Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Friday 26th February 2021

Welcome to Friday morning.

Here’s the link below for this morning’s Zoom meeting. If you would like to play the game of ‘Socks or No Socks’, then you decide at home whether you are going to have socks on or be bare footed. I will explain the rules when we are at the meeting.
Meeting ID: 915 8168 3721
Passcode: D6zjPv


Here’s yesterday’s Review of the Day….Well done to everybkody who worked hard at home yesterday.
Review of the day – Thursday 25th February 2021


Maths: Y5s: Recapping Fractions – Work through the practise questions first before then having a go on your own, starting with question 1.
Maths 26.2.21 Y5


Y6s – Kahoot algebra 20 question quiz. You may need a white board available to make any jottings.
Heidi, Alissa, Lucy, Katie, Izzy, Nelly, Amy, Cameron


Y6s – Kahoot algebra 20 question quiz. You will need a white board available to make any jottings.
Zoe, Nia, Isla, Isobel, Rhys, Jacob, Daniel, Sophie, Holly H and Holly T


The rest of the day is……FREE FRIDAY!

Please catch up on any of the English / Maths / RE / Science / Topic / Spanish / Computing / PE that you’ve not already completed this week.

I’ve attached your maths / reading / spelling homework for this week on the school website underneath the Jaguar class page. The reading shall be a two-week homework so it should be completed by the time the children return to class on the 8th March.

Take the opportunity today to be practical by doing some gardening, cooking, building, helping out with jobs around the house/farm, etc….

We’d love to see some photographs of you fo the children who are in the classroom so please send them when you can.

Have a good day and rest of the weekend.

Mr Hughes



Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Thursday 25th February 2021

Thank you to everybody who sent me what they had produced at home yesterday. It’s lovely to receive photographs and comments which allow me to find out how your learning from home has progressed and whether or not you’ve needed any support on your work.

Take a look at what was produced at home and at school yesterday.
Review of the day – Wednesday 24th February 2021


Here’s today’s Zoom meeting link. I’m looking forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.
Meeting ID: 913 5041 6292
Passcode: WfNC6r


Today’s learning:

English: Today, you are going to be using all of the different types of clauses in your sentences from this week as part of a longer, extended piece of writing. Take a look….
English Lesson – Thursday 25th February 2021


Maths Y5s: Subtracting fractions
Thursday Maths Y5
Y5 Ollie, Sophie, Sam and Esme – Subtracting fractions
Y5 Alex, Maisie, Lilly and Ariana – Subtracting fractions
Y5 Cass, Dylan, Alfie and Blake – Subtracting fractions


Maths Y6s: Algebra
Thursday Maths Y6
Thursday Y6 Algebra Questions

(I will send you the answers at lunchtime)

Reading Y5s
Arctic Hero Y5 – Follow up – Pages 17-20
Reading Y6s
Race To The Frozen North Y6 – Follow up Pages 27-32


Spanish: Continue to use the Spanish phrases ‘Me gusta / No me gusta’ and apply it into hobbies
I like / I dislike hobbies


Computing: Coding:
Try this coding activity and let me know how you find it. If you have a coding ‘APP’ at home which you’d like to share with us that I can pass onto other children/parents, then please provide me with this information.


Have a good day.

Mr Hughes



Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Wednesday 24th February 2021

Good morning Y5&6.

Well done on all of your hard work yesterday. Hopefully, Y5s are becoming fraction experts and the Y6s are starting to become more confident with algebra in maths. I hope that you all managed to join in with the practical part of the Science yesterday. There’s lots to show you on the Review of the day……..

Review of the day – Tuesday 23rd February 2021


Here’s the link for this morning’s Zoom meeting at 9:15am.

Meeting ID: 956 1054 5281
Passcode: fG4AKm


Today’s learning from home:-

English – Complex sentences – Today you will be using preposition phrases to add an extra clause into a sentence.
English Lesson – Wednesday 24th February 2021
(Activity slide 8)


Maths Y5s – Fractions
Maths Wednesday 24.2.21 Y5


Sophie, Esme, Sam and Ollie – Questions 2a, 2b, 3a and 3b
Y5 Wednesday Maths
Ariana, Alex, Lilly and Maisie – Questions 2a, 3a, 5a, 5b, 6a and 6b
Y5 Wednesday Maths
Dylan, Alfie, Cass and Blake – Questions 5a, 6a, 8a, 8b, 9a and 9b
Y5 Wednesday Maths


