at Shrewsbury Town today. They played 3 fixtures against other Shropshire Primary Schools, which resulted in a 0-0 draw, and 0-3 / 0-1 defeats. It was good experience for the children and they gained vaulable competitive game time against other teams. Thank you to Mrs Emerton Maka for escorting the children to this event.

Y5&6 Ancient Greek workshop

The children in Y5&6 had an enjoyable afternoon in their ancient Greek workshop. Thank you to Ali from the Shrewsbury Museum for her time and her expertise in delivering this session. It was great to see so many of the children immersing themselves in the topic by dressing up. Well done everybody!

Jaguar Class Ancient Greece Workshop Reminder

Jaguar Class are very much looking forward to their Ancient Greece Workshop tomorrow afternoon. Thank you very much to everyone who have already made contributions towards the cost of this workshop, it is very much appreciated.  Please could any outstanding payments be made using the school gateway as soon as possible.  Thank you.