
Monday 27th January, 2020

Young Voices Update

They have just left, traffic is very heavy. They anticipate to arrive back in Myddle for approximately 10:45pm

Monday 27th January, 2020

Autism Advice Sessions for families

Autism West Midlands are offering several workshops and talks which are generally free or just a small cost for parents to attend.

Please see link below:

Autism West Midlands Events

Monday 27th January, 2020

Tik Tok Safety

Please can we ask you to have a really good look at the attached poster about the Tik Tok App. This is a very popular app which is lots of fun for young people.

We know that it is used widely by children in our school, so we want to make sure parents know what it’s about and how to keep children safe. Some of our children do not have private or restricted profiles, and this leaves them vulnerable to predators.

The poster explains all the pros and cons, but a quick summary is below:

Concerns with the app:

Rate 12+, Online Predators, explicit song lyrics, in-app purchases, addictive, abusive comments on videos.

Things you can do:

Enable restricted mode, make sure your child knows how to report inappropriate comments or content, set privacy, restrict screen time.

Friday 24th January, 2020

Celebration Assembly – 24th January

Star Pupils

Snow Leopards: Poppy

Panda: Alfie W

Tiger: William D

Rhino: Jack P

Jaguar:  Lucy H and Malachai H

Mathematician of the week:  James D

Writer of the week: Cameron E-M and Heidi M

Reader of the week:  Luca L

Handwriter of the week:

Panda Class – Amelia G
Tiger Class – Finley L
Rhino Class – Esme H
Jaguar Class – Jacob K

Winners of Scruffy:  Tigers

Well Done to Lily, Maisie, Arianna, Isabella and Amelia who took part in the Gymnastics competition this week at The Corbet. They produced excellent floor and vault routines and finished in 1st place qualifying for the 2nd round. Well Done Girls!

You are all amazing and we are so proud of you and your hard work.

Have a great weekend 🙂

Friday 24th January, 2020

Sunset Club Bookings

Due to the popularity of Sunset club, it is very important that you book a place for your children. On some days, especially Wednesdays, we have reached full capacity. If we know in advance we can make sure we have additional staff on popular days. 3 year-olds MUST pre-book as this changes our staff ratios. Thank you for your understanding with this. Please see Rachel in the office for further information.

Friday 24th January, 2020

Nursery timings and safeguarding

We have had a couple of questions from parents about the nursery. Myself, Jodie, sunrise staff and the school admin have met to discuss this. In this instance, we don’t need to change any of our procedures, but we feel that a reminder to clarify the timings and our rationale would be helpful to keep things running smoothly.

Nursery opens at 8:55am. Jodie and Fran will open the blinds and the door at this time. Nursery children from sunrise will also be taken over from the main school. Nursery can only be open for a set amount of time each week, so if we open any earlier, we would have to finish earlier.

Siblings in the main school – The main school gate opens at 8:45 but if you have a child coming to nursery as well, it is ok to bring them all at 8:55 to save waiting in the elements for 10 mins on cold or rainy days. We are sorry but we cannot allow parents to wait in the nursery entrance or in the main school for safeguarding reasons. Any parents on site need to be signed in and this would not be feasible.

Toilets – due to the age of the children, it is inevitable that occasionally a little one will need to access a toilet quickly. Staff cannot let you into the main nursery before 8:55, but you will be able to use the staff toilet if it is an emergency. Please try to ensure your children have been before you set off for school to reduce the need for this as much as possible.

If you are let into the staff toilet in the nursery entrance, please do not hold the door open or let any other parents into this waiting area. This rule applies to all times of the day for both school and nursery and we appreciate your co-operation with this. We have to know who is on site to keep the children safe, and to keep you safe and accounted for should there be a fire.

Thank-you very much for your support.



Friday 24th January, 2020

Young Voices Parents Tickets

If you have ordered parent tickets for Monday’s event, please come to reception to collect them.

Mrs Smith

Wednesday 22nd January, 2020

Year 3 & 4 Gymnastics Competition

Today, 5 girls from Rhino class took part in a gymnastics competition at Baschurch. As part of the team, each had to perform a floor routine and two vaults.

The girls performed brilliantly, as individuals and as a team, and out of the five school competing, they finished in first place.

This was a fantastic achievement and we are extremely proud of the girls.

Well done to: Ariana, Lilly, Maisie, Amelia and Isabella.

Wednesday 22nd January, 2020

Lost Glasses – Jaguar Class

We have had a pair of reading glasses go missing today. Please can you check your child’s bags, just in case they have been accidentally taken home in error.