Christmas Jumper Day 2020

Thank you to all of the children for coming to school in their Christmas jumpers and making us all feel very festive.

We have raised an amazing £61.00 for the “Save The Children” charity.

Thank you


A surprise visit…..

This morning a very strange thing happened at school. We were all busy in our lessons, when suddenly the fire alarm sounded. All children and staff sensibly made their way to the playground to stand in their class lines, while we investigated why the alarm had been triggered.

The children were waiting so patiently, and as we haven’t been able to be together as a whole school this term, I thought it would be a lovely idea to really raise the Christmas spirit and sing together. Well, we were half way through ‘Rudolf the red nose reindeer’ when something magical happened….. Something Myddle Magic…

Santa suddenly turned up in a chauffeur driven vehicle. The children were so excited to say the least. We were even able to walk each class around the playground so they could speak to Santa. What an amazing surprise and a lovely way to end the term.

Best Wishes

Mr Glover

Christmas Jumper Day – Thursday 17th December

Just a quick reminder that its Christmas Jumper Day tomorrow.

Please send your child in their normal school uniform and their Christmas jumper instead of their school sweatshirt.

All donations raised will go to the Save The Children Charity

Gentle Reminder – Applications for Reception Class Sept 2021

Dear Parents/Carers

The closing date for any applications for Reception Class 2021 is the 15th January 2021.

If you require any guidance on this please click on the link below:


Snow Leopard’s First Nativity

We are really proud to introduce Snow Leopard’s First Nativity. The children have done so well. We hope you enjoy it.

The Jaguar Christmas Trilogy

Jaguar class have all worked hard to produce something very special for Christmas this year. We all hope you enjoy the trilogy of videos they have created.

Panda Class Nativity

We are very proud in Panda class to introduce you to our ‘First Nativity’. We hope you enjoy it.

Rhino Nativity Rap Performance

Rhino class have worked really hard to learn and act out scenes for their Nativity Rap. They even braved the cold weather so that it could be filmed outside. We wish were in a position to invite all parents into school so we could celebrate Christmas together, but at least we still get to share this with you. On a positive note, you can watch the performance as many times as you wish. We hope you enjoy it.

Many Thanks

Tiger Class Christmas Play

The play you’ve all been waiting to watch is here…….

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