Swimming Sessions Start – 26th April

Dear Parent/Carer

Just a quick reminder that the swimming sessions start tomorrow, Wednesday, 26th April.

Please ensure you send your child’s swimming kit with them, school do NOT have any spare kit which they can lend. Please can we also ask that the girls don’t wear tights on this day as it is a “challenge” for them to get dressed again following their session. Can we also ask that the girls have their hair tied up and that no one brings any aerosols.

If your child has any goggles they can bring them,  although it is not a necessity.

If you have any questions please give school a bell on 01939 290834


Mrs Smith

Arthog Parents Meeting – Thursday 2nd March

Mr Hughes will be holding a meeting for all parents of children going to Arthog in March.

This meeting will take place in school on Thursday, 2nd March at 3:20pm.

Mrs Smith

Arthog March 23 – Payment Reminders

Please can we remind parents of Yr 6 parents about the payments for the planned residential visit to Arthog in March.

If you have any questions regarding these payments please give Mrs Smith a bell on 01939 290834.


Y6 Science – Light

The children in Jaguar class (Y6) have today started their learning on their Science topic of ‘Light’.

They’ve focused today on learning how and where lights travels, and produced models / diagrams of their learning.

Crucial Crew – Friday 10th June

Just a reminder about the event tomorrow.

Please find the event letter attached for full details.

If you have ordered a grab bag for lunch for your child, this will be given out prior to them leaving Myddle.

Any questions please do not hesitate to given school a ring on 01939 290834

Mrs Smith

Crucial Crew


Yr.6 Parents – Deadline for Free School Transport 31st May 2022

Any parents/carers of year 6 pupils, who wish to apply for free school transport for their child/children from September 2022, should do so before 31st May 2022. Applications can be made online at https://shropshire.gov.uk/school-transport/ or over the phone with the Council’s Customer Service Team by calling 0345 6789008. Alternatively, should you require a paper copy of the application form, please do not hesitate to contact the school or Passenger Transport directly via email, schooltransport@shropshire.gov.uk or over the phone on the above telephone number. It is important to explain that, if the application is not received by 31st May 2021, the Authority may be unable to provide transport for the beginning of the autumn term 2022 and parents/carers will need to make their own transport arrangements. Access to school transport is not permitted until entitlement has been confirmed.

Y6 Archery event

The Year 6s travelled to the Ironworks, Oswestry to experience an afternoon of archery, where they had the opportunity to use recurve bows for the first time, aiming at larger targets. They also viewed Max Oakley, a 14 year old Great Britain archer showing off his skills too from a 50 metre distance.

Here are some images of the afternoon….

Yr 6 Archery – Wednesday 16th May – Important Information

Please can the Yr6 pupils wear a long sleeved top under their PE t-shirt for the event tomorrow.

There will be arm guards given out but it just adds additional protection.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give school a ring.

Positive Cases – Tiger, Rhino & Jaguar Classes

FAO Parents/Carers of Tiger, Rhino & Jaguar Class 

We have been made aware that we have a confirmed positive cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Tiger, Rhino & Jaguar Classes at Myddle Primary School.

We have followed the national guidance and have identified that your child has been in close contact with the affected person.  In line with the national guidance, your child does not need to self-isolate but we strongly advise that they take a rapid lateral flow device (LFD) test every day for 7 days. If any of these LFD tests are positive they should immediately self-isolate.

If your child develops any of the main COVID-19 symptoms, or any of the precautionary symptoms associated with COVID-19, they must take a PCR test and remain off school until a negative result has been received.

If you have any questions, please contact the school office.  Thank you.