Year 6 Zoom Leavers Service Tomorrow 12:00

Year 6 Virtual Leaver’s Service

Wednesday 15th July 12:00 noon

Meeting ID:  827 9518 6645

Meeting password: 3J4miJ


Order of Service

Welcome – Mrs Williams

Our  Memories – each of our year 6 have recorded a special video of their memories

Our Journey from Reception to Year 6 – a photographic extravaganza

Presentation, including Jubilee Board winner – Mrs Williams

Special message –  Toby Smith

Goodbye from all the Staff at Myddle Primary – a special video to you all

Prayer – Bethany Williams

Blessing – Reverend Clayton

Finale – That’s Not My Jumper!


Zoom Protocols:

Please log on 5 minutes before meeting to check your sound and visuals.

Please keep yourself on MUTE as it helps the audio of the person speaking.

Please do not take part from a bedroom or bathroom.

If you want to speak, please use the Chat facility to make a request and we can unmute you.

Please be polite and sensible in the chat box as there will be a wide audience.

If you are watching as part of the wider school community, please join without sound or video so that you can just watch. It will then make it easier for us to see the year 6s during the service.






Yr 6 Pupils – Lunches – Monday & Tuesday

Please can all Year 6 parents ensure that they send the money for Monday and Tuesday lunches before we finish for the summer holidays. This will be £4.40 in total.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

*****Outstanding Invoices for Extended Schools/Sunrise & Sunset Club*******

Please can we ask that all outstanding invoices be paid before the end of term, Thursday 16th July via the school’s gateway payment service.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Smith on 01939 290834 or


Panda Class Home Learning w/c 13th July 2020

Hello everyone,


I hope you have enjoyed the weekend.

This is the final week of home learning online, as term ends this Thursday, 16th July 2020. I have to say I have been blown away by the effort your children have put into the home learning tasks and it’s been so lovely to see the work, videos and pictures on Class Dojo.  It’s not been easy for anyone but we have all pulled together and you have done a great job! Thank you.

In maths this week we are looking at solving mathematical problems – putting into practice what we have learnt so far.  Remind your child to read the question and then say what the problem is asking them to do; ask them to tell you what they know about the question (who, what, how many) if necessary underline what the question is asking you to do. Then get them to say how they might work it out – don’t forget drawing pictures or using props for these problems are a great visual support.

Sharing eyfs-maths-solving-problems

Halving eyfs-maths-solving-problems

Doubling eyfs-maths-solving-problems

In English we are looking at rhymes.  It is important to be able to hear rhymes and be able to match and predict/suggest a matching pair of rhyming words.  Enjoy the poems.


Can you write any poems of your own?

In phonics we are practising set 2 and set 3 sounds from Read Write Inc.  These can be found on you Tube

Set 1 and set 2 Red words should be practised as well so that your child can read and spell them independently.


I would recommend carrying on with some aspects of learning through the summer holidays, by listening to your child read regularly, getting them to write notes, letters and lists etc. I have also added a summer activity booklet with a variety of activities for them to complete if they want to – hopefully they will enjoy it.


Take care and enjoy the summer holidays and I am really looking forward to welcoming everyone back in September.

Best wishes

Mandy Turner

Summer Term – Home Learning Timetable – Week 12 – Year 1

Dear Y1 Tigers,

it’s the last week of this School year, so it’s all about transition.

Please find attached the home-learning project and all files for week 12 of the Summer Term (week commencing on 13th July) for YEAR 1 only. The Year 2 equivalent documents will be published as soon as possible.
Tiger Class – W_C-13.07.2020_- Learning-Project-TRANSITION

White Rose Maths worksheets:
Lesson 1 – Time to the hour

Lesson 2 – Time to the half hour

Lesson 3 – Writing time

Lesson 4 – Comparing time

BBC Bitesize:

I have also updated the assignments in Maths Shed and Spelling Shed.

All relevant documents and worksheets can been found in this post. Alternatively, all links and resources will also be published in our Class Dojo page daily, where I will be able to answer any queries.

Kind regards,
Mrs Crowe

Gifts & Cards

We have had a few parents asking whether they are allowed to bring in end of term cards/gifts for school staff.  We are more than happy for you to do this if you wish.  Please bring any cards/gifts to the main office and leave it in the foyer where the relevant member of staff can collect them.

Please ensure that all gifts are labelled with the staff member’s name. 

Jonny Hughes – Summer holiday booking link

Please see below the link to Jonny’s Multi Sports Summer holiday camps in Ruyton, with details on how to book on to them if you are interested

Panda Class Home Learning w/c 6th July 2020

Panda Class Home Learning w/c 6th July 2020

What a busy week we’ve had again – it has been really good to see everyone’s work.  Keep it going.  Thank you for your support with your children at home and in school.

In Maths this week we are looking at capacity.  If it’s sunny (fingers crossed!) you could do some of these activities outside with some bottles or containers of different sizes.  The following links are for worksheets and activities.





This week in English we are reading the story of Super Tato! You can find a video of the story here

We are going to be re-writing the story and changing what happens in Super Tato’s adventures! Perhaps you could create a story map for this story or come up with your own version of events – perhaps different fruit and veg and different problems!  Don’t forget to illustrate your stories.

As well as making a story we are going to be making ‘wanted’ posters to help catch the culprit – The Evil Pea! You can find the link here…



Expectations by the end of EYFS- Early Learning Goals       (in an ideal world…)

Reading– Children read and understand simple sentences. They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately. They also read some common irregular words. They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read.

Activities- Regular reading at home, looking for signs, having a go at reading anything around you!

Writing– Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.

Activities- practice writing words and sentences using anything around such as chalk, whiteboard pens; it doesn’t just have to be pencil and paper! You could write letters, label pictures, write stories; it can be totally up to the child’s interest!

Number– Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number. Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. They solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing.

Activities- Counting forward and backwards, looking for and recognising numbers (especially up to 20) anywhere around you, hunting for numbers, one more, one less than a particular number.

Shape, Space and Measure– Children use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to compare quantities and objects and to solve problems. They recognise, create and describe patterns. They explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them.

Activities- hunting for shapes in your home, garden, daily walk, comparing the height, weight, size of objects, making your own pattern, you could draw a pattern, paint a pattern, and make a pattern using objects in your home.

There are some great activities on Pintrest for Super Tato   Enjoy.

If you need any more resources please feel free to message me or, alternatively, have a look back on previous weeks’ posts.


Take care and have a good week.

Mandy Turner