Year 6 Parents

Dear Parents/Carers

Please check your child’s school bag for an important letter regarding Secondary School applications.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Homework issued on 10th September

Homework for Tiger Class will be issued every Thursday and due back the following Monday.

Times tables tests and Spelling tests will take place every Monday.

Year 2 

10 x  or 5 x table sheet (in Homework books)

Spellings (in Spellings book) – can also be found on Tiger Class Spellings page of our School website.

Assigments in Maths Shed and Spelling Shed – login details can be find in Homework books.

Year 3

10 x table and 5 x table sheets (in Homework books)

Spellings (in Spellings book) – can also be found on Tiger Class Spellings page of our School website.

Assigments in Maths Shed and Spelling Shed – login details can be find in Homework books.

Year 3 spellings (to be tested on 21st September 2020)

The /i/ sound spelled with a y


Year 2 spellings (to be tested on 21st September 2020)

The /j/ sound spelled with a g


Homework issued on 3rd September

Homework for Tiger Class will be issued every Thursday and due back the following Monday.

Times tables tests and Spelling tests will take place every Monday.

Year 2 

10 x table sheet (in Homework books)

Spellings (in Spellings book) – can also be found on Tiger Class Spellings page of our School website.

Assigments in Maths Shed and Spelling Shed – login details can be find in Homework books.

Year 3

10 x table and 5 x table sheets (in Homework books)

Spellings (in Spellings book) – can also be found on Tiger Class Spellings page of our School website.

Assigments in Maths Shed and Spelling Shed – login details can be find in Homework books.

Meet the Tiger Team

As we start a new school year, I would just like to introduce you to the team working with Tiger Class this year.
I will continue to teach the Class from Monday to Thursday and Mrs Foster (who is also our SENCO) will teach them on Friday mornings (Science and RE).
Our TAs for this year are Mrs Rohr (Mon-Weds), Mrs Harris (Weds-Fri pm) and Ms Levine (Thur-Fri am), and they will be supporting in all lessons, as well as leading some group sessions for Phonics and whole-class Art and D&T.
On Wednesdays and Fridays, we have a new PE coach leading those sessions and on Thursdays, we will have a specialist from the Shropshire Music Service delivering our Music lessons.
During the Autumn Term, we will also be joined by Ms Leese, an Associate Teacher who is doing her Teacher Training with the University of Chester, and will be based at Tiger Class to start with. She has already met the children this week and is, obviously, smitten with them! ??
If you have any questions about the Tiger Team, feel free to drop me a message.
Mrs Crowe ?

Updated arrival and collection times

Changes to staggered drop off and collection times

Effective from Thursday 3.9.2020

Thank you so much for all your patience and consideration on our first day back. We monitored the time it took for each class to get inside and the volume of adults using the playground one way system. We are now able to make some amendments to our planned timings which we hope will make things even quicker and easier for you.


We would like to trial opening the gates for panda, tiger, rhino and jaguar classes between 8:40-9:00 as we feel that it would give you the opportunity to be flexible and create a natural staggering of children. We noted that as no jaguar parents and very few rhino parents needed to come into the school grounds, it made social distancing much easier.

Nursery: the children can’t come into nursery as early as the rest of the school but it will be open at 8:55 onward for you.


Again, due to the children being so swift we can condense the release times from each class slightly.

Nursery: 2:50 – 3:00

Panda: 2:55 – 3:00

Tiger: 3:00

Rhino: 3:05

Jaguar: 3:10

In order for this to work and to minimise the mixing of bubbles and adults, we would ask you to leave swiftly with your children and adhere to the one way system. There is a lot of space in the playground to enable people to pass each other or wait for a sibling without compromising social distancing.

Thank you for your support. We will continue to regularly review and update our Covid safety measures in the best interests of our children, families and staff.