Jaguar Class

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Mr G Hughes
Class Teacher
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Mrs G Harris
Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Jaguar Class

Jaguar Class Ancient Greece Workshop Reminder

Jaguar Class are very much looking forward to their Ancient Greece Workshop tomorrow afternoon. Thank you very much to everyone who have already made contributions towards the cost of this workshop, it is very much appreciated.  Please could any outstanding payments be made using the school gateway as soon as possible.  Thank you.

See previous messages & posts


Class Teacher: Mr G Hughes

Teaching Assistants: Mrs G Harris (Monday to Thursday) Mrs C Emerton Maka (Friday)

PE / Sports Coach: Mr Neil Prescott (Wednesdays)

Music teacher: Mrs White (Thursdays)



*Please encourage your child to practise their times tables regularly at home using some of the above online learning support.

        Welcome to Y5&6
We are called the ‘Jaguar’ class. As the oldest class in the school, the pupils require the need to have a strong responsibility to demonstrate a fantastic work and behaviour ethic to set a good example for the younger pupils at the school. For the Year 6s, as this year is their final year at primary school, all of their learning in the classroom shall be building towards their end of KS2 SATs assessments, which take place in the Summer term. The Year 5s have the amazing opportunity to observe the experiences and learning that the Y6s have in preparation for when they are in Year 6 next year.
       As part of being in Jaguar class, the Y6 children have many roles to play around the school including sports leaders, delivering celebration assemblies, library monitors and school / eco councillors. This helps the children to show leadership skills, being more responsible and independent, and to give them further confidence at speaking in front of others. This will help to prepare the children for when they move onto secondary school in Year 7.
       A reading and maths homework is given to the children on a Friday (reading / SPaG / maths) and is expected to be returned by the following Wednesday. It is vital that pupils complete these (with increasing independence) as it helps them to practise their comprehension skills and consolidate their maths understanding from what they’ve been learning in the classroom. Pupils are encouraged to read at home regularly and to bring their reading passports back to school on a Thursday so that we can see how hard the children have been working at home on their reading. This will allow us to celebrate their achievements with the rest of the school on a Friday in our celebration assembly.
       PE shall be taught on a Wednesday morning (sports coach Neil Prescott) and on a Friday afternoon. Therefore, children can wear their PE kits to school on these days.
      Music lessons shall be taught by Mrs White on a Thursday morning, whilst Mrs Harris shall be teaching the class their RE on a Wednesday morning during this half term.

Y6 pupil roles and responsilbilities:

Sports leaders:
Monday: Mia Haigh and Eve Jones
Tuesday: Olivia Collison and Ewan Sparks
Wednesday: Archie Tucker and Ruby Piper
Thursday: Freddie Conde and William Donoghue
Friday: Rowan Brown and Bertie Hewitt
Y6 librarians / reading passports: Eve Jones and Ruby Piper
Y6 eco-council and school council: Rose Harris
Y6 School Sports Games Leader: William Donoghue and Archie Tucker
Y6 classroom and cloakroom: Caspar Monk
Y6 class worship: Bertie Hewitt, Blake Savage and Charlotte Downes
Assembly laptop monitor: Caspar Monk


Jaguar class timetable 2024-2025

Y5&6 Yearly planner

Autumn 2024-2025 Class Curriculum news



Kind regards

Mr G Hughes




Class Showcase
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Y5&6 boys football friendly matches v Baschurch
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Y5&6 Basketball tournament
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Jaguar class – World Book Day 2024

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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Y5&6 boys football friendly matches v Baschurch
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Y5&6 Basketball tournament
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Jaguar class – World Book Day 2024
See more Showcase Items

Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework

See previous homework

Class Spellings Open this to see the latest spellings

Y5&6 Spring Term 2 – Week 2 – Spellings

Y5 – Homophones

grate / great (Grate the cheese) (This is great!)

groan / grown (I heard a groan) (I have grown a lot)

brake / break (I had to brake on my bike). (It’s time for a break)

berry / bury (I tasted a berry.) (We had to bury the bird)

here / hear (It’s over here.) (I can’t hear you.)


Y6 – Suffix ‘ous’ ‘ture’

disastrous     conscious     mischievous       fabulous       poisonous      adventure   creature         temperature      departure       furniture


See previous spellings

Remote Learning Open this to see the latest remote learning

No remote learning to show at the moment.

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.