Hot Writing in Rhino Class

This week, Rhino class have been completing their Hot Writes. This is when pupils showcase their learning at the end of topic. Once finished, it can then be compared to the Cold Write they completed at the start of the topic to see how much progress they have made in their writing. The children have all worked really hard.

Free course for parents to understand mental health

Dear Parents/Carers,

Please find attached details of a free qualification, which is government funded, and  may be of interest to families.

Mrs Smith

Parent Flyer

Flu Vaccinations

Please check your child’s bag tonight as the vaccinations letter are being sent home.

The vaccinations are taking place in school on Thursday, 3rd December.

We are required to have a form returned for every pupil, this includes children who are NOT having the injection too.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give me a bell 01939 290834

Mrs Smith

School Dinners

Dear Parents/Carers

Due to an issue with our deliveries we are having to work to Week 3 menu this week. Next week (16/11) will be Menu 2. We will return to normal from the 23/11 ie Week 1, Week 2 etc.

Apologises for any inconvenience this causes and if you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch 01939 290834

Mrs Smith


Children in Need -How to buy a duck

In each classroom, the school council / teachers have been put in charge of the duck race entry’s. If your child wishes to buy a duck, give the money (£2:00) to the teacher or school council and you can choose your desired duck.

Your child’s name will be put down underneath the duck and they will be handed a slip of paper with their duck on it.
They can buy a duck at break times and they are only permitted to buy one duck in total to ensure that everyone who wants one can have the chance. In larger classes, there are a maximum of 20 ducks to purchase, so first come, first served.
We hope that clarifies things,
Heidi and Amy
Student Council

Celebration Assembly – 6th November

Star of the Week :
Jaguar -Amy
Rhino – Evan
Tiger – Blake
Panda – Owen

Mathematician of the Week: Charlie C, Jayden, Harry B. Lilly & Rhys

Reader of the Week: Bradley, Katheryn, Sorrel & Sophie Co

Writer of the Week: Amelia, Peter, Jessica, Esme

Hand writers of the Week: Beau, Riley, Luca & Nia

Class DOJO Merits: Tiger Class

Well Done Everyone

Rhino Homework 6.11.20

This week, homework looks at how to recognise and write expanded noun phrases.

A noun phrase usually has a determiner (e.g. a or the etc) and a noun ( an object, thing or place etc) For example: a dog or the cinema.

An expanded noun phrase introduces an adjective to describe the noun e.g. a brown dog or the busy cinema.

Below is a video which explains further about expanded noun phrases.

BBC Bitesize – Expanded noun phrases

Below is the link to this week’s homework. There are 3 progressive activities, which can be used to further extend learning if feel appropriate.

Year 4 – Identifying-Noun-Phrases

Ariana how you can help

To help our world here are 3 steps :
Ride your bike to school instead of a car ?‍♀️?
Have quick showers to not waste water?
And pick up litter people have dropped?

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