Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Thursday 25th February 2021

Thank you to everybody who sent me what they had produced at home yesterday. It’s lovely to receive photographs and comments which allow me to find out how your learning from home has progressed and whether or not you’ve needed any support on your work.

Take a look at what was produced at home and at school yesterday.
Review of the day – Wednesday 24th February 2021


Here’s today’s Zoom meeting link. I’m looking forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.
Meeting ID: 913 5041 6292
Passcode: WfNC6r


Today’s learning:

English: Today, you are going to be using all of the different types of clauses in your sentences from this week as part of a longer, extended piece of writing. Take a look….
English Lesson – Thursday 25th February 2021


Maths Y5s: Subtracting fractions
Thursday Maths Y5
Y5 Ollie, Sophie, Sam and Esme – Subtracting fractions
Y5 Alex, Maisie, Lilly and Ariana – Subtracting fractions
Y5 Cass, Dylan, Alfie and Blake – Subtracting fractions


Maths Y6s: Algebra
Thursday Maths Y6
Thursday Y6 Algebra Questions

(I will send you the answers at lunchtime)

Reading Y5s
Arctic Hero Y5 – Follow up – Pages 17-20
Reading Y6s
Race To The Frozen North Y6 – Follow up Pages 27-32


Spanish: Continue to use the Spanish phrases ‘Me gusta / No me gusta’ and apply it into hobbies
I like / I dislike hobbies


Computing: Coding:
Try this coding activity and let me know how you find it. If you have a coding ‘APP’ at home which you’d like to share with us that I can pass onto other children/parents, then please provide me with this information.


Have a good day.

Mr Hughes



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