Summer Term – Home Learning Timetable – Week 11 – Year 2

Dear Y2 Tigers,
please find attached the timetable (with links) and files for week 11 of the Summer Term (week commencing on 6th July) for YEAR 2 only. The Year 1 equivalent documents were published in my previous post, earlier today.


This week’s theme for our home learning project is “Music”! I hope you enjoy it!
Tiger Class – WC 06.07.2020 – Learning Project – MUSIC

White Rose Maths worksheets:
Lesson 1 – Litres

Lesson 2 – Temperature

Lesson 3 – O clock and half past

Lesson 4 – Quarter past and quarter to

I have also updated the assignments in Maths Shed and Spelling Shed.

All relevant documents and worksheets can been found in this post. Alternatively, all links and resources will also be published in our Class Dojo page daily, where I will be able to answer any queries.

Also, all annual reports have now been shared via private message in our Class Dojo. Pleas let me know if you have any trouble accessing those.

Kind regards,
Mrs Crowe

Summer Term – Home Learning Timetable – Week 11 – Year 1

Dear Y1 Tigers,
please find attached the timetable (with links) and files for week 11 of the Summer Term (week commencing on 6th July) for YEAR 1 only. The Year 2 equivalent documents will be published as soon as possible.

Tiger Class Y1 – wc 6.07.20

This week’s theme for our home learning project is “Music”! I hope you enjoy it!

Tiger Class – WC 06.07.2020 – Learning Project – MUSIC

White Rose Maths worksheets:

Lesson 1 – Describe turns

Lesson 1 – Find a half (1)

Lesson 2 – Describe position (1)

Lesson 2 – Find a half (2)

Lesson 3 – Describe position (2)

Lesson 3 – Find a quarter (1)

Lesson 4 – Find a quarter (2)

Lesson 4 – Problem solving with position and direction

BBC Bitesize:

I have also updated the assignments in Maths Shed and Spelling Shed.

All relevant documents and worksheets can been found in this post. Alternatively, all links and resources will also be published in our Class Dojo page daily, where I will be able to answer any queries.

Also, all annual reports have now been shared via private message in our Class Dojo. Pleas let me know if you have any trouble accessing those.

Kind regards,
Mrs Crowe

Health and Safety Policy

Thank you for drawing our attention to the fact that an out of date H&S policy was appearing on the school website.

We have now uploaded the current one which will be reviewed, as usual, during the Autumn Term.

Please be assured that this was an administrative error and the policy is reviewed annually by the School Governors.


Mrs L Knight
School Business Manager



Following the recent post regarding the cancellation of the Bike-ability for the Year 6 pupils, we have been advised that the course is being ran during the summer holidays at several locations in the area.

I have attached the link below for you to have a look at and to register if you would like your child to take part.

Mrs Smith


Summer Holiday Sport Club – Jonny Hughes

We have been asked to share this message from Jonny Hughes.

Shrewsbury Town in the Community are trying to gauge if there is a demand for a multi sport Summer camp to be delivered from St John the Baptist CE Primary School – Ruyton.
All of our sessions are fun and inclusive but importantly follow the correct social distancing guidelines and policies set by the Government.

Jonny Hughes

Year 6 Virtual Leaver’s Service

Year 6 parents and carers:

We are busy planning a virtual leaver’s service for you using ZOOM.  This will take place on Wednesday 15th July, so that all the children can be at home and watch / take part with their families.  We still plan to invite all the year 6 back in the autumn term for some face to face celebrations, but this platform will allow us to share memories and photos of their time at Myddle now. We anticipate that it will be at 1pm but more details and a Zoom invitation will follow.

Year 6 Bike-ability cancelled

Year 6 parents and carers:

The bike-ability that was booked for Wednesday 15th July will no longer be going ahead. We are unable to have outside providers come to school at this time and work with our children.