Maths Y6s – Algebra
Maths Wednesday 24.2.21 Y6
Heidi, Cameron, Alissa, Izzy, Amy and Nelly – Questions 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a and 8b
Y6 Wednesday Maths
Other Y6s – Questions 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4a and 4b
Y6 Wednesday Maths



Guided Reading Y5s – Arctic Hero
Arctic Hero Y5 – Follow up – Pages 12-16


Guided Reading Y6s – Race To The Frozen North
Race To The Frozen North Y6 –  Pages 18-26


RE Lesson 3 – People of God – Ten Commandments
(Activity – Slide 5)


PE – Mr Wright has uploaaded the next fitness session to follow today.




Science – Shrewsbury School
If your child is interested in watching a series of KS2 Science Enrichment Workshops at 2pm until 3pm, the workshops will be live and interactive. To join the first workshop, you just need to register by following the link below…..



Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Well done to all of you who have quickly got back into ‘work mode’ yesterday and sent me what you’ve produced at home. There was plenty to show on the ‘Review of the Day’ from yesterday. Maths for both Y5 and Y6 needed a lot of thought and focus so keep persevering and thinking carefully.

Review of the day – Monday 22nd February 2021

I’m looking forward to seeing you all again at our 9:15am Zoom meeting today. Here’s the link that you will need….

Meeting ID: 965 8199 0299
Passcode: jPgK45


Here is a link to a Speak out Stay safe virtual assembly which is being held on Facebook, at 10am on Tuesday 23rd February.  There are special celebrity appearances from Ant and Dec and David Walliams. The assembly helps children understand the importance of talking about their worries, and how Childline can support them. It is hoped this will be a fun yet really informative opportunity for schools and parents home schooling alike.


Here’s today’s learning from home……..

English – More learning about complex sentences but today, you are going to focus on using relative clauses instead of subordinate clauses.
English Lesson – Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Activity – Slide 89


Maths Y5s – Subtracting fractions recap – Dylan, Alfie, Cass and Blake – Questions 9, 10, 11 and 12
Y5 Maths – Tuesday


Maths Y5s – Subtracting fractions recap – Ariana, Lilly, Maisie and Alex – Questions 5, 6, 7 and 8
Y5 Maths – Tuesday


Maths Y5s – Subtracting fractions recap – Sam, Ollie, Sophie and Esme – Bronze, then Silver, then Gold
Y5 Maths Tuesday – Subtracting Fractions


Maths Y6s – Algebra continued……
Y6 Maths 23.2.21
Heidi, Alissa, Nelly, Amy, Cameron and Izzy – Questions 5, 6, 7 and 8
All other Y6s – Questions 1, 2, 3 and 4
Y6 Maths Activity – Tuesday 23.2.21


Guided Reading
Y5s – Arctic Hero – Pages 8 to 11
Arctic Hero Y5 – Follow up – Pages 8-11


Guided Reading
Y6s – Race to the Frozen North – Pages 12 to 17
Race To The Frozen North Y6 – Follow up Pages 12-17


Science – Today, you are learning about ‘pure’ / ‘impure’ substances and ‘mixtures’.
Science Lesson 7 – Pure, Impure and Mixtures
Watch the video from 19 minutes 43 seconds until the end.
Watch the video all the way through.

*You will need a glass (cup) water, some oil, washing up liquid and a spoon.

Have a good day.

Mr Hughes


Learning from Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Monday 22nd February 2021

I hope that you’ve enjoyed your week’s rest during the half term break and are feeling refreshed and raring to go during this six-week half term before the longer Easter break. As far as we know, many children will be remaining at home for two more weeks before hopefully being allowed to come back to school. We shall find out more later in the government announcement. In the meantime, we will all need to continue to our best with the current situation that we are dealing with.


Mrs Williams shall be delivering her usual Monday morning worship at 9am today, so here’s the details below. I shall see you at our usual 9:15am Zoom meeting tomorrow.
Meeting ID: 836 0133 7035
Passcode: 9QXBCp


Today’s learning from home is below. Your spellings for this week and next week are now on Spelling Shed for you to learn.

