Items to School by Friday 20th November -IMPORTANT

Dear Parent/Carers

Please can the outstanding items listed below, be completed and returned to school by the end of the school day on Friday, 20th November.

  • Flu Vaccination Letters
  • Tempest Photograph order forms and money
  • Christmas Card order forms and money

The tempest and Christmas card orders will be sent off on Friday evening (20th Nov). Any orders received after this date will not be included.

If you have any queries regarding any of these items please do not hesitate to give school a ring on 01939 290834

Mrs Smith

Children in Need 2020

Thank you to everyone for all your support with Children in Need this year. Everyone looked brilliant in their “Rainbow” colours which was the school’s way of thanking all of the NHS workers for their hard work.

The winners of the class duck races were:

Panda : Owen F
Tiger: Fraser
Rhino: Tom and Sorrel
Jaguar: Isla

Hopefully they haven’t eaten all of the sweets yet!!!!

We all raised a massive £271.10, which is fantastic amount for a brilliant charity.




Celebration Assembly – 13th November 2020

Star of the Week :
Jaguar -Alex & Heidi
Rhino – Ryan
Tiger – Dylan
Panda – Poppy

Mathematician of the Week: Jayden, Dylan, Jacob & Ivy

Reader of the Week: Rose, Ollie, Jamie & Sebastian

Writer of the Week: Katheryn, Amy, Eloise & William Pa

Hand writers of the Week: Sarah, Cass, Tom & Rhys

Class DOJO Merits: Rhino Class

Well Done Everyone

Special Mentions : We would like to say a BIG Thank you to Amy and Heidi who helped to prepare the school for Children In Need. They worked so hard organising the fundraising events, writing posts for the website and boards around school. Well Done both, your amazing!


Dear Parent/Carers

We are running short of newspapers for art projects we are doing in school.

If you have any at home that school can have, please place them in the Yellow box which will be at the exit point of the playground, by nursery.

Any newspapers will be stored outside the school building and not used for at least a week to ensure that we keep the school and the pupils Covid safe.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Remembrance Day 2020

Jaguar class did a fantastic job of representing the whole school at church today.

Each class made a special piece of artwork for Jaguar class to lay during the Remembrance Service.

They have all done an amazing job and worked really hard.

Free course for parents to understand mental health

Dear Parents/Carers,

Please find attached details of a free qualification, which is government funded, and  may be of interest to families.

Mrs Smith

Parent Flyer

Flu Vaccinations

Please check your child’s bag tonight as the vaccinations letter are being sent home.

The vaccinations are taking place in school on Thursday, 3rd December.

We are required to have a form returned for every pupil, this includes children who are NOT having the injection too.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give me a bell 01939 290834

Mrs Smith

School Dinners

Dear Parents/Carers

Due to an issue with our deliveries we are having to work to Week 3 menu this week. Next week (16/11) will be Menu 2. We will return to normal from the 23/11 ie Week 1, Week 2 etc.

Apologises for any inconvenience this causes and if you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch 01939 290834

Mrs Smith


The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

In school we always support the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.

This week there will be a selection of items on sale within school. Please see below a list of the items and their prices –

Poppy – minimum donation of 20p
Reflective poppy – 50p
Zip Pull – 50p
Snap band rulers – £1.50
Wristbands – £1.00

If your child wishes to purchase any of the above items, they must bring the money with them to school. Items cannot be purchased from the school office, nor can the school office pass money to children if it has been forgotten.

Please ensure that your child brings the correct money as change cannot be given.

An order form will be given to each class every morning for children to place their orders. All items will be sold on a first come first serve basis.  Purchased items will be given to children at the end of each day.