A Special Message for Year 6

Here is a special message to our amazing Year 6 pupils from all the staff at Myddle.


Working From Home (and school) Y5&6 – Wednesday 15th July 2020

Good morning,

Here’s today’s timetable from home.
Daily Timetable Wednesday 15.7.20


Y5 English (Persuasive Letter writing) Wednesday 15th July 2020
Y6 English – Wednesday 15th July – Crucial Crew focus Y6


Y5 Maths – Wednesday 15th July 2020
Y5 Maths Wednesday activity- Volume
Y6 Maths Wednesday 15th July

Have a good day.

Mr Hughes

Highlights From Home Y5&6 – Tuesday 14th July 2020

Here’s today’s Highlights From Home from today…
Tuesday’s 14.7.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

I’m looking forward to reading the persuasive letters from the Y5s for next year’s roles and responsibilities as Y6 pupils. I shall be selecting children for these positions based on the letters emailed to me.

Mrs Williams shall be hosting the Y6 Zoom Leaver’s Service tomorrow at 12pm and the password for the link has been sent to all Y6 parents on your Class Dojo page. See you then.

Mr Hughes

Year 6 Zoom Leavers Service Tomorrow 12:00

Year 6 Virtual Leaver’s Service

Wednesday 15th July 12:00 noon

Meeting ID:  827 9518 6645

Meeting password: 3J4miJ

url: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82795186645?pwd=RlpyWGRIQ1RWQTlrM2tQa2ZWU0hKdz09

Order of Service

Welcome – Mrs Williams

Our  Memories – each of our year 6 have recorded a special video of their memories

Our Journey from Reception to Year 6 – a photographic extravaganza

Presentation, including Jubilee Board winner – Mrs Williams

Special message –  Toby Smith

Goodbye from all the Staff at Myddle Primary – a special video to you all

Prayer – Bethany Williams

Blessing – Reverend Clayton

Finale – That’s Not My Jumper!


Zoom Protocols:

Please log on 5 minutes before meeting to check your sound and visuals.

Please keep yourself on MUTE as it helps the audio of the person speaking.

Please do not take part from a bedroom or bathroom.

If you want to speak, please use the Chat facility to make a request and we can unmute you.

Please be polite and sensible in the chat box as there will be a wide audience.

If you are watching as part of the wider school community, please join without sound or video so that you can just watch. It will then make it easier for us to see the year 6s during the service.






Yr 6 Pupils – Lunches – Monday & Tuesday

Please can all Year 6 parents ensure that they send the money for Monday and Tuesday lunches before we finish for the summer holidays. This will be £4.40 in total.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Working From Home (and school) Y5&6 – Tuesday 14th July 2020

Good morning Y5&6. If you missed yesterday’s Newsround, click on the image below and it will take you straight there!
This page has moved - CBBC Newsround
Here’s today’s weather forecast. Click on the image below to find out….
BBC Weather forecast: Final BIG FREEZE to hit UK before heatwave ...
Here’s today’s timetable….
Daily Timetable Tuesday 14.7.20


Y5 Maths – Tuesday 14th July 2020
Y5 Reasoning paper Summer Half Term 1 Tuesday 14th July
Year 5 – ANSWERS Tuesday 14th July
Y6 Maths Tuesday 14th July


Y5 English (Persuasive Letter writing) Tuesday 14th July 2020
Y6 English – Tuesday 14th July – Crucial Crew focus Y6


Have a good day.
Mr Hughes

Highlights From Home Y5&6 – Monday 13th July 2020

As well as the pupils at school, well done to Amy, Henry, Zoe, Nia, Katie and Harvey who have been contributing all of their hard work at home on the Highlights From Home page for today. It’s good to see that they have maintained the high standards that they’ve set for themselves from the previous three months.  The Y6 pupils at school have worked hard on their maths, reading and Science today, as well as continuing their spellings and art work also.

You deserve a ………
Aura Gold Well Done Medal With Choice of Free Ribbon 50mm (2 ...
Here’s today’s Highlights From Home
Monday’s 13.7.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6…..

Have a good evening.

Working From Home (and school) Y5&6 – Monday 13th July 2020

Good morning Y5&6.

This week is your final week as Y5s and Y6s. Soon, we shall be saying goodbye to our oldest pupils, who will head off on their next school journey at the Corbet School. The Y5s will then become our new set of main role models for the younger pupils of the school and have many roles and responsibilities from September onwards.

Here’s today’s timetable from home (and school)….
Daily Timetable Monday 13.7.20

Morning exercise – https://danceparent101.com/best-free-online-dance-classes-and-tutorials-for-school-aged-kids/

Y5 Maths – Monday 13th July 2020
Y5 Summer Term Arithmetic Assessment Paper
Year 5 – Mark Scheme- Arithmetic
Y6 Maths Monday 13th July


Y5 English (Reading) Monday 13th July 2020
Y6 English – Monday 13th July – Reading focus Y6
Y5&6 Reading text – Monday 13th July


Activity Sheet Amphibians and Insects
Clue Cards


Have a good day.
Mr Hughes


Working From Home (and school) Y5&6 – Friday 10th July 2020

Good morning Y5&6,

If you haven’t seen it on the school website, Mrs Williams shall host a Y6 leavers service at 12pm on Wednesday 15th July on Zoom. This will also be recorded so that if you can’t watch it live, it can be shared with you. You will also be able to give the log in details to any relatives that may want to watch. A program and login details will follow shortly.

Well done to the following children who have reached specific Class Dojo landmarks.
550+ Amy and Henry
500+ Reuben
450+ Bethany, Cameron and Zoe
400+ Nelly, Harvey and Jack,
300+ Chloe, Dante and Ruby
250+ Katie, Lucy and Megan
200+ Heidi and Nia
150+ Cassie, Elizabeth, Isla, Isobel, Lily and Sophie
100+ Holly H and Rhys


Here’s today’s timetable……
Daily Timetable Friday 10.7.20

Morning exercise https://danceparent101.com/best-free-online-dance-classes-and-tutorials-for-school-aged-kids/

Y5 English (Reading) Friday 10th July 2020
Y5 Comprehension – The Inner Solar System
Y6 English – Friday 10th July – Y6 Crucial Crew


Y5 Maths – Friday 10th July 2020
Y6 Maths Friday 10th July
Y6 Maths activity Friday – The mean


Art continued from previous two days
Ancient Greek Mosaic Art challenge


History (Ancient Greek homes) continued from yesterday
Ancient Greek Homes


Have a good day and weekend.
Mr Hughes