English – SPaG sentence work
English Lesson – Monday 22nd February 2021 Children at home


Maths – Y5s – Adding Fractions
Monday Maths 22.2.21 Y5
Monday Maths Activity Sophie, Esme, Sam and Ollie – Questions 1 to 12
Monday Maths Activity Y5 – Alex, Ariana, Maisie and Lilly – Questions 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 4a, 4b, 5a and 5b
Monday Maths Activity Y5 – Alfie, Dylan, Cass and Blake – Questions 4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 7a, 7b, 8a and 8b


Maths – Y6s – Algebra
Monday Maths 22.2.21 Y6
Monday Maths Activity Y6


Reading – Y5s – Arctic Hero Y5 – Monday 22.2.21 – Pages 1 to 7
Reading – Y6s – Race To The Frozen North Y6 – Monday 22.2.21 Pages 5 to 11
Topic (Frozen Planet – Important dates of polar exploration) You will need to read / scan the information provided to help you to complete the timeline of dates.
Topic Lesson 6 & Ernest Shackleton (ACTIVITY SLIDE 12)
Roald Amundsen
Robert Falcon Scott


Have a good day, stay focused and I shall see you in the morning.

Mr Hughes


Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Friday 12th February 2021

Well done Y5&6! You made it to the half term break and, as long as you know that you’ve worked as hard as you possibly can do at home, you should be proud of your achievements this half term.

Here’s Thursday’s Review of the Day…..
Review of the day – Thursday 11th February 2021


Here’s today’s Zoom meeting link…….
Meeting ID: 914 8261 1334
Passcode: ja8WXt


Today, you are going to finish the half term with a 51 question quiz! All of the questions are based on what you’ve been learning about/producing this half term so it will test your memory, listening and observation skills. Each question gives you 1 minute to answer so there’s plenty of time to think about it. Use the time wisely.

Here’s the timings for when I shall send you the link to play the quiz (Check your class dojo at that time to find the link). We can only have 10 children at a time playing. You will only be allowed to play during the time that is shown below so don’t miss out!

Jacob, Ariana, Sam, Isla, Alex, Lilly, Daniel, Amy, Rhys and Holly T
9:45 – 10:15am


Ollie, Maisie, Alissa, Nia, Katie/Lucy, Sophie Collins, Blake, Izzy and Nelly
10:30am – 11:00pm


Heidi, Zoe, Esme, Holly H, Isobel, Cass, Dylan, Alfie, Sophie Carr and Cameron
11:15 – 11:45am

Mr Hughes



Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Thursday 11th February 2021

Happy ‘cold’ Thursday. Thank you to all of you who have sent me the final draft of your polar explorer biography. I’m looking forward to reading them, assessing them and letting you know about the quality of your writing.

Here’s yesterday’s ‘Review of the Day’ including a short video of the classroom during Science.
Review of the day – Wednesday 10th February 2021
Heidi – Science


Here’s the code for today’s Zoom meeting at 9:15am.
Meeting ID: 995 1148 1096
Passcode: 5GbB6c



This morning, can you spend the time that you would usually be completing your English work completing your ‘Inuit’ double page spread. Take a look at Amy and Nelly’s on the Review of the Day as they are amazing!

Maths – Y6s – Please take a look back at any of the questions that you got wrong or found the most difficult this week on your My Mini Maths calculations. The question numbers on all of the My Mini Maths calculations have very similar types of questions on each one. So, if you got question number 26 wrong, take a look at question 26 on My Mini Maths 11, 12 or 13 and try those. You can use your white boards and then check your answers. You don’t need to record anything in your books – it’s just for you to practise any area of calculations, fractions, decimals or percentages that you may have found difficult.


Maths Y5s – Today, you are going to finish your maths for this half term with more practising of adding fractions (including mixed numbers). There isn’t a powerpoint, go straight into the activity but it’s very similar to yesterday. Look carefully at the questions numbers that I would like you to attempt!

Ollie, Sophie, Sam and Esme – Y5 Maths Part 1
Questions 1a and 1b
Ollie, Sophie, Sam and Esme – Y5 Maths Part 2
Questions 1a, 1b, 3a and 3b


Ariana, Alex, Lilly and Maisie – Y5 Maths Part 1
Questions 4a and 4b
Ariana, Alex, Lilly and Maisie – Y5 Maths Part 2
Questions 4a, 4b, 6a and 6b


Dylan, Cass, Alfie and Blake – Y5 Maths Part 1
Questions 7a and 7b
Dylan, Cass, Alfie and Blake – Y5 Maths Part 2
Questions 7a, 7b, 9a and 9b


Computing – This Tuesday, it was ‘Safer Internet Day’. Can you remember what the letters SMART represent? Watch the final video today based on the letter ‘T’. What do you think it will stand for?

