Guided Reading in Rhino Class

Today pupils in Rhino class became text detectives. They had to find and retrieve information to help them answer questions about Roman housing.

After reading the text together, the children used colours to help highlight key information related to each question. This made answering the each question much easier. It also showed the children how important it is to keep referring back to the text.

Rhino Class Writing

This week, Rhino class completed their Hot Write. This involved the children completing an extended piece of writing in the form of a diary entry.

They had to plan and write a diary entry from the perspective of a Roman soldier. As it was linked in to our class topic, the children were able to use their historical knowledge and use vocabulary they have learnt.

They all worked so hard and I have been very pleased with the work they have produced.

Shrewsbury Visit

An enjoyable day was had by all today when the KS2 pupils visited Shrewsbury to learn more about their locality as well as the life and accomplishments of Charles Darwin.

Photographs of the day are below:-

Missing Football Kit

We are missing the No 6, School Football kit (Shorts and Football top)! It was worn by a member of the team that played against Addmore last week. Please can you have a look at home as it will be needed for our next match next Thursday.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery Trip – Friday 5th July

Polite Reminder

Please can all slips and payments be made to school ASAP for the above trip.

If you have any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to call school on 01939 290834

Dovedale – Update

Dear  Parents/Carer

We are expecting the pupils back at school in Myddle at approximately 2:30pm. If this time changes I will update the website again. If you would like to pick up your child early rather than at 3pm, please come to reception.

Today’s activities : A lovely morning walk at the Stepping Stones in Dovedale

Dovedale – First Day Pictures

                               All having a great time!!


Reminder – Swimming starts -Thursday 2nd May

Dear Parent/Carer

Just a quick reminder that the swimming sessions start tomorrow, Thursday 2nd May.

Please ensure you send your child’s swimming kit with them, school do NOT have any spare kit which they can lend. Please can we also ask that the girls don’t wear tights on this day as it is a “challenge” for them to get dressed again following their session.

If you have any questions please give school a bell on 01939 290834


Mrs Smith