In Rhino Class next week….

Hi Everyone,

Next week we are going to have a go at taking part in some live lessons. I will be holding some ‘zoom’ meetings with the class to conduct some reading sessions linked to our class text ‘The BFG’. The ‘zoom’ will be in the afternoon (1:30pm) so we can all work through the answered questions from the first reading session on the daily timetable. I have sent out the link over class dojo.

From Tuesday, we will also be taking part, each day, in a live lesson hosted by Jane Considine (or Mrs C to the kids!). Jane is an English consultant and has developed a writing scheme called, ‘The Write Stuff’ which we have been using in school. To train staff and pupils how to use the scheme, Jane has previously launched a series of live lessons which we took part in last term and the writing the children produced was brilliant.  So, I’m really keen to be involved again. Jane will take the lead and all we have to do is follow her instructions so it will really help and motivate children during their home learning and take lots of the pressure off you as parents.

The lessons will be broadcast live on ‘You tube’, from Monday at 9:45am but to make things more manageable, I’m going to start these from Tuesday instead so that the videos can be uploaded to the class webpage and then accessed when is most suitable for you rather than being governed by a specific time. All the children will need to complete the activities is paper and a pen/pencil.

I hope you all have had a good first week, as I previous stated, this wasn’t the start to the term we were expecting or wanting. I really appreciate all the hard work you are putting in to support your children and the amount of work you are sharing with me is so lovely to see. The DFE is recommending that primary aged pupils engage in at least 3 hours of work each day, which is why, during this lockdown, I am replicating my daily timetable and class based activities on line for you to share and work through at home each day. Please use dojo as much as you can to send in the work completed as it allows me to see the volume of work being completed and the level of engagement in the tasks set. I know that some of you are also working from home and I understand how managing the remote learning is an additional challenge. If you feel sending in pictures etc is too much, then just a quick list in a message of the activities completed that day is fine. I can still give feedback, encouragement and dojos to the children for their work.

I’m also aware that some of you are feeling under pressure to complete all the activities that are set each day. So to help this situation, I’m suggesting that on a Friday we have a catch up session (‘Free Up Friday’) where any activities that have been missed during the week can be completed so as much as possible we are on track for Monday. I will also put some links to some interactive games and online videos for those of you that need any additional activities.

Is has also been announced this week that the BBC have put together an array of educational programmes that will be aired daily of the CBBC channel (3hrs a day in fact). This is a great idea and is certainly something that you can use while at home. As previously stated, as much as possible we are trying to follow the curriculum with the tasks that we set, but I know far too well that sometimes children just need a break. This would be a break with benefits and could be something that you drop in and out of as you choose depending on the focus of the programme.

Thanks again and keep up the great work. Remember, ‘Teamwork makes the dream work!’

Have a lovely weekend

Kind regards

Mr Glover

Rhino Nativity Rap Performance

Rhino class have worked really hard to learn and act out scenes for their Nativity Rap. They even braved the cold weather so that it could be filmed outside. We wish were in a position to invite all parents into school so we could celebrate Christmas together, but at least we still get to share this with you. On a positive note, you can watch the performance as many times as you wish. We hope you enjoy it.

Many Thanks

Sensational Report Writing

Year 4 have been working really hard exploring how to write a Newspaper report. Over the last 10 sessions, we have been planning and writing together all the different elements which the children have really enjoyed.

Today, they had to put all the elements together and produce their very own completed Newspaper report.  When we looked back at all the first attempts, the children were amazed at the progress they have made in their writing.

Well done everyone.

Rhino Homework 20.11.20

This week, Rhino class have been learning about calculating perimeter.

When adding together a series of numbers together, please encourage your children to list, pair, reduce and then add. This is when the children list all measurements as an addition and then match pairs to add together to create a second but reduced list of numbers to add. The second, reduced list should be much easier and quicker to add together.


list:              6 + 4  + 7 + 3 + 8 + 4 =

Pair:          (6 + 4)  + (7 + 3) + (8 + 4) =

Reduce and add:     10  + 10  +  12  = 36

Please click on the link below to access this week’s perimeter homework activity:

Perimeter Homework

Rhino Homework 13.11.20

This week, homework is to practise frog club sheets ready for the test next Friday (20.11.20).

Each child has been given 2 sheets, so please encourage them to practise at least twice this week.  If you want to practise more, then further sheets can be accessed on a previous post in the Rhino homework section of the school website.

Many thanks

Weather around the world…

Today, pupils have been learning about climatic regions and how these impact on the weather in different parts of the world. They learnt about the location of the Equator and plotted the different climatic regions on a world map. They all worked very hard and very neatly. Well done Rhino Class.

Hot Writing in Rhino Class

This week, Rhino class have been completing their Hot Writes. This is when pupils showcase their learning at the end of topic. Once finished, it can then be compared to the Cold Write they completed at the start of the topic to see how much progress they have made in their writing. The children have all worked really hard.

Rhino Homework 6.11.20

This week, homework looks at how to recognise and write expanded noun phrases.

A noun phrase usually has a determiner (e.g. a or the etc) and a noun ( an object, thing or place etc) For example: a dog or the cinema.

An expanded noun phrase introduces an adjective to describe the noun e.g. a brown dog or the busy cinema.

Below is a video which explains further about expanded noun phrases.

BBC Bitesize – Expanded noun phrases

Below is the link to this week’s homework. There are 3 progressive activities, which can be used to further extend learning if feel appropriate.

Year 4 – Identifying-Noun-Phrases