Computing Lesson 4 – SMART


Music – If you’ve missed Mrs Kessel-fell’s two activities from the last two weeks, here’s another opportunity to try.


Now, here’s your new music lesson to practise……
KS2 Cup Percussion 4 THE CUP SONG



Mr Hughes

Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Wednesday 10th February 2021

Good morning Y5&6. Welcome to Wednesday. Here’s some images of all of the hard work of your classmates from yesterday.

Review of the day – Tuesday 9th February 2021

I’m looking forward to seeing you at today’s Zoom meeting. Here’s the link….
Meeting ID: 996 8540 9814
Passcode: 0RQgvF



English – I’d like you today to spend some time re-reading your biography and checking that you are completely happy with your writing. Check through it carefully and make sure that you make any changes which you feel are necessary. Have you:

*checked your punctuation
*used a variety of grammar and sentence structure
*checked that you haven’t repeated yourself or the same words


*Please send your final drafts to me via email – hughes.g@myddle.shropshire.sch.uk

so that I can assess this independent pieces of writing this weekend and during the half term holidays. If you’ve handwrittten it then please send me a photograph.


Maths – Y6s – Questions 31-40 of My Mini Maths. What was your final score out of 40 possible marks?


Maths – Y5s – Today, you are going to be adding mixed numbers.

Y5 Maths – Wednesday 10.2.21 – Children at home
Y5 Maths – Wednesday Activity – Ollie, Sophie, Sam and Esme – Questions 2,3 and 4
Y5 Maths – Wednesday Activity – Ariana, Lilly, Alex and Maisie – Questions 6,7 and 8
Y5 Maths – Wednesday Activity – Dylan, Alfie, Lilly, Cass and Blake – Questions 10,11 and 12


PE (Fitness) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc4FqRnmtAg
PE (Dance) – https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/dance-ks2-dance-workshop-winter-sports-mix/zg4t2v4


ScienceScience Lesson 6 – Substances with more than one state of matter

Video link 1
Video link quiz


Have a good day and…………….

Mr Hughes

Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Tuesday 9th February 2021

Good morning Y5&6

Here’s the ‘Review of the Day’ from yesterday. I hope you like some of the ‘Inuit’ craft that the children in class enjoyed making.

Review of the day – Monday 8th February 2021

I shall see you this morning for the Zoom meeting at 9:15. Here’s the link……
Meeting ID: 929 5015 9489
Passcode: dfx4hj


Here’s today’s learning from home:-
English – English Lesson – Tuesday 9th February 2021 – Children at home

So far in your biography, this is what you should’ve produced so far…

*Early Life / School life
*Jobs before expeditions / Expeditions (including any family life during this time)

Today, you are going to be completing the final part of your biography. What else happened to explorer before the end of their life? Did they marry and have a family? How did their life end?

How are you going to end your biography to conclude it for the reader?


Maths – Y5s – Y5 Maths – Tuesday 9.2.21 – Children at home

Esme, Sophie, Sam and Ollie – Questions 1, 2, 3 and 4
Y5 Maths – Adding fractions activity
Ariana, Alex, Alfie, Lilly and Maisie – Questions 5, 6, 7 and 8
Y5 Maths – Adding fractions activity
Dylan, Blake and Cass – Questions 9, 10, 11 and 12
Y5 Maths – Adding fractions activity


Maths – Y6s – Continuation of ‘My Mini Maths – Number 10 – Calculations / FDP
Y6 Maths – Tuesday 9.2.21 – Children at home


Reading – Y5s – Read your own book. The Y5s in class are reading a non-fiction book about the Arctic / Antarctic.

Reading – Y6s – PAGES 1, 2 and 3 (Including the two questions)

Y6 Reading – Tuesday 9th February 

Topic – Frozen Planet – Continue your ‘Double page spread‘ about the Inuits, who we were learning about yesterday. Here’s the powerpoint from yesterday that you may wish to use to help you.

Topic – Lesson 5 – The Inuit People


Have a good day. Work hard, stay focused and TAKE YOUR TIME! It’s not a rush to complete any task.

Mr Hughes