World Book Day

Wow… What a great day we’ve had in class today. Not only did the children look great, but the spoons they had made were just amazing. They had great fun sharing what they made and also discussing their favourite books.

Let’s Dance!

Children in Rhino class are really enjoying their dance lessons. What they manage to do in few lessons is amazing!

Making games on Scratch

Today the children designed, made and played question and answer games on Scratch. They had great fun and were very creative.

Inter House Football

  1. Today, the children in Rhino class took part in an inter house football competition. The children were so well behaved and really supported each other. All children played well and it was great to see those children that don’t normally choose to play football joining in and giving their best. Well done Rhino Class!

Rhino trip to Shrewsbury Prison

  1. Today, Rhino class visited Shrewsbury Prison as a conclusion to their Crime and Punishment history topic. they had a brilliant day and learnt even more fantastic facts on top of what they had already learnt. Their behaviour was amazing and all children were a credit to the school.

The day began with some team building activities and then we had an amazing tour of the prison which took us from Victorian times to 2013 when prison closed.


Amazing Art

Last Friday in Art with Mrs Harris, the children were looking at architecture. They had the challenge of designing buildings from different flat shapes.

‘Stepping Out’ Pedestrain training for Years 3, 4 and 5.

Stepping out training is starting tomorrow 24th January. This is for Years 3, 4 and 5.

Please can we have ALL reply slips back today or tomorrow morning at the latest please 

If we do not receive them in time, those children will not be allowed out on the walks.



Y4&5 Rhino class (Science – Forces)

As part of their Science topic of ‘Forces’, the Y4&5s were investigating with their magnets this afternoon.🧲