Panda Class Science

Over the past few weeks children in Panda Class have been exploring the subject of ‘Animals Including Humans’. 

Year 1 have worked very hard to compare a range of animals, talking about their similarities and differences. Next, children investigated 5 different animal groups – mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish and birds.  Then, they had a look at animal diets, again, comparing what animals eat, and then discussing which animals are carnivores, omnivores or herbivores.

Reception joined in by discussing animals, and then made a range of different animal homes, according to the animals size and needs.  They used Dear Zoo as a starting point and were very busy constructing the homes and painting some wonderful animals too.

Next we will be exploring our senses, with a range of different investigations to find out more. .

Well done Panda Class


New Nursery Leader

We are really pleased to let you know that Clare Evans will be taking over as our nursery leader in January. Clare already works with our Snow-leopards every Friday and as a TA in school the rest of the week. Clare has had extensive nursery experience prior to joining Myddle and can’t wait to get back into a nursery setting. Clare knows all of the children really well, so we hope it will be a smooth transition for you all.

We thank Liz for looking after the nursery so competently over the last few weeks; Liz will now move into her new role as the Panda Class teaching assistant.

We also welcome Katie Hinton to the EYFS team. Katie has worked with us a lot on a casual basis and absolutely LOVES this age group. She will now work every Wednesday in Snow-Leopards and every Friday in Panda class.  Fran will continue to be in nursery full time, so we have a great team in place.

Any questions, please do catch a member of staff and ask, email the school admin or call in. In the new year, we will open the doors to parents and carers so that you can meet everyone.

Thank you all for your on-going support.

Rec / Y1 Science (Materials)

Panda class (Rec/Y1) have been investigating different materials in Science this afternoon…….


Hoo Zoo

We had a fantastic Day at Hoo Zoo! The children especially loved the Dinosaur World and could remember and recognise many of the dinosaurs that we had learned about last term!