Year 6 Parents

Dear Parents/Carers

Please check your child’s school bag for an important letter regarding Secondary School applications.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Jaguar Class Celebration Assembly – 4th September

Star of the week : Cass & Alissa
Mathematician of the Week: Dylan & Izzy

Reader of the Week: Sam

Writer of the Week: Cameron

Hand writers of the Week: Alex & Katie

Class DOJO Merits: Cass & Amy

 Well Done Everyone!!

Final news Y5&6

Here are the updated roles of our Y6 children for this year.
School Council – Amy Cooke & Heidi MacKechnie
Sports Leaders – Katie Harris, Daniel Downes, Nelly Mills and Isobel Lovett
House Captain – Zoe Harris and Cameron Emerton Maka
Librarian – Isla Callaghan, Holly Trow, Lucy Harris and Izzy Row


The Y5&6s finished the term with an amazing 8,756 Class Dojo points.
Here are the top 10….
1st Henry Burns and Amy Cooke 618 points
2nd Reuben Darlow 552 points
3rd Cameron Emerton Maka 530 points
4th Bethany Williams 480 points
5th Harvey Lansdale and Jack Munn 475 points
6th Zoe Harris 464 points
7th Chanel Mills 431 points
8th Chloe Williams 342 points
9th Dante Hinton 337 points
10th Ruby Cooper 328 points


And finally, here’s the fantastic piece of mosaic art work that Amy Cooke completed by gluing it down  yesterday. Well done Amy.
Amy’s mosaic


The Y5&6 classroom is already looking good ready for September so it will be nice to have a full class back again. Have a great Summer everyone!  Over and out.
Over and Out! | Victoria College Book Sale
Mr Hughes


Working From Home (and school) Y5&6 Final day!

21 Creative Ways To Make The Last Day Of Your School Even More ...

Y5&6, you’ve made it! The day of school has arrived. A huge congratulations to those children who have worked so hard this year, especially during the last few months of working from home. You should be proud of your achievements.

Starting tomorrow, you shall have a well deserved break for 6 weeks until the new term starts again in September. This morning, you will have just one final maths activity to complete and then that will be it – enjoy the rest of the day.

Well done to Amy, Cameron and Zoe who sent me their applications for specific roles and responsibilities that they would like to have when they start in Y6 in September. I enjoyed reading your letters! There’s is still time for any other Y5s who have yet to submit their letter of applications.

Here’s today’s final timetable…..
Daily Timetable Thursday 16.7.20

Y6 Crucial Crew video links based on ‘Rights’, ‘First Aid’ and ’emergency Services’.

Y6 Maths
Y6 Maths Thursday 16th July


Y5 Maths
Y5 Maths – Thursday 16th July 2020
Y5 Maths activity Thursday – Volume

Enjoy the final day and have a fantastic Summer break! Good luck to all of the Y6s as they head off on their next school journey.

Mr Hughes


Yr 6 Parents – Important Information from The Corbet

Dear Parents/Carers

Please find attached several documents from The Corbet for your attention.

Please ensure you read the part about Yr 7 starting day as they do NOT start on the 2nd September with everyone else. They start on Thursday 3rd September.


Mrs Smith

Summer Wellbeing Booklet September2020SchoolReopeningParents Shropshire Council & Corbet School – joint press release 14.07.2020 CV letter to parents 14.07.2020 Mental health and wellbeing support for children and staff