Working From Home Y5&6 – Thursday 21st May 2020

Good morning Y5&6. As I’m at school all of today, even though I shall have a laptop with me, I may not be able to respond to you as soon as usual, but if you need anything, I will get back to you as soon I can.

Here’s Thursday’s timetable:-
Thursday’s 21.5.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

9:00 Morning exercise & Spelling Shed

9:20 English
English through History – Thursday 21st May – Lesson 4


11:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Thursday 21.5.20
Y5 Maths Activity Thursday 21.5.20
Y6 Maths Thursday 21.5.20 Investigations – Perimeter of rectilinear shapes
Y6 Investigating perimeter


1:00 Computing (Typing practise)


1:20 D&T
D&T – Thursday 21.5.20 – Lesson 5

Have a good day!

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