Y6 Love 2 Stay day out

A great time was had by all off the Y6s at Love 2 Stay today. They took part in raft building, paddle boarding, kayaking, tie dying and orienteering, having great fun. They all were excellent representatives of the school and showed a kind, caring nature to each other. Here are some of the images of the day…….







Bikeability Sessions

Please can Yr 6 pupils who are taking part in the bikeability sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday this week, bring a spare change of clothes and a waterproof coat. If you  have waterproof trousers please send these in as well.

Y5&6 Jaguar class – Suffragette Protest Rosettes

This afternoon, the children have been producing their own Suffragette rosettes.

Y6 Maths – 3D shapes

The children in Y6 have today been using the nets they were provided with to create a selection of 3D shapes before naming them and identifying their properties.


Y5&6 Jaguar Fossil Finding

Today, the Y5&6s have been continuing their learning on our Science topic of ‘Evolution’ by finding and studying fossils……….


Free School Transport – Yr 6 Parents – Have you completed your application??

Any parents/carers of year 6 pupils, who wish to apply for free school transport for their child/children from September 2021, should do so before 31st May 2021. Applications can be made online at www.shropshire.gov.uk or over the phone with the Council’s Customer Service Team by calling 0345 6789008. Alternatively, should you require a paper copy of the application form, please do not hesitate to contact the school or Passenger Transport directly via email, schooltransport@shropshire.gov.uk or over the phone on the above telephone number. It is important to explain that, if the application is not received by 31st May 2021, the Authority may be unable to provide transport for the beginning of the autumn term 2021 and parents/carers will need to make their own transport arrangements. Access to school transport is not permitted until entitlement has been confirmed.


Year 6 transition letter Sept 2021 – letter to parents-carers