Children In Need 2020 – Heidi and Amy – Student Council

On the 13th of November 2020, Myddle School are taking part in this years Children in Need (Pudsey Day.) Our theme is rainbow to thank the NHS for all their wonderful work through out this crazy year. We would like to mention that it is a £1:00 donation to come dressed up; make sure that you can do PE in these clothes.
Each year there is an annual duck race hosted by the BBC. Buy a duck for £2:00 and get the chance to win a box of sweets. There is a choice of 20 ducks, all based of famous characters eg: Leonardo da Swimci, James Pond, Hey Duckee and many more. One duck will win and who ever chose that particular duck will get a prize. There will be one winner from each class.
Good luck!

The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

In school we always support the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.

This week there will be a selection of items on sale within school. Please see below a list of the items and their prices –

Poppy – minimum donation of 20p
Reflective poppy – 50p
Zip Pull – 50p
Snap band rulers – £1.50
Wristbands – £1.00

If your child wishes to purchase any of the above items, they must bring the money with them to school. Items cannot be purchased from the school office, nor can the school office pass money to children if it has been forgotten.

Please ensure that your child brings the correct money as change cannot be given.

An order form will be given to each class every morning for children to place their orders. All items will be sold on a first come first serve basis.  Purchased items will be given to children at the end of each day.

School Photographs Reminder

Dear Parents/Guardian

Just a quick reminder that School Photographs are taking place in school on Monday.

Mrs Smith

Thank you

Thank you so much to the Munn family who are currently renovating the PE shed. It looks fantastic  ?


Rhino Cave Paintings

This term, the children have been learning how to draw animals and people in detail. They have been learning planning and sketching techniques to ensure their drawings are accurate and in proportion.

The final part of their learning was to plan, design and create a cave painting. They used charcoal and sand paper to create a realistic end result.

I’m sure you’ll agree, they look great. Well done Rhino class and a huge thank you to Mrs Harris for her excellent art teaching.

Myddle Virtual Multi Terrain Fun Run – Half Term Extension

We are very pleased to announce that the PTA Fun Run Team will be extending the Virtual Fun Run until Sunday 1st November, giving children (and adults!) the half term to complete their race. This is a great excuse to get out in the fresh air, encourage fitness and well-being whilst earning a bespoke medal and Haribos at the same time!

£2 for the 1 mile, £8 for the 5K and £12 for the 10K.

Enter here at

Rhino Eco Champions

Today our Eco Champions conducted an Eco review with Rhino Class to see how green we currently are and to help us think of ways in which we can become more environmentally friendly.

Exciting News – School Meals

Dear Parents/Carers

We are delighted to let you know that from Monday, 2nd November, we will be offering hot school meals again. Mrs Russell has put together a temporary menu for next term which we are going to trial and review at the end of December. All menu’s are attached and copies will be placed in the outside notice boards around school.

The children will still eat within their bubble/classroom and supported by their usual lunchtime supervisor.

There may be a slight change to the final week’s menu in December but we will let you know closer to this time.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Mrs Smith

Menu Nov 2020 Week 1 Menu Nov 2020 Week 2 Menu Nov 2020 Week 3

Rhino Homework 23.10.20

Homework this week is to complete a speech activity correcting the mistakes by punctuating the inverted commas correctly.

The activity can be downloaded using the link below.

Speech Homework Activity

There is also an informative video about using inverted commas and punctuating speech on the BBC Bitesize website. Use the link below to access the website.

Speech Video

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