Positive Cases – Tiger, Rhino & Jaguar Classes

FAO Parents/Carers of Tiger, Rhino & Jaguar Class 

We have been made aware that we have a confirmed positive cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Tiger, Rhino & Jaguar Classes at Myddle Primary School.

We have followed the national guidance and have identified that your child has been in close contact with the affected person.  In line with the national guidance, your child does not need to self-isolate but we strongly advise that they take a rapid lateral flow device (LFD) test every day for 7 days. If any of these LFD tests are positive they should immediately self-isolate.

If your child develops any of the main COVID-19 symptoms, or any of the precautionary symptoms associated with COVID-19, they must take a PCR test and remain off school until a negative result has been received.

If you have any questions, please contact the school office.  Thank you.

Myddle Christmas Performances 2021

The children and staff have been working hard so that we can share with you the true meaning of Christmas and also spread a little festive cheer.

We hope you enjoy the videos that each class have put together.

From all of us here at Myddle, we hope you all have a lovely Christmas break and wish you a very Happy New Year.

A Message from Mrs Williams:

Snow Leopards & Panda Class:

Tiger Class:

Rhino Class:

Jaguar Class:

Jaguar – Arriving time

Just an update, they are due to arrive back at school around 5:30pm – 5:45pm

Liverpool Trip 30th November

Please can we ask that all payments are made for this trip by the end of the school day on Monday, 22nd November. Payments to be made via School Gateway.

A separate form has been sent home tonight for this trip, please can this be completed and returned to school on Monday, 22nd November.

Any questions please do not hesitate to contact Mr Hughes or Mrs Smith

Titanic display

The Y5s in Jaguar class have been busy creating our Titanic display in school……

Y6 Tennis day at Shrewsbury Club

Our Y6s travelled to the Shrewsbury Club today to take part in some tennis skill sessions and then had the opportunity to watch two female professional players take part in a tournament this afternoon. It was a great experience to watch quality tennis so close up……


Y5&6 Jaguar class Remembrance Day flags

This afternoon, the children in Jaguar class produced some excellent ‘Remembrance Day’ flag designs, which shall be taken to the church for Thursday’s two minutes silence.

Here’s what the children created…..

Y5&6 Jaguar class PE – Hockey

Today, the children started their first hockey session in PE. They used socks and shin pads from school to protect their shins however, next week, they can bring in their own from home (if they have any) to use. If not, the children can continue to use what they wore today.

Positive Case – Jaguar Class

We have had a confirmed case of COVID-19 in Jaguar Class.

We would encourage everyone in this Class to book a PCR test as soon as possible. Please note a Lateral Flow test is not acceptable for those classed as close contacts.

Please do not send your child in to school if they have any COVID-19 symptoms. If you have any questions please refer to the local authority guidance which was sent home on the 15th October and posted on the school website on the 4th October. A key point in this guidance is that your child cannot come to school if there is a positive case in your household.