Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Monday 1st February 2021

Good morning Y5&6,

Welcome to a new day, on a new week, on a new month of February.

Mrs Williams shall be hosting her usual Monday morning Zoom worship, with the link for this below.
Meeting ID: 836 0133 7035
Passcode: 9QXBCp


If you didn’t see the ‘Review of the Day’ on Friday, here it is again….
Review of the day – Friday 29th January 2021


Here’s today’s learning from home. Read it carefully.

English – today, you are going to be completing the final part of you biography of Captain Tom Moore. Look carefully at the example of Isobel’s so far on this powerpoint to compare hers with what you have produced so far. When you have finished, read your whole biography to check for any errors before you send it to me.

English Lesson – Monday 1st February 2021


Maths – Y5 – Today, you are going to be putting fractions in size order. To do this, you may need to use equivalent fractions to help you!

Y5 Maths – Monday 1.2.21
Y5 Maths Activity
Ollie, Esme, Sophie and Sam – D
Ariana, Alex and Maisie – Ex
Cass, Blake, Dylan, Alfie and Lilly – GD


Maths – Y6 – Today, you are going to continue to practise and consolidate your understanding of ‘increasing’ and ‘decreasing’ % of amounts.

Y6 Maths – Monday 1.2.21
Y6 Maths Activity


Reading – Y5&6 – Read this non-fiction text. It may be of use to your Topic work later.
Monday 1st February – Y5&6 Reading – Polar animals


Topic – Frozen Planet – The Arctic
Topic Lesson 4 – Arctic

I will see you in the morning at our Zoom meeting.

Mr Hughes

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