Celebration Assembly – 13th November 2020

Star of the Week :
Jaguar -Alex & Heidi
Rhino – Ryan
Tiger – Dylan
Panda – Poppy

Mathematician of the Week: Jayden, Dylan, Jacob & Ivy

Reader of the Week: Rose, Ollie, Jamie & Sebastian

Writer of the Week: Katheryn, Amy, Eloise & William Pa

Hand writers of the Week: Sarah, Cass, Tom & Rhys

Class DOJO Merits: Rhino Class

Well Done Everyone

Special Mentions : We would like to say a BIG Thank you to Amy and Heidi who helped to prepare the school for Children In Need. They worked so hard organising the fundraising events, writing posts for the website and boards around school. Well Done both, your amazing!

Rhino Homework 13.11.20

This week, homework is to practise frog club sheets ready for the test next Friday (20.11.20).

Each child has been given 2 sheets, so please encourage them to practise at least twice this week.  If you want to practise more, then further sheets can be accessed on a previous post in the Rhino homework section of the school website.

Many thanks

Reception’s wonderful creations. Warning – these are scary faces!

As promised a picture of the fabulous creations from Receptions wonderful clay work!

Didn’t they do well

Reception in Panda Class have created masterpieces!

Our Reception children have been learning about themselves this half term.  They have drawn amazing self portraits which will soon be taking pride of place on display.  They have also been busy listening to the story of The Gruffalo and have looked carefully at it’s features…. scary!  Then, using clay, they have created some wonderful faces of the Gruffalo!  Pictures to follow shortly.



Year 1 in Panda Class, have had a super writing week!

This half term we are working with, and enjoying , a wonderful text called Grandad’s Island, by Benji Davies.  The children have really enjoyed experiencing drama sessions and using them to bring their writing to life.  When writing the children have been thinking about adjectives, repetition for effect, using ‘but’ sentences and tomorrow we are looking to use superlatives!  They have worked so hard and should feel very proud of their writing.


Dear Parent/Carers

We are running short of newspapers for art projects we are doing in school.

If you have any at home that school can have, please place them in the Yellow box which will be at the exit point of the playground, by nursery.

Any newspapers will be stored outside the school building and not used for at least a week to ensure that we keep the school and the pupils Covid safe.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Remembrance Day 2020

Jaguar class did a fantastic job of representing the whole school at church today.

Each class made a special piece of artwork for Jaguar class to lay during the Remembrance Service.

They have all done an amazing job and worked really hard.

Wednesday 11.11.20


Please find the links for today’s learning.

Spelling: Complete the activity for changing adjectives to adverbs by adding ‘ly’

Spelling task

English: Find the features of the newspaper (3 levels – choose 1)

Features of a newspaper

Maths: Adding and Subtracting lengths

Add-lengths      Subtract-lengths

Science/Geography: Complete the activity by filling in the blanks from the word bank

Britain’s temps in summer and winter


Weather around the world…

Today, pupils have been learning about climatic regions and how these impact on the weather in different parts of the world. They learnt about the location of the Equator and plotted the different climatic regions on a world map. They all worked very hard and very neatly. Well done Rhino Class.

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