Important information re. holidays this term

Dear parents and carers,

We have had a few people let us know that they are taking a family holiday before we break up from school this term.  For the children that are currently in school with us, there won’t be any penalty for doing this. However, you will not be able to bring your child back into school into one of our bubbles when you return from holiday. Despite the fact that there have been some easing of regulations and to isolating rules following travel abroad, we are not prepared to take the risk of someone re-entering school having been to a different country, or indeed a different part of this country. We hope you understand the reasoning behind this and will support us with this decision. It would not be fair to the school staff or the rest of the children in the bubble to introduce this risk so near to the end of term.

Please also be aware that if you are not adhering to the government distancing regulations out of school, we have the right to ask that your child does not attend school at this time. We have had several children tell us about sleepovers, going in each other’s paddling pools, parties and suchlike. We know that these could be within the guidelines: maximum of 6 people from a maximum of two households, keeping 2m distance at all times, or with a newly formed ‘support bubble’. However, we must ask you to be very honest and not send your child to school please if you think you have operated outside of these rules.

Thank you very much for your support. Everything is going really well at school and we are looking forward to getting everyone safely to the end of term.

Panda Class Learning w/c 29th June 2020

Hi Pandas,

We’ve all had another busy week with lots of amazing work and activities.  Some people have been baking: a rather yummy looking chocolate cake; some people have done some amazing writing; some people have sent videos of super reading; some people have been growing things too.  Our cress experiment was interesting.  We found that cress will grow virtually anywhere! Even, we found, in a dark cupboard!  We noticed that the only thing it needed for growth was water.  The best result was when we grew it in cotton wool on a sunny window ledge.

This week’s learning…

This week in maths we are looking at Length, height and distance. Children should begin to use the language to describe length and height, e.g. the tree is tall, the pencil is short.  When making direct comparisons, they may initially say something is big or bigger than something else. Encourage them to use more specific mathematical vocabulary relating to length (longer/shorter), height (taller/shorter), and breadth (wider/narrower).  Opportunities for comparing length or height will arise naturally through talk and play in the natural environment/out and about.

The story link below is Where’s my Teddy? Read by Jez Alborough.


The following sheets will mostly be around length, height and distance.



Sophies Sunflowers Measuring Height PowerPoint

There are also lots of other activities available on-line for measuring.


In English we are reading the story of ‘A Magical Muddle’.

We are going to find natural items, thinking carefully about what we know is not safe to pick. We are going to use our items to make a potion! What kind of potion would you choose to make? Perhaps a potion to make you invisible, make you fly or turn yourself into a mermaid!

Before we get stuck into making our potions we are going to write instructions so we don’t forget what went in. For example:

  1. Put 4 petals into the bowl.
  2. Add 3 crushed green leaves.
  3. Mix in 2 drops of rainwater.
  4. Stir in a pinch of glitter.

Phonics – Children should aim to be secure in reading all set 1 and 2 sounds and be able to read and write all set one and two ‘red’ (tricky) words that cannot be decoded. The link below is to the Read Write Inc website Oxford Owls.



Reading – Please read regularly: books, e-books, notices and signs when you are out and about.

This week we are going to have a go at making our own special magic wands to go with the potions we are creating.  If you can find a stick and have a go at making your own wand, you could make it extra special by adding some ribbon, glitter, paper, string or any other bits and pieces your child thinks will look nice.

Have a lovely week and keep sending in those amazing pieces of work/creations, you are all working so hard.

If you need any help with ideas or further resources please let me know.

Best wishes

Mandy Turner


Summer Term – Home Learning Timetable – Week 10 – Year 2

Dear Y2 Tigers,

please find attached the timetable (with links) and files for week 10 of the Summer Term (week commencing on 29th June) for YEAR 2 only. The Year 2 equivalent documents can be found on my previous post.

Tiger Class Y2 – wc 29.6.20

This week’s theme for our home learning project is “Around the World”! I hope you enjoy it!

Tiger Class – WC-29.06.2020_-KS1-Learning-Project-AROUND-THE-WORLD

White Rose Maths worksheets:

Y2-Week-10-Worksheets (1)

BBC Bitesize:

I have also updated the assignments in Maths Shed and Spelling Shed.

All relevant documents and worksheets can been found in this post. Alternatively, all links and resources will also be published in our Class Dojo page daily, where I will be able to answer any queries.

Kind regards,
Mrs Crowe