Rhino Homework 9.10.20

This week, the homework is linked to our class text ‘Stig of the dump’.

We have just finished reading chapter 4 this week, which ends with Stig causing a stampede during a fox hunt. The challenge for homework, using the word bank given, is to write a description of the hunt and what goes wrong!

Please click on the links below to access the activity sheet as well as chapter 4 just in case you would like to read it again.

Description of the hunt – Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Mirror, mirror….

This week in science the children in Rhino Class investigated the reflections.

They were set a number of challenges to complete, each using a mirror to create reflections.

They had to write a secret mirror message, complete a mirror maze and generate multiple reflections using a hinged mirror. The children were really surprised when what seemed to be so simple at first, turned out to be really difficult. The children great fun and certainly improved their level of concentration.


Rhino Homework 2.10.20

Homework this week is is on Roman numerals. Please click on the link below to access the activity.

Roman Numerals

To help learn what each Roman symbol means, click on the link below to view a conversion table.

Roman Numeral Conversion Chart


Stone Age Research

Today, Rhino class carried out some research to find out how people during the Stone Age period hunted.

The children were not allowed to use the internet so they had to use some information texts instead. This was great, as the children now know how to use a contents, an index and a glossary.

The children used the information they gathered to create information pages and booklets of their own.

Great learning everyone!

Rhino Class Homework – 25.9.20

This week, the homework is grammar based and focuses on Fronted Adverbials.

Click on the link below to access the activity.


To find out more about fronted adverbials, watch videos and complete some online quizzes, then click on the link below to access the BBC Bitesize website.

BBC Bitesize – Adverbials


Sunshine and Shadows

Today in science, Rhino class investigated shadows.

We carried an experiment to see how we could make a shadow move using a torch. We placed a glue stick in a central position and observed how the torch needed to be moved in order to make the shadow meet specific lines which surrounded the central point. At times this wasn’t what the children thought, so some good learning took place.

We also looked at our own shadows that we create in the sunshine. We even measured how much a shadow moved and changed shape during the afternoon.

Great fun was had by all.

Rhino Homework 18.9.20

In maths this week, we have been learning about partitioning.

Below, is a link to three progressive activities. Children can choose to complete the next activity if they feel they would like a further challenge.

Maths Homework 18.9.20

Please ensure that homework is completed and returned before Thursday each week so that it can be marked before handing out new homework on a Friday. I have told the class, that I am unable to mark homework during the school day when it is handed in on a Friday.

Many thanks

Rhino Spellings 18.9.20

Please find below links to spelling lists for next week.

Snip Group -18.9.20

Week 3- 18.9.20

Spelling book can be brought home each day in order to practise, but must be in school each day for further activities and investigations as well as to record their test on a Friday. Spelling shed can also be used to practise spellings online.

Many thanks